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Urgent help: Dr. Bernardino Arocha vs. Dr. Raymond Konior


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Hello everyone ...


I am living in Chicago and I decided to do hair transplant. I did a lot of research I found these two surgeon's result perfect and I do not have any problem travailing across country. So, could you please help me with one of these two doctors. which you recommend :


1- Dr. Bernardino Arocha

2- Dr. Raymond Konior


I really appreciate your help..... Many thanks

Edited by Darween
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Tough one! Both of these physicians perform excellent work, and you probably "can't go wrong" with either. With two doctors of this caliber, it will come down to personal preference in the end. What type of procedure are you looking to have done? Norwood pattern?

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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I'm obviously biased but having Dr K on your doorstep is a no brainer to me.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Thank you so much 1978matt for you respond. Yes, I heard that Dr. K is outstanding but also I saw the results for Dr. Arocha. It was perfect that is why I really got lost between these two since Houston is not far away and I don't have problem with travailing across country.



1978matt, did you do 4,312 grafts on one session ??? thanks

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I've been impressed with what I've seen from both these clinics. I think you'll be happy whichever way you decide to go.



I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.

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If Arocha was 5 minutes away from me and Konior was 8,000 miles away, I would still choose Konior. In fact I would choose Konior over pretty much any strip doctor besides H&W any day of the week. He places every single graft into the incision himself which is invaluable because a surgeon whose name on the building has the most to lose, not a tech. His work speaks for itself really and his hairlines are amazing. Just my opinion. I'm an FUE guy but Konior's work does astound me constantly.

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Trying to find the right doctor for a life improving event is one of the most challenging decisions to make. But after months of homework, which includes: checking reviews, visiting each office for a 1x1 meeting with the doctor, and finally talking to previous patients, I decided to work with Dr. Arocha.


I had my TP with Dr. Arocha simply because he is an artist, and his work always looks natural. Arocha Hair Restoration is 100% focused on hair restoration surgery. Clearly money is not the only motivation here. I encourage you to meet with Dr. Arocha, his passion for his profession is palpable!


In regards to, Mickey 85, this person seems to make posting on the HTN network more than a full time job. Not clear if he has not had a hair transplant, nor does he take any treatment for hair loss according to information on his profile. I understand he is passionate about Dr. Konior's work, but has he worked with Dr. Arocha? I would never

try to deter you from one doctor over the over. But I will give you my personal experiences...That is the main reason I'm here.


Take care my friend!

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Trying to find the right doctor for a life improving event is one of the most challenging decisions to make. But after months of homework, which includes: checking reviews, visiting each office for a 1x1 meeting with the doctor, and finally talking to previous patients, I decided to work with Dr. Arocha.


I had my TP with Dr. Arocha simply because he is an artist, and his work always looks natural. Arocha Hair Restoration is 100% focused on hair restoration surgery. Clearly money is not the only motivation here. I encourage you to meet with Dr. Arocha, his passion for his profession is palpable!


In regards to, Mickey 85, this person seems to make posting on the HTN network more than a full time job. Not clear if he has not had a hair transplant, nor does he take any treatment for hair loss according to information on his profile. I understand he is passionate about Dr. Konior's work, but has he worked with Dr. Arocha? I would never

try to deter you from one doctor over the over. But I will give you my personal experiences...That is the main reason I'm here.


Take care my friend!


Welcome to the forum!




To the original poster, Dr. Konior, hands down!

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Trying to find the right doctor for a life improving event is one of the most challenging decisions to make. But after months of homework, which includes: checking reviews, visiting each office for a 1x1 meeting with the doctor, and finally talking to previous patients, I decided to work with Dr. Arocha.


I had my TP with Dr. Arocha simply because he is an artist, and his work always looks natural. Arocha Hair Restoration is 100% focused on hair restoration surgery. Clearly money is not the only motivation here. I encourage you to meet with Dr. Arocha, his passion for his profession is palpable!


In regards to, Mickey 85, this person seems to make posting on the HTN network more than a full time job. Not clear if he has not had a hair transplant, nor does he take any treatment for hair loss according to information on his profile. I understand he is passionate about Dr. Konior's work, but has he worked with Dr. Arocha? I would never

try to deter you from one doctor over the over. But I will give you my personal experiences...That is the main reason I'm here.


Take care my friend!


It is just my opinion. I find Konior's work sublime and the fact that he does ALL the implanting is invaluable. I really like his hairlines too. On the flip side, I don't particularly like Arocha's artistry and his results are not up there with Konior's(in my opinion anyway). The OP asked for our opinion, sorry if mine does not align with yours and sorry that I actually favor one surgeon over another. :P All the best with your procedure.

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I wish both you(Darween) and milkman85 all the very best. I know milkman85 has already had a procedure and I hope it turns out to be a 10/10 result as I do everyone on this forum :)

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I hope this forum topic helped, as you can see you will get some people who favor one doctor's work over the over, hopefully based on previous procedures. But the point most have made here is "not to rush", go ahead and research them fully and then come to your own conclusion....I'm sure you will be happy with your decision!


Thank you Mickey85, had my last procedure in 2008 and still get complements on my hair today, for me its was beyond my expections! :)

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I hope this forum topic helped, as you can see you will get some people who favor one doctor's work over the over, hopefully based on previous procedures. But the point most have made here is "not to rush", go ahead and research them fully and then come to your own conclusion....I'm sure you will be happy with your decision!


Thank you Mickey85, had my last procedure in 2008 and still get complements on my hair today, for me its was beyond my expections! :)


That is excellent to hear. Always great when a procedure goes amazingly. All the very best :)

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If I may chime in here. I agree that you should go with who you are most comfortable with, do not rush and do ur research.I did last year and chose Dr. Arocha. Tomorrow I will be 8 months post op from a 3000 graft strip surgery and I am beyond satisfied with my results so far. I look in the mirror and cant believe my growth and can actually choose what hairstyle I want to wear that day. And I still have more growth to go. Everything he said in our consult has come true. For example; I had very limited discomfort during and after the surgery. I could choose to shave the recipient area or not. I could return to work the following week. Heres a big one, little to no shockloss / graft shedding in the recipient area. They have a topnotch professional team and they really took care of me and accommodated my wife and baby as well. I know their are many excellent and consistent results from the coalition dr.s here and Dr. Arocha being one of them his artistic hairline designs are a thing of beauty.Because of my personal experience, I will always recommend him to anyone I know contemplating a procedure because I believe in his passion for happy patients like me.



Edited by scooter

1st HT 1973 FUT's with Dr.Robert Mcclellan 6/28/2007

*unfortunately I have no info on hair count on my 1st surgery ..


2nd HT 3026 FUT's with Dr. Bernadino Arocha 1/9/2014


1's - 797

2's - 3700

3's - 246

5634 hairs



3026 FUTs 1 day HT#2 post op frontal picture

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