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What docs in the NY & CT area do PRP? Has anyone receved PRP therapy?

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What top doctors in the New York and Connecticut area do platelet rich plasma for hairloss?? I am a NW 3-4 and I am exploring the option of getting PRP.


Has anyone on this board received PRP therapy? Any results?

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Thanks. When i did my search Dr. Feller came up but the threads where like 5 years old on PRP. There was this big thing about PRP on Good Morning America the other week.


The last couple of doctors I have met with all recommend a strip HT procedure which I do not want to do (been there done that twice). I will look into it more and contact Dr Feller ' s office.

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  • Senior Member
What top doctors in the New York and Connecticut area do platelet rich plasma for hairloss?? I am a NW 3-4 and I am exploring the option of getting PRP.


Has anyone on this board received PRP therapy? Any results?


Are you considering a PRP for treating MPB?


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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I am considering it but I can't really find anywhere that does it. Plus I am not finding much information on PRP if it's successful or not? I wanted to possibly do PRP before getting another strip scar HT I am not crazy about. Do you know anything about PRP?

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That's why I asked you about your intentions. There really is no clinical substantiation to support that PRP therapy is effective in curbing the effects of MPB or being successful in treating hair loss.


Several years ago, PRP was introduced in HT repair procedures and did show some promise in some individuals. Then, it like exploded everywhere and was heavily marketed as the buzz in the hair loss communities and many guys embraced it. It has died down largely due to it not being appropriate for treating MPB. It's also very expensive.


PRP was initially used and still is for treating athletic type of injuries, mainly in the joints like a knee or elbow. The doctor or specialist simply draws the individuals' own blood and it is then run through a centrifuge where the blood platelets are separated and condensed. The platelets (PRP) is then injected into the wound site and the rich platelets facilitate the healing process. It is very effective for most athletes and others who sustain wounds.


So you can see how it was then introduced in HT repair surgery. But IMHO, save your hard earned money and instead use it on the clinically proven therapies and treatments...;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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BTW, there have been several threads on this subject and try doing a word search on PRP within the larger online communities like this one.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Thanks for the response. I did do a search on here for PRP and alot of the threads are like 4 years old. I just recently came back on this forum so I guess I missed the boat on PRP. What's is frustrating is this garbage makes it TV - Good Morning America show recently talking about this is the best kept secret for hairloss.


3 HT top docs recommended for me to get a strip HT procedure. I was also told I do not have much donor hair left so I also looked into BHT. I do not want to get another strip surgery because I already went through 2 strip surgeries 10 years. I like keeping my hair short so I am trying to find something else. I guess I am screwed.

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I don't think PRP as a standalone alopecia treatment really panned out. There are many doctors, however, who utilize it as a graft storage medium or recipient site treatment during hair transplant surgeries. I don't think Dr. Feller currently offers PRP.


Who said you don't have much donor left? Have you considered FUE procedures? You may not be the best candidate - difficult to tell based upon this conversation alone, but it could provide some additional coverage if you're going to keep your hair short regardless.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Dr. Cohen from Fairfield, CT, told me I don't have that much donor hair left. He has the Atras Robotic FUE machine and still recommended strip HT. Dr. Feller and Dr. Dorin also recommend strip surgery. I really don't want another strip procedure.

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There don't seem to be a lot of HT Drs in the USA who just do FUE by hand, I see more & more Clinics have the Artas machine in the US but if your so stuck on FUE you may have to travel to Europe or far east there is a few HT Drs who are members here which only do FUE so maybe best to get in touch with them & go from there.


As for the PRP / Acell Dr Cooley based in NC I think who is a member here does PRP / Acell stand alone treatment but IMHO PRP/Acell is only effective at same time you have a HT to give your new hair/scalp a boost if you like.


As a stand alone treatment I wouldn't hold my hopes up your just tossing your money away.


Get in touch with some of the Doctors on here they can guide you through your best options I should think.


Best wishes.

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Dr. Cohen from Fairfield, CT, told me I don't have that much donor hair left. He has the Atras Robotic FUE machine and still recommended strip HT. Dr. Feller and Dr. Dorin also recommend strip surgery. I really don't want another strip procedure.




Then you definitely want to stay with FUE. FUE extractions can harvest FUs where strip cannot and FUE does not require scalp elasticity like FUHT does.


No two opinions will be the same but the point is to make sure you weigh the pros and cons of having any more work done.


Then, if you do decide on FUE, choose the best proven FUE surgeon that you can find.


Hope everything works out for you.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Thanks for the replies. I have just about given up on PRP. I can't find any solid information or results and some top docs have stop doing PRP. I eventually want to make an appointment with Dr. True.

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We all know Finasteride/Minoxidil is effective as long as they are used. And we know that, after HT, follicles stop producing hairs for 2-3 months (shock loss). Platelets can survive in their home, blood, only 8 days.


So, are we so stupid to believe that PRP injections during HT is effective treatment for better hair growth? And is that, it is also necessary and effective as a preservation solution?


I think Doctors who used to use PRP have began to fell embarrassed themselves to continue selling such a big advertorial gimmick, PRP, or, they have understood that, we, the patients have begun to use our brains. Do we?

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Thanks for the important (and somewhat controversial) topic. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a treatment that has certainly shown promise in our field of hair restoration. Probably the most important criteria in determining its beneficial effect is appropriate patient selection. The main challenge in presenting objective data worldwide is that there is so much variation regarding concentration used and technique of PRP creation and delivery. During last year's ISHRS meeting, five respected surgeons on a PRP panel all revealed that they use completely different techniques and methods of harvesting PRP.


Dr. Carlos Uebel in Brazil published quite a thorough study in 2006 in which he demonstrated the benefit of PRP as a storage solution during hair surgical procedures. We have found the same trends to be true: improved survival and hair caliber post transplantation.


As far as a stand-alone injection procedure, I will have our office manager post results tomorrow on this site. It can be incredibly effective in the correct patient. Our examination last year revealed that (although PRP's benefit is not gender specific) women often respond best. It is important to have proper evaluation prior to undergoing PRP. What I mean by this is patients with evidence of miniaturized hairs and/or dried perifollicular keratinocytes often respond well.


I've been asked to write about PRP in hair restoration in the upcoming Hair Transplantation textbook and will keep you all updated on the trends I find though out the world.

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