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FUT dilemma, any advice welcomed

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I have posted something vaguely similar a few months ago but I thought I would tell you my progress and my dilemma.


I am in need of a transplant and I am currently over reliant on toppix. I had a failed 2,000 graft hair transplant with a poor doctor back in 2005. This has left my donor area below average but fortunately my laxity is decent on the sides and just about average at the back of my head. I only began taking Propecia at the start of April. Considering I have already had a transplant and I am approaching/am a norwood 6, I feel I am realistic with what a transplant could achieve, I'm not expecting miracles. I had a meeting with the excellent David Anderson, H&W's UK consultant, last week who confirmed this. While others may have other opinions, he stated I could currently get 2,500 grafts right now but, with daily head exercises, I could possibly get 3,500 via FUT. This should cover 70-80% of my head (my estimate) which I would be happy with. If this is the case I would slowly reduce my use of toppix and would be content to end up with a bald patch on my crown.


I have been in contact with about 15-20 doctors and through emails with all of them and looking through 100s upon 100s of posts and results I have narrowed it down to Dr Bisanga, Dr Hasson or Dr Konior. I had several detailed email conservations with Dr Konior and I am actually seeing Dr Bisanga at the end of next month.


Now I need to decide who to go for.


Please correct me if I am wrong but from what I have read Konior and especially Hasson are experts in high grafts sessions, which is obviously what I hope I will be having. Does this mean Bisanga isn't? I am based in London so travelling to Belgium would be very convenient and cheap. I also like that Bisanga, as well as Konior, uses FUE and FUT so he would opt for the best technique for my situation. Having said that, FUT seems to be the most likely considering the larger session and the fact I probably only have one last chance for a transplant. Also I already have a scar from my last transplant which is now barely noticeable and I didn't suffer any numbness so I am fine to have another one. Also, from what I read, Bisanga seems to be one of the best in the world for FUE but is he for FUT? Hasson and Konior get repeated praise for FUT.


It should help a lot when I get to speak to Bisanga in person but if you have any thoughts they would be much appreciated. And if I am missing anything/incorrect with my assumptions please let me know. As I probably have only once chance left I obviously want the best doctor possible for my situation no matter where they are based.


Many thanks

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  • Senior Member

Hi Robrob


A Strip of 3500 for us is not a massive Strip in terms of numbers, in fact we do that or bigger several times a month and have done 5.5k plus Strips in a day which is on par with the biggest performed in Europe and not to mention combination surgeries to get higher graft amounts when we utilise FUE also.


Here is a Strip 4393 Case:-



3020 case :-



4297 Strip plus 2270 FUE:-




Dr.Bisanga was performing Strip before FUE so although more known for FUE we do as said large Strip sessions monthly and probably 30 percent of our work is Strip currently.


You've had one surgery so are not a virgin case so different factors also come into play in terms of approach and what can be harvested but hope you can get enough to get to where you wish to get.


Best for your research wherever it takes you and no doubt any of the aforementioned would be more than capable of giving a very good result.

I represent Dr. Bisanga.


Dr. Christian Bisanga is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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Some very experienced surgeons you've picked there. Dr Hasson is the mega sessions king in my opinion. The other two gents are very talented too & we'll respected. I too live in London, distance was not a deciding factor for me. Seems that FUT might be your better option. Don't think you'd go wrong with any of these surgeons. Travel is a pain but you'd only do it a couple of times in a lifetime for HTs hopefully.


For the future I'll end up considering Belgium or Turkey for FUE as these locations for have HTs come a huge way since I was regularly on this forum a couple of years ago & you may too, who knows.

See what they all recommend to you & then make your final decision. Wish you the best of luck.

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Thanks all for your advice/comments.


I have been told my hair loss is quite unusual as my front is about 70% full and this did not come from my first transplant. I would ideally like my NW6 to become a NW3 or 4 after my 2nd and probably last transplant. I need to speak to further doctors to see if that's realistic but I would be happy with that result.


I do like that Bisanga does both FUE and FUT, While I definitely think FUT is the way I will be going, it may be that some FUE would also benefit certain areas.


I have contacted two doctors from Turkey and I liked what they had to say. I have also heard really good things about Hattingen, in Switzerland I think.


As those doctors I have mentioned all produce excellent results and as my donor area could be better, I am after the doctor who can extract as many grafts as possible. While travelling is important, the most important this is obviously the success/# of grafts I can get

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I only began taking Propecia at the start of April.....

I already have a scar from my last transplant which is now barely noticeable


That says it all for me..and that you are high on the Norwood scale.


Avoid strip.


Why open up a can of worms with the strip scar, if it is barely noticeable? You are lucky you got away with a thin scar. Keep it that way. If you are so high on the NW scale, why try to be a hair gorilla? I would go for FUE and strategic placement and angulation.


All those docs, including Bisanga, will push you to strip. What for? You can't have enough to cover the crown. That is my opinion. Bisanga is a strip doc with FUE, not an FUE doc with strip when it comes to numbers, I mean graft numbers.

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Thanks for this, interesting.


Pretty much all the doctors who I sent photos to said FUT was the better option. But if you know of a good doctor who does both FUE and FUT - who would therefore hopefully be completely unbiased as to which method to go for - please let me know as I would be keen to contact them. The only doctors who told me to go for FUE were those who only use that method so when Bisanga and Konior - who do both - recommended FUT I accepted their opinion. Having said that I haven't met Bisanga in person yet, hopefully I will do so in the next six weeks, so he may have a change of opinion when he sees me.


Can I ask why you would think Bisanga would encourage FUT above FUE? From what I've been told he does three times as many transplants using FUE so I would have thought, if anything, he would opt for that.


I have been doing a fair bit of research but I am relatively new to these threads so this may be obvious. What could FUE do for a NW6 that FUT couldn't? Or you think it would be the same just without giving me another scar? Due to my NW6 and slightly below average donor area, getting to a NW3 or 4 would be a good result for me and then I would slowly ween myself off toppix and be satisfied with a bald patch, which I think is inevitable.

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Will an FUT strip leave that dreaded scar? That's what I'm currently afraid of...


yes look at this "horrible result and utterly terrible scar"....:rolleyes:



Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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.....Can I ask why you would think Bisanga would encourage FUT above FUE?....... From what I've been told he does three times as many transplants using FUE

........What could FUE do for a NW6 that FUT couldn't?e.


l ll be the devils advocate, just for arguments sake..and it is eadt because of the prevailing view that high norwoods and strip scars are good partners.

Let me ask you this- why do you think Dr. Bisanga does so many FUE procedures these days.? Of course one reason is he is so good, and that fue may pay well provided thete are enough grafts on the statement, but that aside, which of these answers suits the question I ask?


a) he does becsuse he feels fue is better than strip 3 times out of four the recipient area outcome

b)because the strip scar will be bad three times out of four accordng to his prognosis

c) he does because the patients ask for it from him so even if he thinks strip is better he says, 'customer comes first'

Im willing to bet it is demand driven..

Dr. B is a great and well respected surgeon, but he could essily make thst hin scar of yours worse, -longer, wider, more buckled at the edges just by opening it up again. And fir what? You arent going to get global dense coverage unless u use a combover and products. Sure, strip will give u more and possibly better usable grafts, but shouldnt your priority be ability to cut your hair with confidence and wear your hair at any short-shortish length whilst reducing exposure to your bald crown. If you like the comb back over abalding crown look, then i agree strip is better. But Im kinda thinking u would rather disguise the crown emptiness or sparseness and the bst way is short ceaser cut or buzz.

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getting to a NW3 or 4 would be a good result for me .


Well, that sums it up. If you want a thin crown and 'volume' that you can comb over it, then why not get strip and reap the benefits of good growth that strip gives.. Grow it out, add products, stay out of the rain etc.


I always think guys don't want that scenario, that they should want to hide their thin crown by carefully disguising the 'gap' and that means an extremely short back.


I don't doubt Dr. Bisanga does a lot of FUE because he is asked to, not because he believes FUE is better for a particular patient. He is known as an excellent FUE practitioner and people come to him specifically for it. Even so, I think he would prefer strip in a large proportion of the cases he does FUE in.


As for why NW6 guys should get FUE, it is simply because I think you should box your weight. Try for an even smooth look rather than a significant clump of hair. No doubt the mega strips of H&W show the world what hair transplants can do better than any other, but I am more about what a guy can do for himself. 4000 grafts and a clean cut may mean looking better than 7000 and a 'boof' . But that's just me.


Docs don't give a damn about FUE IMO, They do it because it is demanded of them. We need to think about hair as a part of the means to an end, rather than an end in itself.

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It's definitely a personal decision and I do not think that you are going to get a consensus on this board. I think that if you decide the hair length that you want, the type of hair style you are looking for, and have a few in person consults, you should be able to come to a good conclusion. If you are OK with a 3 grade on the sides, I would go to Drs. Konior or H and W for FUT, if you want to go tighter, go with Bisanga, If you want to get the maximum amount of grafts, (and can afford it) you may consider having both done, as you could likely get another thousand by adding FUE (preferably in a subsequent session). There is a slight risk of not geting an optimal scar but you'll pay more in Europe and the US. Another option may be one of the top Turkish doctors, as several of them are very good. You should really weigh out what is important to you and find an ethical doctor that will stand by you. You have already had one failed procedure, do your best to chose the best for your situation.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Robrob,

You are considering some great docs. I haven't met H&W or Konior but have seen pics of their excellent work. I do have experience with Bisanga. He will give you solid advice based on your goals. He does probably 70% fue and is also experienced in strip. In my experience, he will determine what can be done in your case and give you his opinion on how your goals are best achieved. Good luck with your research.

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


View my patient website:


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