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Extreme Hair Repair With Beard, Chest and Head Hair Grafts - Results of Dr. Umar

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This patient underwent multiple strip harvesting procedures and a body hair transplant at another clinic. However, the results of all these surgeries failed. The patient’s level of hair loss remained at Norwood 6 since most of the inserted follicles did not survive. Also, he had a number of highly visible linear scars.


Due to the depletion of head donor grafts, he was not able to have his situation repaired through traditional forms of hair transplantation.


Dr. Umar was able to harvest a donor supply of 7000 grafts to produce the coverage seen in the patient’s final results. This consisted of:


(1) 1800 grafts from the head

(2) 4500 grafts from the beard

(3) 700 grafts from the chest


The removal of these grafts was achieved through an Advanced Follicular Unit Extraction technology which Dr. Umar developed called uGraft. UGraft has been designed to include special features which overcome the challenges associated with harvesting donor hairs from the body:


(1) A component which gently pulls the hair follicles to help remove them from surrounding tissue attachments


(2) Customizable punch units which create specially configured wound shapes which minimize extraneous tissue around the lip. This enables much higher standards in wound healing by reducing the appearance of raised scars.


Dr. Umar inserted the patient’s grafts according to specific slit and placement parameters to create a natural looking hair growth pattern and the best cosmetic results possible for this individual. These insertions were able to survive and produce hair which sufficiently covered the linear scars, the crown and top. Dr. Umar also created an appropriate temple and hairline for the patient’s face.


The large scale transplantation of body hair generally benefits two types of patients in particular:


(1) the severely bald (Norwoods 6-7)

(2) extreme hair repair cases.


This procedure reflected both attributes:








His video can also be accessed here if the player is not displaying above

Representing Dr. Umar of DermHair Clinic.


Dr. Umar is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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I would need better photos to make a good assessment, but how unfortunate to waste a bunch of grafts before this surgery and have you crown open up the size of a dinner plate. Hope this guy is happy, because he has been through it.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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I think the guy should have shaved his hair off or looked at a hair piece. His baldness is far too extensive and I don't think it is fair to the patient to take his money as undoubtedly it would have been very expensive and the result in person will not look good in my opinion.


The lighting is far too different to give an acceptable comparison.

Edited by chrisdav

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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I agree with the above. His loss is VERY advanced, he would need 12,000 grafts in order to achieve an acceptable look. Right now, I do see an improvement, but he is far from looking complete and natural... I really like Dr Umar but this is one case I don't rate too highly...

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It can be a problem presenting cases like this one when the degree of difficulty is on another plane versus the non repair patient who is an excellent candidate for a HT and has results that can be presented in glossy close ups for all the "oohs" and "ahhs" normally reserved for the 4th of July.


In the real world of a repair patient who has depleted resources, this is not only a remarkable improvement, it is a life changing result. The "alternate reality" between those people who didn't even need a HT but opted for a small procedure with a world class surgeon versus someone who had multiple botched surgeries, has an entire scalp to cover and has almost no scalp hair available for repair is a tale of two worlds.



Shaving your head is not an option after multiple strip procedures, and opting for a toupee over surgery is what you do when you can't visit Dr. Umar for repair. I'd like to see the patient take some better photos with better lighting and provide them to Dr, Umar.

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Wylie, I can understand the difference in perspective between a person who has had a small procedure with a world class surgeon(although mine was not a success, I still have good scalp donor and options) and someone who has had multiple botched surgeries like the individual in this case. I personally would have just had Dr Umar fill in the strip scars and shaved it all off to a grade one or two but I certainly can understand the appeal and allure of someone wanting more hair even if the possibility of thick density and coverage were very slim. Neither opinion is wrong per se. I do see an obvious improvement in this case, and it very well could be life-changing(for the better) for the patient and I certainly hope it is. I certainly respect you as a poster because you have been through a hell of alot more than I have(as well as guys like Scar5 who I also admire) and can certainly see your perspective on this.

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I personally would have just had Dr Umar fill in the strip scars and shaved it all off to a grade one or two


Fully agree with that.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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The lighting is vastly different in the comparison photos. I can take two steps to my right when I'm looking in my mirror at home and the appearance of my transplanted hair changes fairly dramatically - it looks more dense. The lighting shift is just slightly different, from being directly under a light to being 3 feet from directly under it. That's how significant lighting is. People need to keep that mind when evaluating these results.


Also, I can't help but think of how emotionally exhausting this man's journey has been. Even with a good result there is a significant amount of time spent worrying and waiting for the result.

3,425 FUT grafts with Dr Raymond Konior - Nov 2013

1,600 FUE grafts with Dr Raymond Konior - Dec 2018

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I have to agree. If I was in the same position I would of filled in the scars and shaved my head, just my opinion. I guess we all have our limits in how far we will go for a head of hair.

Hair Transplant Dr Feller Oct 2011


Hair Transplant Dr Lorenzo June 2014

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  • Senior Member

I think if this man invests in some Toppik or Nanogen his look would improve a hell of a lot, so maybe this additional surgery can help give him a base to add to with concealer.

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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