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I am from india and live in USA. I went to Dr. James Vogel for an initial consultation and i am very much satisfied with him. I live in PA and like to know who is the other best doctor to get a second opinion. Some are charging 150$ for initial consultation. My questions are below and i need help.


1. Is it the best to have to have HT in india or USA? To save money.


2. If it is good to get it done in USA, is 9000$ (for 2500 grafts FUT) good price? Also he is charging $10 for graft for HUE.


3. Other than james vogel, who else you guys suggest?


Any one how had HT with James Vogel, please share your experiences.



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It is good you are getting consults. You need to talk to several before you decide, but that is only part of the process. Do not focus on cost. What you need is the best result possible. Study this website and all of the forums as much as you can. Review thousands of photos - if a doc does not have photos or videos, move along. You need to see examples of their work. Read patient views and understand that not everyone reacts to a HT exactly the same way. Some heal better than other, some grow faster than others.


Decide on FUE vs. FUT. There are several debates in the forums of this website that give you reasons why some people choose FUT or FUE. Docs have their own opinions as well, not the least of which is where their experience resides. But a good doc will tell you the truth (such as: how's you donor area? FUT or FUE and WHY, conservative or aggressive hairline and why, coverage density expected per sq cm, etc). You need to study all these things. Once you decide which you want, FUT or FUE (or what will work for you), THEN you decide on a doc. Some docs are experts at FUT and some are experts at FUE - most FUE experts are in EU and Turkey, though there are some in the US who do larger sessions of FUE as well. Many docs in the US are FUT experts.


If you do not spend at least 3 months studying this forum and the docs, then you are not yet ready to proceed. Be a "lurker" on this forum - read everything and look at thousands of pictures. PM some patients and ask them to answer your questions. Eventually the right choice will come to you. For some people, that choice may be to do nothing or start some meds.


Best of luck in your research!

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there is no one from India I wud recommend. bhatti is decent but jus that decent.


$9000 for 2500 FUT grafts? sorry don't mean to laugh but no that is NOT a good deal. go to Turkey. u will get far better results at half the price. $10 a graft FUE that really makes me LOL. forget VOGAL!


steer clear from anyone in the usa. there are some decent doctors but they are all a rip-offs. take a flight to europe. 2500 grafts means ull be there one day. in Turkey u can get 2500 FUE grafts for about $4700.


for 2500 grafts don't even consider FUT.

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Thank you @hadenough2014.


@BUSA. Thank you. Questions about going turkey?


who is the best doctor in turkey?

Also can i fly back to US the next day of surgery?

If you did this in turkey can you please share your before/after photos?


The idea for going with FUT is to save some money so that i can go for a second one.



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It looks like you are off to a great start! Your received some excellent advice regarding taking your tie and carefully researching multiple physicians prior to making your choice. Our community exists to pre-screen and recommend hair transplant surgeons worldwide. You easily locate recommended physicians using our interactive map. To see the criteria we use, click here.


In the US, the most common fee for follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) is about $4.00 per graft. Some doctors use a flat fee system while others have a sliding scale that becomes cheaper per graft after a specified initial number of grafts. You'll need to check with each clinic but some do post their prices on their sites.


Some charge for consultations while others do not. However, you can always schedule free online consultations with any of the physicians we recommend by clicking here.


FUE is tends to fun between $8 and $10 per graft in the US. Prices vary around the world but it can be quite cost effective for those wishing to visit recommended clinics in other countries.


There are many excellent doctors in the Northeastern United States and we currently recommend three in India. My suggestion is to take a look at all o of the clinics in the geographical area in which you are willing to travel and then determine who is doing the work you like the best.


Good luck!

Edited by David - TakingThePlunge

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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I disagree with BUSA. Where in turkey can you get 2500 grafts for $4700? Please give names, not just yeah somewhere bla bla. The only person I see that I would go to is Dr. Koray Ergodan at HDC and he charges 2.5 euro a graft which about $3.12 right now... so that would be $7800. Dr. Bhatti is better than Dr. Doganay and performs way more of the actual surgery than him as well. In turkey ,many doctors hand the work off to the technicians. Dr. Bhatti removes all donor hair and makes all donor recipient slits. The techs only place the hair.


Dr. Bhatti is recommended on this site and respected by his peers as you can see from his attendance to the many global IHARS meetings and he regularly presents his cases and adds new information and findings for the other doctors. You can check his results from many patients on this site for more confirmation of his abilities.


I had surgery with him 2.5 months ago and I'm very pleased with my experience and that I already have hair growing this early in the process. You being from India would be even better since you would be extremely comfortable and I'm sure Dr. Bhatti has performed surgery on countless other Indian people.


Good luck with your search. If money is an issue like it is with many of us, Dr. Bhatti is by far the best doctor for the price. And the low price doesn't come at a compromise of quality. I guarantee that he can do a better job then many doctors in the USA charging 10/graft.

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Thank you @Densedream.




Even though i am from india, i am not comfortable having it in india. I believe the cost in india vs america will be double not more than that. I am saying that because of the ticket and other expenses.


I spoke to Dr.True (NJ/NY) and came to know he charges $5 per graft for FUT. Can you please tell me which doctor charges $4? Also how much do Dr. Scott Alexander charge? If I fly somewhere to have it done, how long we have to rest to fly back to home. Also how about follow ups?



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pay attention to what he said he was quoted $4700 for FUT not FUE. Dr. Demsroy is from Turkey and charges 1.50 euro which is $1.88. the Euro is on a 14 month low right now. so 2500 grafts would cost $4700 so there is ur blablabla.... and Demsroy does EXCELLENT work, in fact, if he did BHT I wud consider him.


I think Doganay or Erdogan are better but they charge a LOT more.


and as far Bhatti goes I have yet to see him post results that I would consider excellent. not one in all the years I've followed him. use to be a fan, but his work is just average at best. personally, I wud not go to him if he was free. you only get one real shot at it and the last thing id want to do is screw up all my precious donor hair to save a few bucks.... sorry but I would have to disagree the low price does come with compromise of quality.


again, he or his patients post lots of results and I've yet to see one that was stellar. Doganay or Erdogan post stellar results WEEKLY!


I disagree with BUSA. Where in turkey can you get 2500 grafts for $4700? Please give names, not just yeah somewhere bla bla. The only person I see that I would go to is Dr. Koray Ergodan at HDC and he charges 2.5 euro a graft which about $3.12 right now... so that would be $7800. Dr. Bhatti is better than Dr. Doganay and performs way more of the actual surgery than him as well. In turkey ,many doctors hand the work off to the technicians. Dr. Bhatti removes all donor hair and makes all donor recipient slits. The techs only place the hair.


Dr. Bhatti is recommended on this site and respected by his peers as you can see from his attendance to the many global IHARS meetings and he regularly presents his cases and adds new information and findings for the other doctors. You can check his results from many patients on this site for more confirmation of his abilities.


I had surgery with him 2.5 months ago and I'm very pleased with my experience and that I already have hair growing this early in the process. You being from India would be even better since you would be extremely comfortable and I'm sure Dr. Bhatti has performed surgery on countless other Indian people.


Good luck with your search. If money is an issue like it is with many of us, Dr. Bhatti is by far the best doctor for the price. And the low price doesn't come at a compromise of quality. I guarantee that he can do a better job then many doctors in the USA charging 10/graft.

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Dr. Ali Emre Karadeniz charges 1 Euro per graft for FUE. He is located in Turkey.


For the price and results, Turkey in general is providing great FUE. Ive seen numerous Turkish results where the face was framed properly, decent hairlines, and with great yield.

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in turkey my top 2 would be erdogan and demirsoy


doganay has some dissatisfied patients posting here which would be a concern


maral has a lot of happy patients posting here and his prices are very cheap, im sure i saw some guy say it cost him 1800 for 4000 grafts!! i dont know what currency the 1800 was in though, i assume euro, i havnt seen enough of 12 months results and his threads are like a war zone at the moment which is a bit disconcerting

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I suggest visiting Konior for FUT. Finally, please stop comparing doctors by price. Focus on a shortlist of doctors you have confidence in to provide good results based on their track record. Then worry about price. This is not the time to "save money".

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I suggest visiting Konior for FUT. Finally, please stop comparing doctors by price. Focus on a shortlist of doctors you have confidence in to provide good results based on their track record. Then worry about price. This is not the time to "save money".


Agree! Results are what you want - do not focus on price.

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That's the thing with price. does it matter? For my hair restoration journey, should I have not focused on on a much lower price Turkey with docs that may be more hands on during extractions, or manual FUE? i mean by paying top dollar, where do I stand now? very low yield, hairline issues, goals not met, then went for repair and still not sure if all targets were met as thing supposadly grow slower on a repair patient.


how would have been things if I had gone to doctors who involve themselves more with a patient during surgical procedure, does not have inexperienced techs extract, does not have multiple surgeries per day, does not have some new techs, frame face properly, and etc?


I mean would this of happened if I had gone elsewhere, in Turkey? this is elaborate marketing, dont get caught up in the hype. there are recommended clinics on here that charge less but may get the same or even better results vs other docs.


it's like me buying a Polo shirt vs walmart shirt. they both look great, but as expected polo quality should give you the feel of better quality, even the name is big, the walmart shirt has a stigma attached to it that it may not be good enough. but you put both t in a washer and dryer, the polo shirt shrinks, yet the not so well known shirt holds it's size. sometime you don't always get what you paid for it seems.


if there is a doc that charges less and outperforms docs that charge more, then by all means looks at your options based on price or not.


Not sure of Dr. Ali's FUT price hairneed. he is posting some result on this forum, you may want to ask him on his threads.

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Thank you Sean. I dont want to go to a doc to save money. But how to find out best doctor? I am very much confused how to narrow down to one doctor. My friend had it from bosley and this site dont recommend bosley. I am ready to spend good amount of money, but like to go with the best doctor. I will continue my research.


I am thinking with Dr. Hasson or James Vogel. Will continue my research for a month and then will decide



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I have been doing research for over a year, and I don't feel ready to have a HT. If I were you, I would take my time and really research my options. If your iPhone 6 breaks, it is easy to to place. However, you only have so much donor, so choose wisely.

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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