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Should I get the second HT with the same doctor ?

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Dear All:


I underwent an HT with a doctor not listed in here nearly 15 months ago. The results were not very promising. I kind of feel sad for the poor performance of the doctor. I have visited the doctor and he says, " get a second HT, and then if you do not get the hair you are desiring, I will get you the third surgery for free". Should I believe this doctor and get an second HT with him ? Or, is it better to stay off from this doctor who made good money on the first HT and look for an another doctor ? Please advise I am very confused and not able to make a decision in this tricky situation.


Thank you.

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Here is my thought-


Different Doctor: I am biased of the outcome, since the probability may be 50% 50%. again.




The same doctor: being ashamed of his previous performance, could be more responsible ?


So please advise which side should I swing.

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Your donor is finite, so my answer would be to consult a bunch of doctors RECOMMENDED BY THIS SITE. Your odds of a quality HT surgery increase because at least you'll know you:


a) Did your due diligence

b) are seeing a pre-screened doctor who is being held at a higher standard.


Best of luck and let us know how it goes.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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What made it a poor result? Lack of growth? Poor design? Poor density?


Whoever it is should be offering to correct it for free, but if they messed up the first time then go elsewhere.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Your donor is finite, so my answer would be to consult a bunch of doctors RECOMMENDED BY THIS SITE. Your odds of a quality HT surgery increase because at least you'll know you:


a) Did your due diligence

b) are seeing a pre-screened doctor who is being held at a higher standard.


Best of luck and let us know how it goes.




Thanks !

I got the core of the advise. Makes me feel better.

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  • Regular Member
What made it a poor result? Lack of growth? Poor design? Poor density?


Whoever it is should be offering to correct it for free, but if they messed up the first time then go elsewhere.




It is a poor design and poor density. You know how it feels, waiting for an year for the hair growth and the doctor recommending an second HT. Luring, with a free third ht if the second one does not yield the desired result.

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Never be bitten twice. Once you are not satisfied then screw the discount. There is a big possibility to be in the same situation. Better find another good doctor that listens well to you and involves personally in the surgery without depending a lot on his technicians. Try to book a date which the doctor is 100% available, do not book a date where he is performing two surgeries at a time.


I strongly agree with james84 on that. Never be a risk taker as grafts are precious and Donor is limited.

Plug removal + Strip scar revision - Dr. Ali Karadeniz (AEK)- May 23, 2015

Plug removal + 250 FUE temple points- Dr. Hakan Doganay (AHD)- July 3, 2013

Scar Tricopigmentation- Dr. Koray Erdogan (ASMED)- May 3, 2013

2500 FUT (Hairline Repair)- Dr. Rahal- July 26, 2011


My Hair Treatments:

1- Alpecin Double Effect Shampoo (Daily)

2- Regaine Solution Minoxidil 5% (2 ml once a day)

3- GNC Ultra NourishHair™ (Once a day)

4- GNC Herbal Plus Standardized Saw Palmetto (Once a day)


My Rahal HT thread http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/164456-2500-fut-dr-rahal-hairline-repair.html[/size]

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Depends on the contract he signed


This is what the office gave me in writing:


We guarantee that your hair restoration procedure will look natural and that the new grafts will grow.


You will notice a difference in density and will have continued growth for up to 12 to 16 months. If after 16 months your post procedure date we determine grafts did not grow we will replace those grafts free of charge

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This is what the office gave me in writing:


We guarantee that your hair restoration procedure will look natural and that the new grafts will grow.


You will notice a difference in density and will have continued growth for up to 12 to 16 months. If after 16 months your post procedure date we (not I) determine (what method? photographic?) grafts did not grow (how about donor region?) we will replace those grafts free of charge


Read about the contract you are given on the day of surgery and expected to sign. Is it normal practice for you to have a contract to study prior to surgery date?

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Never be bitten twice. Once you are not satisfied then screw the discount. There is a big possibility to be in the same situation. Better find another good doctor that listens well to you and involves personally in the surgery without depending a lot on his technicians. Try to book a date which the doctor is 100% available, do not book a date where he is performing two surgeries at a time.


I strongly agree with james84 on that. Never be a risk taker as grafts are precious and Donor is limited.


Thank you for reminding the most critical aspect "donor area".

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Going to a recommended doctor with a proven track record should be a no-brainer once you've found this place!

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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Trust me on this. If you are not happy with the first procedure, epsecially with the concerns that were stated, regrowth and appearance, than the chances that you will be happy with another procedure with the same doctor is futile at best.


I have seen this scenario countless times over the past three decades. The first thing that most unfamed doctors recommend is another procedure. Don't do it with the same doctor even if he/she offers to do it for free. It's time to move on.


Definitely get more opinions from reputable proven docotrs that are recommended.


Hope everything works out for you.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Trust me on this. If you are not happy with the first procedure, epsecially with the concerns that were stated, regrowth and appearance, than the chances that you will be happy with another procedure with the same doctor is futile at best.


I have seen this scenario countless times over the past three decades. The first thing that most unfamed doctors recommend is another procedure. Don't do it with the same doctor even if he/she offers to do it for free. It's time to move on.


Definitely get more opinions from reputable proven docotrs that are recommended.


Hope everything works out for you.




Thank you! your candid suggestion makes my day.


Believe me, it was a trivial issue, but has been bothering my thoughts by not being able to make a decision. I will simply take your word now.


As you have given a confident suggestion, may I take the liberty to ask you another advise ? Based on your experience, would you think I can ask for a refund from the doctor ? Has any doctor ever did that for his patients that you read of ?


Thanks again for your time Gillenator.

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You're very welcome my friend. The reality of the industry is that whenever a patient is dissatisified with the results, most doctors will offer another procedure at either a reduced cost or they will offer to throw in some free grafts "if" the patient will pay for at least some of the procedure. Many of the top docs will not charge if the yield is poor.


It really comes down to the surgery contract, and believe me, I have seen them all over the years. Most will guarantee the regrowth, but the fundamental challenge is that the level of regrowth guarantee is left ambiguous without real detail or any platform or basis for determination of the actual yield. Henceforth, the written guarantee is not worth the paper it is written on.


Upon further review of the contract and accompanying paperwork, there are disclosures and disclaimers which either release the doctor/clinic from any liability related to the outcome of the procedure. So in essence, the patient has no legal recourse for resolve. The finer print will often state that they cannot guarantee the outcome and can include death. All of the surgery contracts in the US including hospital/outpatient surgery facilities state this provision for death.


Most contracts will not provide a remedy involving any monetary refunds. In over three decades, I could count on one hand the number of times I have been aware of any type of refund, with plenty of fingers leftover. What I have observed over the years have been the clinic offering a cash settlement. The settlement is written and notorized by the patient and requires the patient to never pursue the matter in any legal way going forward into the future.


And some of the language in the written agreement prohibits the dissatisfied patient from ever speaking publicly (patient discussion forums) or to the press about their case or ever publicly mentioning the doctor/clinic by name. Basically, if they receive a monetary settlement, they can never mention or discuss their case again, period.


BTW, the settlements that I have assisted some guys with were mostly dealing with several very large hair mills/chains. One of these hair mills was acquired by their largest competitor several years ago.


Now I thought I read in one of your previous posts that your work was guaranteed by your doctor/clinic? Did it specify that they would make a refund of monies paid if you are not satisfied?


That's the place to start. Read your contract in it's entirety. Feel free to PM me and you can mail a copy to me for an opinion as long as you know it would not be a legal opinion. Still, I have read many many surgery contracts/disclosures and offered a layman's opinion.


Even if your contract does not provide for a monetary refund, you can still ask your doctor, he may offer a partial settlement. You'll never know until you ask. Just be sure to do it in a respectful, realistic, and achievable way that seeks the most beneficial means of settling your dissatisfaction with a fair outcome for both parties. It must be something that is fair and considerate.


Many of the dissatisfied patients that I have tried to help are so angry and end up venting that anger in the form of demands and threats. I do not sense hostility in you so that will help in allowing you to think more clearly and objectively.


Remember, you want resolve, not to engage in any war. ;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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This is a mistake a great deal of patients make. If the first procedure was poor...what's drastically going to change to make your second one great??? Not knowing how great other results can be from other doctors is what keeps unhappy patients going back to the same ineffective doctor.


Move on....there are several great doctors to choose from....but take your time and do your homework!


Best of luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm keen on your discussion - I'm thinking about that too, I wonder, if the process was risk free, there was never a need for administrative legal paperwork prior to the start of the surgery. Just my 2 cents.


Most if not all of the more invasive cosmetic surgery procedures have even more disclaimers than a typical HT procedure. I am referring to lipo, breast enhancement, etc. :rolleyes:


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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