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Everything posted by princyluks

  1. Hi, If anyone getting HT in Dr.Madhu's Advanced hair transplant center, hyderabad, india. you can meet me, I stay few yards away to his clinic, walkable distance to his clinic. you can mail me at prince484@gmail.com
  2. Hi Tom, I am in hyderabad, I want to meet you when you come here. I am planning for a HT with Dr.Madhu Thanks.
  3. How can we confirm that some medication is working on us. Sometimes in a week, when I shampoo very less number of hairs (around 20) in my hand. And I jump out of joy(I cant express in words..I feel like medicines are working for me)but the next day again lot of hairs falls off when rinsing..even in sides and back also. I really feel irritated. How many does naturally fall off while headbath..I apply shampoo twice in one session since I use dermmatch. And Loreal daily thickening shampoo..can we use it daily? people speak about Nizoral..Is it "nizoral shampoo - freedom from flaking dandruff" ?
  4. Hi Anthony, Can I take 2mg Finax (1mg tablet+ 1mg tablet= 2mg) I mean Generic Finasteride daily. If I take, What tests should I go for(like sperm count) for checking if I am facing any sideeffects. Daily I am taking 1mg finax daily, but not seeing much results. And I heard that minoxidil improves blood circulation to scalp, so that it helps in growing hair. So higher concentration (10%) shouldnt cause any problems. Is my understanding correct. But Still I am loosing lot of hair daily almost 50 hairs daily. Please suggest
  5. cody21, buddy both of us fall under similar hair loss pattern and I am also 25. Looking at ur pics, I felt like luking at my pics again. I am in the kind of dilemma..similar to u..whether to go for a HT or not. Follow the suggestions in this forum. All the best. If u want u can refer to my pics at "Pics with donor hair" in Resultsposted by HT patiente page
  6. Hi Mirzatechie, Ur results seem good. All the best. I think growth has started.
  7. I am using minoxidil 10% MINOXIDIL TOPICAL SOLUTION USP10% Minoxidil IP - 100mg Alchohol(95%)IP Actually everyone uses mintop 5%, so If this got increased to 10% usage, does it cause any problems?Please clarify pros and cons of minoxidil 10%
  8. Lucky, What is the dosage u r taking in. Daily one tablet of all the above said prescription? elaborate plz...
  9. How can we check the DHT levels, can we check anything doctor
  10. Hi Charles sir, so its normal to loose some 40 hairs even with medicines. Does it happen from donor region, I mean back and sides also which are baldresistant. Can u please check my album "Pics with donor hair" and comment on it.
  11. Does masturbation/sex affect baldness. doing that, sends the testerosterone harmone produced in body out. so that it doesnt get converted to dihydrotestosterone(DHT - the villain). my Question seems to be silly..but this is my doubt
  12. How much r u loosing daily with medicines, finax 1mg and minoxidil. It has been more than 2 yrs Since I was using these medicines. Daily I am loosing some 25-30 hairs(might be even more, since I am handling very delicate) while headbath and combing after. This includes hair from sides and back also. How many are you guyz loosing daily with medicines. people say 100 hairs daily is normal. But with medicines also we loose so much. plz advise
  13. Does weightlifting cause additional hairloss? Can we do workouts for an hour or so..which includes all the weightlifting,pushups etc. I think it helps in increased blood circulation to the scalp too and helps for hairgrowth too. on the otherside..I feel like it causes more heat in the body leading to excessive hairfall. Can u guyz throw some light on this.
  14. Thanks Bill for the reply. I see some guyz doing rigorous exercises and suffering from severe hairloss. since lot of heat is produced in the body while doing gym, I thought it might affect hairfall also. I just want to buildup biceps and broadchest doing 8kg dumbles on alternative days. so just wanted to check if it causes more hairloss. want to keep myself fit.
  15. subbu... can u share ur pre-op pics covering ur donor area pics as well
  16. Hi Ram, I think its better to go shaving the head, since there is an effect of shockloss on ur existing hairs.When the HT procedure is done, existing hairs might go into trauma and there are chances of falling. Shaving the head is a much better option.
  17. please advise me on my above post? and does weightlifting cause additional hairloss..for hairloss patients..what exercises can be done for muscle building which doesnt further aggrevate further hair loss. please suggest
  18. Hi RRVG sir, Your results look very good.can you tell me how to do those asanas, that u mentioned "sarvagasan" and "Shanshankasan".
  19. Is it advisable to take 1.25mg finax daily..meaning (1mg tablet + 1/4th tablet = 1.25mg) Currently I am on 1mg finax tablet daily after night dinner at around 10 PM I am taking this tablet daily
  20. how to do scalp exercises? Can i use Loreal daily hair thickening shampoo daily...
  21. people say..daily we will loose some hairs around 20 After using medicines, hairfall has reduced but it did not completely arrest the hairfall. with medicines(finax and minoxidil), how many hairs will fall usually daily...for how many hairs falling..we can feel as normal phenomena.. can I take 1 trichoton forte(biotin and minerals) daily 1 tablet?
  22. Does any PRP treatment help me out in this??? I saw this thread, how long does it take for this treatment to be available in india and how much does it cost..plz pour in ur thoughts on this How long should I be covering with Dermmatch daily :-( Please suggest any alternative solutions, otherthan wearing a wig(hairpiece) and shaving it off completely...possibly for regrowing my hair... 1. I am on Finax 1mg(finasteride) - can I increase this dosage to 1.25 mg cutting down another tablet into 4 pieces and daily taking (1mg+0.25mg(1/4th of another tablet) = 1.25mg Finax daily 2. Trichoton Forte - daily one tablet 3.Minoxidil 10% once in the morning 4.Daily shampooing with Pantene anti hair fall shampoo 5.Daily I loose about 20 hairs in shampoo and mintop application 2.
  23. Hi All, Thanks for all the responses. What are the major concerns that I would face if I go for HT now,is it shockloss/big widened scar? Wont the donor hair be bald resistant forever? Actually I cannot travel outside India for HT for financial reasons. I am planning to get the HT done with Dr. Madhu (potentially recommended) My plan is to get the HT done, and buzz down the hair to very small length, after HT and continue forever like that throughout my life. I will continue with Finax and mintop for the rest of life. This is my plan actually. But now I am really confused, since all you guys are threatening me not to go for HT since I am a bad HT candidate. Arent there any guys in this forum who are class-6 and had good HT results. I really pity myself now for the situation I am in now :-(
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