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Dr Radha hair transplant for 21st of May. Posted a little early, hope that's okay...

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Hi, I have a hair transplant booked on the 21st of may with the graft estimation of 2000-2500 grafts, I'm expecting to need closer to the 2500 side of things for satisfactory density (About 50 grafts/cm).

I hope it's okay to post early and just update this thread with immediate post op photos and etc when the surgery is performed, it just seems more on topic than posting it in the hair loss Q&A section.

The lines on one side are basically the area to fill. The bottom one if desired hairline height, the middle is where the completely bald area ends and the area up to the top is where hair is notable thinner and should be filled in.

I guess that's about it, I'll just keep updating with milestones.





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Congratulations on your upcoming hair transplant with Dr. Radha! I am looking forward to following your progress.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Hey fella


I'm on day 2 post FUT from Dr. RADHA.

I couldn't speak more highly of her genuineness and caring nature.

I had a bad reaction to some tramadol it made me vomit big time for 24hrs. I rang her up next day saying it hadn't eased. So she immediately took me in, gave me 3 lots of IV drips and anti nausea injections. I stayed under observation for half a day til she was satisfied I was ok.

So you're in safe hands my friend.



anyway, I'm flying back home to Oz in 2 days so when I get a chance, I will update my progress pf Dr. RADHA's work.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Immediate post op + a day one result. A total of 2100ish grafts were used, about 400 one hair grafts, 1400two hair grafts and the remainder 3 hairs. Sorry id the images aren't done right. Despite doing the exercises i had a very tight scalp plus i have very fine hair, though she said the density should be good.




This last image was after i woke up. Even witht eh travel pillow i had a very rough sleep and not even painkillers would get rid of the discomfort from the strip site. Theres no blood so i feel safe that i sisnt damage anything.


As for the actual clinic, the only issues were me not understanding some of the people (bad with accents and etc), outside of that everybody did their best to be as hospitable as possible. So far id rate the experience for surgery a 9/10 with the thing to change that the overall result months later,

By the end i had issues with moving a little, i didnt expect it to be so hard the discomfort on the strip site when lying made it hard for a while.

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Having fine hair, I can't expect perfection.

Mainly I'm expecting soemthing that looks completely normal if I wear my hair down in a fringe and etc, but may want to mix with topic or something volumising if I want to pull it back

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Washed a few more times.

Sorry forso much documenting that people don't probably care about but I took some close ups.

dr Radha said its about 50% density during the consultation and while it looks like a huge area, it's apparently only about 32 or so sqcm. So I'm hoping its decent density, looking at the images now I think I'll definitely need soemthing thickening if I e we wear my hair back, but I'm hoping it looks normal for a fringe.

But it's probably too early for thoughts anyway.



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and FUT may cause some unrepaireable nerve damage that is never going to heal , so pls report of any headche lasting more than a week to the doc , becos a sizeable portion of the optical nerve is cut that sometimes never grows back , I have read on this forum of one guy having sharp pains even after a year of HT ( FUT ) and the opinion of the other surgeon was damage to the inner linning of the impaired nerve . but ask ur doc on this I am no expert .

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I had a transplant because I'm transgendered and need to restore an unreceded hairline as a major part of my presentation.

I'm happy with the shape, but I have no idea what to expect with the density, dr radha said it's 50% of original density and etc so I'm hoping it's satisfactory when it grows longer, it's just seeing it now doesn't look like much hair.

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It doesn't let me edit the opening post, but I had another post op checkup and got more information about my surgery.

I've had 2177 grafts total.

470 singles

1495 doubles

212 triples.

The drawn plastic square cm map from before surgery showed by area to have grafts to be approximately 30 square cm, which means I should have actually about 72 grafts per cm surprisingly.

If this turns out to be completely accurate and I have that high of a number, I think I'll be extremely happy with the finished result.

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Picture taken with flash on one side on day 11. Hoping to have proper images for day 12, It's just hard taking them by myself.

It's meant to be 70 grafts per cm going by the measurements and graft number, but it seems quite a bit less to me.

As long as the end result looks dense enough it's all okay though.


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  • 2 months later...
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3 months.

Image quality is bad due to it being an ipad camera.

I have a few long transplant hairs that never shed and a few really tiny and thin hairs that are starting to grow that don't show up on the pictures too well...

Hoping that this is the point where I see lots of growth.

Also, outside of where the stitched ended on the left side of my head, I have no numbness, itching or whatever else. So no issues with it.



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Things are looking right on track for 3 months. You should start to ssee some growth happening now. Keep us posted.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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  • 1 month later...
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4 months. Once again the image quality isn't great.

I've had some regrowth, I see a few new hairs poking out.

2 of the pictures are just normal, while the other 2 have a tiny bit of moisturizer slicking them all one way, just taken after moisturizing my scalp.

Hoping for good growth over the upcoming months.





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  • 1 month later...
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Are you on any medications?

Hair is looking good, its just 4months.

Just wait till you reach 6month , its gonna be terrific.

Good luck,

Keep us updated


It's 5 months actually.

And for medication I'm on cyproterone acaetate, dutasteride and progynova

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I just remembered that my donor is a thing, so I tried to take a progress image if it myself.

Bad pic but it shows some of the scar, I'll take a better image of it at month 6.

It's kind of a mostly bald line, but my hair covers it completely.


Also looked through my phone and found the graft distribution

1 hair: 470

2 hair: 1495

3 hair: 212

Total: 2177

This thread has kind of turned into a disorganised mess,mill probably turn it into one of those hair transplant blogs when I see the final result.


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