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18 Years old Terrible Hair loss [Photos]

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I am only 18 years old and i have a terible hair loss when i wash

Sorry for my bad english,can someone help me what to do to stop hair loss and to regrow my hair in fron area again


Look my photos



Give me some advice cuz i am very confused for my hair loss :S



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  • Senior Member

You may be just transitioning into a more mature hairline which is totally normal so don't panic. However, I suggest you go see a good dermatologist to make sure its not a skin or thyroid condition.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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I started propecia at 20 and get solid wood and want to use it like a motherf----


the side effects aren't certain.

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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I started propecia at 20 and get solid wood and want to use it like a motherf----


the side effects aren't certain.


First two years i will start using roagaine,but here in my country i found minox just 2% not 5% bullshit country


and afeter two years at 20 i will start using fino

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Guest johnclave777

That is really sad that you are facing hair problem at a very young age.... I would suggest to go for Ayurveda medicines or else go for non surgical hair transplant...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
That is really sad that you are facing hair problem at a very young age.... I would suggest to go for Ayurveda medicines or else go for non surgical hair transplant...

Ya id also like to know?

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  • Senior Member

Your hair loss is not that bad. :) You're early in the process, so I would get on finasteride as soon as possible.



Despite what people say, side effects are very uncommon. There is a chance they will happen, but very few people get them. Good luck.

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  • Senior Member

Hang in there brother, try the treatments available for now . Soon enough we will have something like a cure . .. My hair started to recede when i was young ..got on fin and been holding on to it . worth a try.

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  • Senior Member

My hair was much worse at 18, I pretty much started loosing my hair as soon as puberty set in, I know it sucks serious donkey d*ck. My biggest regret is I let the sides of finasteride scare me off at 18 and I lost a lot more hair, and in the end I took the drug anyways and had no sides and it stopped my hair loss. So my suggestion to you is to give it a try, if you get serious sides after a couple months on it then stop, nothing lost and nothing gained. Permanent sides are very rare.

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  • Senior Member

If you want an 89% chance of some form of sexual impairment and a 96% chance that the effects may persist a year or more after discontinuation then propecia is a good option. Otherwise shave your head and accept your going to be bald. You are too young for a hair transplant. I would wait for your hair loss to stabilize. Rogain only works on your crown and might be a good option. Before too long hair doubling will be widespread and you will have unlimited donor to work with.

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  • Senior Member
If you want an 89% chance of some form of sexual impairment and a 96% chance that the effects may persist a year or more after discontinuation then propecia is a good option. Otherwise shave your head and accept your going to be bald. You are too young for a hair transplant. I would wait for your hair loss to stabilize. Rogain only works on your crown and might be a good option. Before too long hair doubling will be widespread and you will have unlimited donor to work with.


Where on Earth did you get those percentages? And minoxidil doesn't just work on the crown. The crown was the only area treated in the clinical trials so they can't legally claim that it works anywhere else. It is more effective on the crown, but I have experienced good regrowth on my temple points and many others have experienced regrowth on other parts of the scalp than the crown

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  • Senior Member

You can check out the article here:


Propecia (Finasteride) Permanent Sexual Dysfunction Risk


Hair loss medication, Propecia (finasteride) may be linked to a side effect of sexual dysfunction, a problem which may not go away after treatment has stopped, researchers from George Washington University reported in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Propecia is a popular medication taken for male pattern hair loss.


Michael S. Irwig MD, who works at the Center for Andrology and Division of Endocrinology, The George Washington University, Washington, DC, prospectively monitored 54 adult males, average age 31, who had had three or more months of finasteride-associated sexual side effects. A side effect that continues for over three months is described as "persistent".


All the men were healthy at the start of the study, and had never had any problems with sexual functions; they had no medical or psychiatric conditions and had not used oral prescription drugs before taking Propecia for male pattern hair loss.


All the men in this study were checked and rechecked for 14 months.


96% of those who were reassessed still had persistent sexual side effects; some of them also had changes in cognition, genital sensation, and ejaculate quality.


Dr. Irwig found that 89% of the 54 men met the Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale (ASEX) of sexual dysfunction, which rates sex drive (libido), arousal, penile erection, ability to orgasm, and orgasm satisfaction.


In an Abstract in the same journal, Dr. Irwig concluded:



"In most men who developed persistent sexual side effects (≥3 months) despite the discontinuation of finasteride, the sexual dysfunction continued for many months or years.




Although several rat studies have shown detrimental changes to erectile function caused by 5 alpha reductase inhibitors, the persistent nature of these changes is an area of active research.




Prescribers of finasteride and men contemplating its use should be made aware of the potential adverse medication effects."




source: "Medical News Today."


You can also find a report on abc news citing the same study, commenting on 96% of men experiencing permanent effects. Not to mention there are numerous people suing Merck right now because of it's side effects. People often site the % of people with total ED, but this study focuses on any type of sexual impairment.

Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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  • Senior Member
You can check out the article here:

Propecia (finasteride) Permanent Sexual Dysfunction Risk


You can also find a report on abc news citing the same study, commenting on 96% of men experiencing permanent effects. Not to mention there are numerous people suing Merck right now because of it's side effects. People often site the % of people with total ED, but this study focuses on any type of sexual impairment.


That study consisted of 54 men, I would hardly call that a valid sample size to make any meaningful correlation to the whole population of finasteride users. Sides effects are definitely higher than Merck originally reported and they have been forced to amend their warnings, but to claim side effects occur in 96% of users from a single study that consisted of 54 participants is not accurate

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That study consisted of 54 men, I would hardly call that a valid sample size to make any meaningful correlation to the whole population of finasteride users. Sides effects are definitely higher than Merck originally reported and they have been forced to amend their warnings, but to claim side effects occur in 96% of users from a single study that consisted of 54 participants is not accurate


Ok, so the sample size is small.. But 89% makes it very easy to see how significant this issue is. There are also other studies out there that like you said show much higher numbers. If it was 10% I would definitely say the sample size would render in insignificant. Just read the comments for example regarding the study.... If you look at just those lives that were ruined, not including the plethora of what you can find online. Of course of lot of these people are suing Merck now like I said. Anyway, I won't go on about it, but people who take this drug do so at serious risk. Even people who do well with it, I really worry for them and the long term side effects. I took a slew of medications for 12 years, so I'm not just being a pharma hater. I even took propecia for a short while but discontinued after research. I hope people who have done well continue to do so.

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  • Senior Member

Go see a hair specialist. You'll need to be on therapy til your mid 20's.. Do not let a surgeon convince you to do a hair transplant surgery sooner than that....you need to find out with time and therapy how aggressive your hair loss will be before heading down the hair transplant road.


Best of luck!

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Thank you for sharing that study. While 54 men is a small sample size, and it's difficult to make statistically significant conclusions based upon this group, it does indicate the need to evaluate the sexual dysfunction aspect via a bigger study with more participants (and all other variables normalized).

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Senior Member
I think you wear caps alot or might be you take too much tension any how consult with a surgeon and try to use mustard oil


Not sure what you even mean by this post. Are you suggesting that wearing a hat too much causes baldness or that mustard oil can help with hairloss?

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  • Senior Member
If you want an 89% chance of some form of sexual impairment and a 96% chance that the effects may persist a year or more after discontinuation then propecia is a good option. Otherwise shave your head and accept your going to be bald. You are too young for a hair transplant. I would wait for your hair loss to stabilize. Rogain only works on your crown and might be a good option. Before too long hair doubling will be widespread and you will have unlimited donor to work with.


I have to call major BS on this. It is not even close to this number. Do you think the doctors would prescribe fin if there were an 89 percent chance of side effects? Total BULL. The guy could have tried to make it a little more believable with a lower number. I personally believe that a lot of the sides are psychological and then there are some that do have physiological sides, but the number is nowhere near what is stated here.You can just be on this site for a day or two and know that 9 out of 10 guys are not suffering from sides that take fin.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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