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Are hair transplant 'slow growers' really a thing?

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Apologies for the topic turning into a shitfest, but I've searched on realself and the range of hair that should have popped out of the hair seems to be 50% to 80% at the 6 months mark, so I suppose I'm maybe not too far behind in my better areas.


Also Loags, the 70-72 grafts was said by Radha herself when I was in the clinic. It's a 30 sq.cm recipient area with 2177 grafts. That averages to about 72 grafts/cm.

I can't explain the pinkness, but Dr Radha didn't bring it up when i sent her 5.5 month pictures, so might it not be unhealed and just pink. Local derm I asked about it basically just shrugged and said looks fine. Should I try and see another derm or even just a GP? Anyone else have any guesses about pinkness?

It's not the same, but I have a 5 year old scar from kidney ops that's still pink, maybe I just stay pink for long?

Edited by Transhair
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There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with waiting it out. All I'm saying is that one should already have begun laying the ground work for a follow-up procedure (if you still have faith in the surgeon) or some kind of refund (if you don't).


I'd be interested in your theory as to how, in my case, I was a "slow grower" for one doctor but a normal grower for another.


:) Generally speaking, you are slow grower for the doc. who operated on you, fast grower for the doc. who did not operate on you. :)




You (everybody) should listen and obey your doc's recommendation for the timeframe. Because only he/she knows your genuine and distinctive features related to your HT. This timeframe should be maximum 18 months, to the best of my knowledge/opinion/understanding from the forums and doctor's opinions. We all should respect this.


When the timeframe ended, there would be no more excuse for the doc. in evaluation of the result. Then, you can decide about what to do, -repair, true second session with him/her, or with another, or refund.


For refund, you should provide clear evidences for that this is HT failure. At about 15th month (unless your doc. have not given a different timeframe) you should cease haircut, and 3 months later, you should provide the pictures, if you still consider to use this or other forums to communicate with your doctor.


I wish and hope very good growing for you in the following months and become a satisfied, happy woman. And please take this into consideration, 2nd HT session always adds much more for any type of hair loss. (read David's story)

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high density packing as this runs the risk of graft necrosis.


Good point Loags, it deserves to put an emphasis.


There are real slow growers even after 12 months. But there are in fact much more number of impatient and eager individuals than the real slow growers.


From the different point of view, there are no slow growers in fact. But, there are best-ideal-good-average-suitable-weak-bad candidates for HT, regarding age, hairloss pattern, donor areas characteristics/capacity, but the most important is psychology, expectations and beliefs of the individuals.


Best-ideal-good candidates/examples of HT can be found mostly in the section -Results Posted by Clinics.:)

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While it is true that growth peaks at about 18 months, the bulk of the growth happens within the first year, while later months typically show thickening and refinement. So if you have poor or insignificant growth at 9 months, in all likelihood, it is indicative of a poor result. You do not need to wait the full 18 months to know if it is a failure. There may be exceptions of those patients who suddenly start growing lots of hair after 9 months, but they are not common.


I agree that in many cases, it is often used as a stalling tactic just to calm the patient down. The most ridiculous one I have seen is the "wait 2 years" line I read in the other thread.

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I agree that in many cases, it is often used as a stalling tactic just to calm the patient down. The most ridiculous one I have seen is the "wait 2 years" line I read in the other thread.


Erm, thats true. I must admit, "give the devil his due".:)


Some transplanted hairs (about 10-15%) may go catagen phase (normal cycling phases of the hairs) and may fall down at 2nd year. So the density after 2 years may be even lower than that at 15-18th month.


But the minimum timeframe (before accusing the docs.) should be 1 year, not before.


Max. is 18 months, as Bill mentioned/lied before. :)


(Min and max. may be 12 months in persons under 30 years old with partial pattern 1-3 hair loss.)

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The most ridiculous one I have seen is the "wait 2 years" line I read in the other thread.


Yep I almost fell off my chair when I read that.


I think the verdict is that yes, slow growers do exist but, 9 times out of 10, if you're labelled one, there's a good chance your HT is a botch. Grafts are NOT going to be growing after 18 months in 99.9% of cases and bitchslap any surgeon who tells you as much

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I have heard of the term late growth is real and it happens noone should question that. But what they mean late growth is patients who see their results blossom between month 8-12. Not 12 moths to 2 years! This must be something very rare (if real), cause late growth that happens suddenly on month 8 is already rare!


I ve read it a long time ago in a response from Dr. Bernstein to Dr. Unger. He explained there what late growth means.

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I have heard of the term late growth is real and it happens noone should question that. But what they mean late growth is patients who see their results blossom between month 8-12. Not 12 moths to 2 years! This must be something very rare (if real), cause late growth that happens suddenly on month 8 is already rare!



I agree with you and already stated that this was rare. But, for the real late grower who experienced late growth, this is 100% possibility for him and can not be considered rare.


Growing rate may be different for FUT and FUE, may be different due to individual variables.


All I mean that we should wait at least 1 year, and in certain circumstances at least 18 months before accusing the docs.


(Note: See my other posts and you will understand that I am not a fan of the docs indeed.)


And, psychology is the most important for better or worse hair growth as it has much influence for hair loss. And what you expect is what you get at the end. Some posters here are just nourishing the bad psychology and stresses to make them worse. Why? I think it all depends their psychology....

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Uh that makes no sense, if you are a late grower, of course it is a 100% possibility, that's circular reasoning. But you don't know if you are a "late grower", and if you have growth that is significantly behind schedule, there is a chance that it is indicative of a poor result.


Again, while 18 months is the peak time, the vast majority of the growth happens before then, and usually within the first year. There are late bloomers, but there's also those that have poor growth, and if you have 10% growth at 9 mos, 15% growth at 12, there is a good chance you will get a poor result at month 18.



Or maybe we should wait 2 years, I hear that's the new 18 months.

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You need to get your facts straight. Ask any quality hair transplant surgeon about delayed growth and slow growers. The phenomenon is a real thing and does happen. I have personally seen several cases where late bloomers ended up satisfied with their results. That said sometimes cases that we hope are late bloomers simply are cases of poor growth. Clearly that happens too.

I think you better get your facts straight or clarify your position since you are clearly wrong. Just because you haven't seen or don't recall cases of late growth doesn't mean it doesn't happen especially when every hair transplant surgeon will agree with me and many have seen cases like this occur.



Originally Posted by KO; Goodbye troll, you remind me why there needs to be an "ignore" button.


So, you ignore the warning and insist on not to get your facts straight and you also ignore to find the " ignore button" ???

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You do not need any ignore button for me, you may simply ignore pressing "guick reply" or "submit reply"" buttons after reading my posts.


Do you see them?, or you see but you still have not understood for their function after 1400+ posts.??? Nothing happens when you do not press them.

Edited by fisher4man
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Originally Posted by KO; Bill-Managing Publisher is a liar.


Originally Posted by David-TakingThePlunge; KO provided clarification in a private message explaining that his comment was not to be taken literally and was simply a response to fisher4man.


KO, you have just proved/clarified that you are not a man of his word. Transhair has more manhood than you in this respect.


:)Maybe finasteride side effect, you should consider to stop it. :)

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KO, you have just proved/clarified that you are not a man of his word. Transhair has more manhood than you in this respect.


:)Maybe finasteride side effect, you should consider to stop it. :)


Good, making manhood jokes about a trans person, keep it up.

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I have personally seen several cases where late bloomers ended up satisfied with their results.Bill



Ehh, as long as he is not a liar, we all should trust his words, because he has been here from the beginning.


I know 2 clear examples (threads) here in this forum, which I have also discovered that KO submitted many posts in them.


But this is so rare, who cares about them, lets forget. If nothing happens in 6-8 months, nothing will be. Lets get our refunds or use this (or other) forums for blackmailing. No need to wait for just 12-18 months. As early as we start, we will be more effective and get support.

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Good, making manhood jokes about a trans person, keep it up.


You are playing foul and have begun to hit below the belt.


Have you read my previous post here and understand the meaning??????


Originally Posted by Fisher4man; Transhair; I wish and hope very good growing for you in the following months and become a satisfied, happy woman.


To clarify; Transhair is a woman, not a transexual. I showed my respect to her by saying this. If you will continue to counsel everybody in this forum, you should learn something at least. And you should get your facts straight.


And I have also showed my respect to her by meaning; she is better than you when it comes to stand behind words.


Do you think that everbody who read this thread do not have their sense of perception and are not smart to evaluate me and you?


Nothing happens if you do not push "reply button".

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I also found your comment regarding Transhair out of line. Perhaps you didn't mean it the way ti sounded but it obviously came off as insulting to more than one of us.


Let's cease this pointless bickering. There is nothing to be gained by it.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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There is varying differences between hair restoration clinics on what is slow growth. I've read up to 12 months in most. Very few folks claim over that amount, unless there is some sort of unusual circumstance.


What do the studies say? What do the majority say?


This needs to be settled upon. I find it disheartening when a patient waits over 18 months and yet is in the same boat, but now with time lost and further delays. Very rarely did any drastic difference occur beyond 12 months from most results posted across forums. I don't know how a conclusion of over 18 months can be made regarding graft growth based on those examples.

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Guest salvador

Around three months, a patient should notice significant re growth which they want or wish once. The patient’s hair will continue to grow naturally in fact they can cut, dye their hair as per fashion demand.


(Link removed by moderator)

Edited by David - TakingThePlunge
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In my two procedures I have noticed that by month 6 approx, all new hairs out out. After that they thicken and mature, which makes a HUGE difference to how it looks.


I think everyone does grow differently, but if you havent seen much by month 9, its not going to be happening.



October 2011 - 1647 FUT - Dr Dorin


January 2014 - 1580 FUT - Dr Dorin

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Around three months, a patient should notice significant re growth which they want or wish once. The patient’s hair will continue to grow na[/url]






It s prohibited to post links which promote your own clinic.

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