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pics before with donor hair


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please comment on my donor hair. How many grafts do I get out of it.

I am 25 years old from Hyderabad, India.


I am using Mintop 10%(only in the morning) and Finax 1mg daily and Trichoton Forte(biotin and minerals) also.


Which medice should i stop before HT? Should i stop Trichoton Forte? If so before how many days. Please suggest

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  • Senior Member

Hi princy, To be honest, you don't look like an ideal HT candidate. You are at least a NW 5-6 and your donor hair appears to be experiencing some diffuse thinning (although it could be just the flash from your camera). Not a good combo, unfortunately. Definitely go for some consultations, in person if possible. If you have proper expectations you may be able to get a HT and be happy with the results. Best of luck!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Hey princy,

You definitely have a diffuse balding pattern. It is very difficult to tell simply by looking at these pictures what type of density you have in your donor region, but, like hairthere said, it does appear low. I could be off, but normally people of Indian decent have slightly less donor density when compared to say Caucasians, but usually do have good hair characteristics (ie wavy, course hairs). I think the recommended density for a transplant is 40 FU/sq cm, and if you are above this level, strip surgery (albeit a long strip if your donor has enough elasticity, should work). I'm glad to hear that you are on medications ... these should definitely help thicken your hair, especially with your type of hair loss pattern. Your hairline looked good in the pictures, so perhaps some time on medications + a strip surgery focused in the mid-scalp/posterior portion of the frontal forelock will yield a nice result. Who are you going to for the surgery? With a potentially limited donor supply, I think the best advice I (or anyone else) could give is to select a world class surgeon.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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I also wouldn't stop any medications before the procedure without the physician specifically telling you to stop. It's my understanding that stopping minoxidil or finasteride can reverse a lot of the progress made with the medications.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Just shave and move on brother !!! You WILL BE a NW7 whether you take meds or not. You are a terrible HT cantidate, and all you will be able to achieve is a combover which will make you look MUCH worse than just shaving and being bald!


Trust me on this one brother!! To have this much loss at age 25 means that mother nature intended for you to be a NW7 by age 30. You are just way too young to have a thin combover hairstyle, and people will only laugh at you and you will look worse.


Shave it down and learn to accept your new look. Some people are just meant to be bald, until HM comes along !!


The good news is that HM WILL probably happen in your lifetime. Then you can have as much hair as you want, and no stupid combover that will make you look even older than just simply shaving and being a young bald guy.

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I think its a bit harsh to say someone isn't a good candidate from photos. The photos aren't the best and we have no idea of the guys donor laxity.


The best advice I can give you is to consult with a top Doc recommended on this site. You may want to consider Dr Humayun Mohmand in Pakistan as he has experience in doing transplants on patients who are asian/indian.


Also, a while back, London lad posted pics on a forum and got told by the posters he wasn't a good candidate. He then went to hasson and wong and got 11000 grafts!!


We're not hair transplant surgeons so we can't advise you on how good your donor is.


Research well and good luck.


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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  • Regular Member

Thanks to all u guyz..


Iam bit depressed with the way my balding pattern is..but i am desperate for a HT..and this month its going to come true..


I am from Hyderabad, India. Dr. Madhu(potentially recommended in this forum) is going to perform my surgery. I Discussed with doctor already and quite impressed with the way he clarified things. Its going to be within 2 weeks time from now on.


I have the below queries. Dear frenz, suggest me some solutions


1. I am on Finax 1mg(daily), Trichoton Forte(3x week - It has biotin,minerals) and Minoxidilp 10% (morning - once)


- Which medicines should I stop befor HT and before how many days since I have known from Bill that these tablets thin blood and creates issue for HT - please clarify


2.Daily I apply shampoo on my head(pantene prov - anti hairfall), since 4 years I am doing this. Can I shampoo like this, suggest any good shampoo available in India, Hyderabad(Nizoral, is it good for daily usage? - What are fish artic oil and MSM tablets, Do I get them in Hyd.)


3. Noone knows about my baldhead, since I apply Dermatch Daily.(getup in the mrng - take headbath - apply minoxidil - apply dermatch - entire process takes 1 to 1.5 hrs time - big headache :-(


- After HT I think I can save lot of time and concentrate on work and career, Can I shave my head immidiately after HT and I think after 5 months hair growth will start so people wont know that I was bald earlier)


4.Can I use Hairmax Lasercomb after HT (If so what is the configuration of Lasercomb and cost in india). I will also continue my medicines too to not proceed further.


Guyz, please take time to answer my queries. This is an emotional concern for me and I am desperate of my hair restoration. If its not too personal let me tell you my personal concern also, since childhood I have a friend and we both studied together and our marraige also got finalized but her parents are not accepting. Its not bcoz of them, but I want to my hair back. This forum is a blessing for me...

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Your case is very tricky and I just hope you can manage your expectations and fully understand what getting a HT entails.


Here are the negatives as I see them: 1) You have what appears to be thinning donor. This is problematic because you are limited with your graft count, and it indicates that your donor hair may be subject to MPB even when transplanted. I'd also be concerned about the scar showing through, even when fully healed. 2) You are already a high NW number which means you have a lot of area to cover with possibly limited grafts. 3) **This can be either a pro or a con** You have an established hairline. It's a pro if you hold onto it, but if you lose it and the transplanted hair isn't expertly placed and devised of single FUs, it could look pretty bad.


To answer a few of your other queries: Arctic Fish Oil is a fish oil supplement that has Omega 3s (healthy fats). Good for overall health. MSM is a supplement for joint health that MAY help expedite hair growth (native, not transplanted hair). Both are available in drugstores/vitamin shops.


Laser comb seems like a big waste of effort and money with no scientific facts behind it. Read up on it yourself--it's been debated on this forum to death.



So.... make sure you get all your questions and concerns answered by your doctor and make sure you FULLY understand the whole process, including recovery time (it is not easy to hide an HT, especially with limited native hair and thinning donor), as well what kind of results you can expect. Best of luck!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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I'd recommend taking a look at azza786's profile: http://www.hairtransplantnetwo...e-page.asp?WebID=327


You appear to have a similar balding pattern and possibly comparable hair characteristics. This may provide some insight as to what kinds of benefits/problems you might experience (in the short term, of course) if you decide to pursue surgery at this stage. Like others have suggested, I think that the state of your donor hair is going to ultimately be one of the major determinants.


The prevailing assumption is that you'll almost never see a man who retains remnants of a juvenile hairline and thins behind it, but I don't think it's too uncommon. I have a friend whose MPB is nearly identical to yours, and he's been buzzing his head down with great success for the past two years. His face is still framed by the hairline stubble, and the overall style is cleaner, sharper, and much less distracting when you're face to face with him.



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my My Hair Loss Website

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
Originally posted by 16inchscar:

if you have hairtransplants you "WILL" regret it.. but you sound as if you have your mind made up, so just try not to drive yourself crazy with your depression when you realize what you did..


Speaking in absolutes is a really bad idea.


I think we've established that you had a bad experience, but for alot of people, hairtransplants have improved their quality of life, including mine.


11/04-07 - 800-1600 ish grafts - danish clinic - poor results


12/02-08 - 2764 grafts - Dr. Devroye - good result but needs hairline density


03/12-10 - 1429 grafts - Dr. Mohmand - result pending


Feel free to visit my picture thread


My Hair Transplant Photos - Surgery with Dr. Devroye


Young lads below 25 unite!

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  • Senior Member

I think if you are going to have a ht, you need to have one from one of the very best clinics in the world and not one in india. PLEASE talk to Shapiro Medical and or Hasson and Wong and see what they say first. Not only will they be able to give you a result better than anyone else out there, they will be extremely ethical with you. Good luck

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  • Regular Member

Hi All,


Thanks for all the responses.


What are the major concerns that I would face if I go for HT now,is it shockloss/big widened scar? Wont the donor hair be bald resistant forever?


Actually I cannot travel outside India for HT for financial reasons. I am planning to get the HT done with Dr. Madhu (potentially recommended)


My plan is to get the HT done, and buzz down the hair to very small length, after HT and continue forever like that throughout my life. I will continue with Finax and mintop for the rest of life. This is my plan actually.


But now I am really confused, since all you guys are threatening me not to go for HT since I am a bad HT candidate. Arent there any guys in this forum who are class-6 and had good HT results. I really pity myself now for the situation I am in now :-(

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Speaking in absolutes is a really bad idea.


I think we've established that you had a bad experience, but for alot of people, hairtransplants have improved their quality of life, including mine.




I couldn't agree more.




I think the majority our members have given you some excellent advice so far.


I'm not going to try to persuade you either way, but just know that if you do undergo hair transplant surgery, you will have to be very realistic as to what can be accomplished. At 25, you already have large areas of baldness and evidence of more hair loss to come. Thus, my first piece of advice is to consider getting on Propecia and Rogaine to attempt to stop the progression of further baldness. If you're an excellent responder to the medication, you may even regrow some hair.


Then, consult with several leading physicians you are most impressed with after diligent research and begin developing a long term hair restoration plan. Assuming you have the donor availability, this will most likely include more than one procedure and will require you to be prepared in terms of time and the money you'll need.


Men with advanced balding patterns have indeed achieved nice, natural looking hair transplant results. But you'll have to rule out any dreams of restoring the youthful hairline and thickness you once had prior to hair loss. To view hair transplant results of men with advanced balding and what was accomplished for them, see Hair Transplant Photos by Norwood Level.


All the best in restoring your hair,



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I agree with what Bill said...and i will add that you clearly need to do more research. you have no idea what a ht can accomplish realistically. Moreover, you will be left with a scar, so buzzing your hair down too short wont be an option.


Also, NEVER, and repeat NEVER let travel or cost be a factor in your decision. Not all ht docs are the same. Even those recommended on this site vary greatly in ability. You will screw yourself forever if you proceed with this ht if you don't atleast consult with the clinics I have mentioned above.


You clearly arent ready to go thru with this life altering decision. You need to do more research. ht's are not a quick fix. talk to smg or hasson and wong, they will educate you on what you can expect. please before you potentially make a decision you cannot go back on.

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LISTEN TO ME !!!! I AM trying to dissuade you from going to Dr. Madhu. I don't know if he is good or not, but you are too emotional about this which is a big problem!! You are 25 years old and already are at NW6. This means that by age 35 you will LIKELY be an advanced NW6/7 !! You have maybe a 10% chance of NOT ending up a NW6/7. This means that the most you can ever get from a HT is a "combover" look which will make you look like a 70 year old man!!!! People everywhere you go will KNOW that you had a HT, and you will look like a FREAK !!! You are depressed now about being bald, but look on this forum (and HLH forum) and you will discover that it's MUCH WORSE to have a detectable HT on a NW6 head!! There are MANY guys who got HT at your age and then lost lots more hair and ended up NW6 or NW7. They now CANNOT HIDE that they got a HT. They would give 1 million dollars just to be bald again, because they look like FREAKS now !!! They live forever under hats now, and stay inside most of the time. They do not want to meet women or have girlfriends/wives because if they get too close the girl WILL SEE the FREAKISH looking HT that CANNOT be hidden!!!! Do YOU want to end up like this ?


You don't want to come back to this thread you started in 1 or 2 years from now and realize that you did not take the advice given to you here !!! You will feel like you let yourself make the WORST MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE because you did not listen to the warnings given!! You did the RIGHT THING by posting your photos here BEFORE going to Dr. Madhu. You still have a chance to not have your entire life ruined by just backing out of this NOW !!!!!!


I am not saying to never get a HT!! I'm just saying to THINK LONGER ABOUT THIS !!!!!!!! You need to fly to Canada or the USA to meet with ONLY the bEST docs and GET EVALUATED !!! If Dr. Hasson, Dr. Feller, or Dr. Shapiro tell you that you are NOT a good HT cantidate, then they will be SAVING YOU FROM THE WORST MISTAKE OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But if they tell you they can help you, then (and ONLY then) should you go ahead and do this !!


YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Does any PRP treatment help me out in this???


I saw this thread, how long does it take for this treatment to be available in india and how much does it cost..plz pour in ur thoughts on this


How long should I be covering with Dermmatch daily :-(


Please suggest any alternative solutions, otherthan wearing a wig(hairpiece) and shaving it off completely...possibly for regrowing my hair...


1. I am on Finax 1mg(finasteride) - can I increase this dosage to 1.25 mg cutting down another tablet into 4 pieces and daily taking (1mg+0.25mg(1/4th of another tablet) = 1.25mg Finax daily


2. Trichoton Forte - daily one tablet


3.Minoxidil 10% once in the morning


4.Daily shampooing with Pantene anti hair fall shampoo


5.Daily I loose about 20 hairs in shampoo and mintop application





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PRP is still very experimental for use with hairloss. It has been used for years in other types of surgeries to accelerate healing. Dr. Feller in New York started offering it to his patients about 6 months ago for the cost of approx. $800. Typically you'd need 2 treatments per year. This was also just an introductory rate. For me that was too much money to spend on an unproven treatment. Dr. Feller has stated that he will post results asap. This can take time though as he will need to rely on patients returning. There is a poster on this forum who has promised to keep us updated on his progress. So, I wouldn't get my hopes up for PRP to restore your hair. As far as it being offered in India, I have no idea which doctors offer it: you ill have to call some to find out.


Regarding other options to regrow hair: there are none. The only proven meds to work are fin and minox. So, I wouldn't waste any money on too-good-to-be-true snake oil remedies.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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  • Regular Member

Dear Princy


Before you go for HT i suggest you to see the hair styles of your Uncles both Maternal and paternal who are in the age of 40's 50's and 60's. your hair style will match atleast one of those. You will know how you look in old age.You can decide accordingly how to go about HT and how many times you have to go for HT in future years.


All the best..





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people say..daily we will loose some hairs around 20

After using medicines, hairfall has reduced but it did not completely arrest the hairfall.


with medicines(finax and minoxidil), how many hairs will fall usually daily...for how many hairs falling..we can feel as normal phenomena..


can I take 1 trichoton forte(biotin and minerals) daily 1 tablet?

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Dont get too hung up shedding,it is normal for everyone with to shed 50-100 hairs daily which is part of the hair cycle.DHT affected hairs will regrow back thinner each time until no more!!.

HT 2006/7

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