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Rat Media Production's Hair Transplant Experience

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Excellent Future.

Could you find out if there is actually a confidentiality on his contract with the patients? I feel this is important for the community to know.


Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Excellent Future.

Could you find out if there is actually a confidentiality on his contract with the patients? I feel this is important for the community to know.



I sent the physician matching Rat Media's description an email. I feel confident he will review the thread and address all these concerns and questions.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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I am a bit concerned about the pictures that were post from 2010 and follow up. with the last dated 17th Feb 2013. the raised edges of the tissue is something that bothers me.


These necrosis can develop for one reason and other and are one of the complications that can happen for no ones fault but can happen.


Most of them do not need antibiotic because an open wound does not get infected. The yellowish colour fluid or discharge is because of normal body exudate. All you need is cleaning the wound twice a day with Betadine solution or any anti septic solution and just apply a topical antibiotic ointment.


Open wounds heal by secondary intentions and you get a scab formation that it goes off in few weeks. So is a long process.


It should not be debrided as it will create a bigger problem. The wound contracts with time and you get a bigger scar and that can be addressed later with grafting of something.


But I need to know who's pictures were the one follow up?



I am a medical advisor to Lexington International and Hairmax. What ever I say is my personal opinion.


Dr. Mohmand is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network

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GnXi, i agre with lorenzo, he said it how i meant it , You have your opinion and i know what happened and you werent there,A little info, i signed up for a 2 day procedure of 2500 beard grafts but i wanted 500 more since the doctor does 1500 grafts daily, i had 900 done first day, then the 2nd day i had 1400 grafts done then i had to go 1 more day in which i laid 3 hours on the grafts (which its states in contract not to lay on grafts for several months)I been sleeping sitting up for 3 weeks no I also asked him since i was completely numb on 3rd day to put in the other 500 or as many as he would do and he said no, His assist was upstairs putting grafts on another patient, My opinion is that laying for all those hours caused the problem , then he personally put the remainder grafts i paid for. Why would i go through all the pain again of putting injections through my beard for 300 grafts, He REFUSED to put anymore in,I yelled and bit my inner mouth like a little kid screaming for his mom, Its a very hard to take the pain of the needle and now have necrosis , i like to put u in that situation. I waited 10 years to fix myself, what do u know of what i been through. I dont know if your a woman or who you are but thank god your not a doctor. I prefer not to hear from you, thank you....

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Rat Media,


While I feel awful about your situation, I do ask that you keep discussion about your specific case confined to appropriate threads. As a few members previously stated, a thread about patient results for an entirely different physician is not a tactful place to discuss your current predicament.


As I said in the original thread, I contacted Dr. Umar and alerted him to the situation (though I know you've been trying to contact him on your own as well), so hopefully we will hear an official reply soon.


Thank you for understanding. Please feel free to send me a private message with any concerns.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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GnXi, i agre with lorenzo, he said it how i meant it , You have your opinion and i know what happened and you werent there,A little info, i signed up for a 2 day procedure of 2500 beard grafts but i wanted 500 more since the doctor does 1500 grafts daily, i had 900 done first day, then the 2nd day i had 1400 grafts done then i had to go 1 more day in which i laid 3 hours on the grafts (which its states in contract not to lay on grafts for several months)I been sleeping sitting up for 3 weeks no I also asked him since i was completely numb on 3rd day to put in the other 500 or as many as he would do and he said no, His assist was upstairs putting grafts on another patient, My opinion is that laying for all those hours caused the problem , then he personally put the remainder grafts i paid for. Why would i go through all the pain again of putting injections through my beard for 300 grafts, He REFUSED to put anymore in,I yelled and bit my inner mouth like a little kid screaming for his mom, Its a very hard to take the pain of the needle and now have necrosis , i like to put u in that situation. I waited 10 years to fix myself, what do u know of what i been through. I dont know if your a woman or who you are but thank god your not a doctor. I prefer not to hear from you, thank you....
stop whining and start ur own thread
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how do you know it isnt? this is a one-sided story and never heard it happen to any of his patients in the past nor have I heard it happen to any other patients from any other doctors so id say it was more likely his inability to keep the wound clean.


I can think of three distinct cases of necrosis presented on this board. It is rare but it definitely does happen. Necrosis could be caused by any number of things including over use of epinephrine to control bleeding, dense packing, physiology, and/or a number of other factors. To say this was caused by the patients inability to keep his recipient area clean is far fetched at best. Ease off on this patient he is going through a tough time.

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Dr. M

I know its confusing but the pictures are from a different patient that didnt go see you. Although its great to see your instant concern and respond that shows alot of character.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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I have been answering questions and put downs all day, please this subject it closed, I spoke to doctor and we will work it out, It was only intended to let other patients know that it can happen to them and to be careful. , The end!!!! am not answering anymore questions. Its all worked out, thank u all .

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how do you know it isnt? this is a one-sided story and never heard it happen to any of his patients in the past nor have I heard it happen to any other patients from any other doctors so id say it was more likely his inability to keep the wound clean.


I am in no position to blame the patient nor am I in any position to blame the doctor. I am sure this can happen even when the doctors does everything right even though I have never seem this in person and its very rare.

Thats my opinion.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Thats great but I stilll want to know about the confidentiality that was signed. Is it worked out because the good faith or out of fear you may get sued?


spoke to doctor and we will work it out, It was only intended to let other patients know that it can happen to them and to be careful. , The end!!!! am not answering anymore questions. Its all worked out, thank u all .


I am happy that its getting worked out but I dont buy it.Sorry that my experience talking. To end something so quickly and strongly shows me the possibility something was said to you to put a bit of fear in you.

Most poster in your situation would say we have worked it out and I will keep everyone posted on my progress. Was is logical is to tell us you are going to find out what caused this (if it can be figured out) what is being done to to help it, tell us if its working out, showing us the results included how your face is healing. Not ending it with the end with explanation marks. . Right now the pictures you are showing arent looking great (maybe no fault of the doctor) but I wont be surprised if you take them down. . Thats my opinion. I hope I am wrong and wish you the best.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Rat Media,


While I appreciate and respect your patient-physician relationship with the doctor in question AND the fact that you're working this out behind the scenes, this doesn't change the nature of the information shared publicly on the forums, nor does it negate the physician's opportunity to explain and clarify.


We do our best to run an open, honest, fair community, and providing both the patient the opportunity to share the situation and the physician the chance to reply helps keep this balanced environment.


Thank you for understanding.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Hi Lorenzo,

I did a consultation with the same doctor that worked on rat media production and let me tell you i signed A LOT of legal papers just for the consult...and to be honest it really wasn't at all worth the $50. no donor density check no real answers.

I did a consult with another recommended Doc in L.A. a week later (free) got pictures, donor check. a nice email back with the pics and a long talk... oh and only one basic info paper to sign. I remember thinking the first Doc was not my cup of tea even before meeting him after seeing all those legal papers just for the consult. (im not saying he's a bad Doc, he does some serious reapir that people need) my point is that that 1st Doc has his legal side pretty tight.

But what happened to Mr.NK (the guy who started this thread?)

Edited by MAGNUMpi
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Spanker first of all congrads on your hair transplant it looks fantastic especially at only 6 months. Regardless how expensive the hair transplant or the technique the doctor is allowed to charge whatever he wishes, its up to potential patients to decide whether they want to pay it ( it was $20k not 25K). For many years patients that were in deseperate needs and were unable to get FUT thought the only doctor they had was Dr. W in Australia who charges I believe $8500 for 600 grafts. Thats $13 a graft but take in mind he did all the work himself and spent all day doing only 600 grafts. As the years pasted other opinions to body hair or FUE became available some doctor were honest and good other doctors were plain awful. What scared me about beard hair is the scaring. I wouldnt want to be one of the few (not sure if any) people that would be left with visable scaring on the beard. I wouldnt want to sacrifice my face in order for a few hairs. Beard hair in my opinion should be used when there is nothing available and perhaps only in the scar. I am not too sure about that yet. I have more of a problem that this person feels he is unable to say who his doctor is because he signed a confidentiality clause. Although there is two sides to ever story I feel there is no need for this its like holding a patient hostage. Please post great results but you cant post bad ones. I hope the moderators talks to the doctor and find out if this is correct or not. If that the case I hope the doctor changes this or is no longer recommended. How can any potential patient actually do proper research on any doctor when he protects himself from bad results. Nobody will know if the bad cases are a little or alot. .


I agree Lorenzo that a doctor should be able to charge whatever he wants to charge. I also believe your should be able to burn the flag, have 30 children, tattoo your face, and even do meth. But just because I think you should be able to do it, doesn't mean its a good thing. I guess because I went FUT I had more choices, so based on supply and demand, the price per graft was lower. Don't get me wrong, I am not for bargain hunting for HT's but if you are going to charge that much a graft I think you should be getting VERY HIGH yield, which we both know body hair usually does not provide. I am not pointing the finger at the doctors, because it is a useful services that they provide sometimes, but patients should be very careful going into a BHT that they may get low yield (higher chance that HT) and will be have a lot less money at the end of the day.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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II agree Lorenzo that a doctor should be able to charge whatever he wants to charge. I also believe your should be able to burn the flag, have 30 children, tattoo your face, and even do meth. But just because I think you should be able to do it, doesn't mean its a good thing. I guess because I went FUT I had more choices, so based on supply and demand, the price per graft was lower. Don't get me wrong, I am not for bargain hunting for HT's but if you are going to charge that much a graft I think you should be getting VERY HIGH yield, which we both know body hair usually does not provideQUOTE]


LOL I am not saying I agree with it, dont find it high or would ever pay that amount.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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I have more of a problem that this person feels he is unable to say who his doctor is because he signed a confidentiality clause.




I just read through the entire topic and I'm not seeing where RMP said that he signed a confidentiality clause. Maybe I missed it, but can you reference where he posted this? Or are you just guessing this is why he doesn't want to reference his physician by name?





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I appreciate that you are working with your physician to resolve your concerns. However, since you've made it pretty clear which physician you are referring to even though you didn't mention his name, it's only fair that we allow him to post a reply to this topic if he chooses.


There are many reasons why necrosis can occur and it seems like you've been through this before. I trust your physician will do his best to work with you and resolve your concerns. However, since you've decided to discuss your case publicly, we've invited your doctor to post a reply to this topic if he chooses. I trust you will provide him with the necessary permission to post a reply in accordance with our fair forum policy.


Best wishes,



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He states

i signed papers before surgery state this is confidential



It was mentioned ( I am quite sure) that he didnt want to mention the doctor name because it was confidential. He has edited this post as well as others I believe.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Hello All,


RMP is a repair case with prior multiple surgeries at other facilities one of which led to scalp necrosis. I began repair last year and he was happy with the outcome, including the transplant to an area of necrosis from prior surgeries. Because of this he requested another session of 2500 grafts to address other areas. Normally we would complete this in less than a 2 full day sessions. However, we spent 2 and half days working on the case. I explained that his case required more time and I would not want to rush it. As he mentioned I personally placed the grafts in his last session. As a matter of fact, He wanted and repeated demanded more grafts and was prepared to pay for it, but I declined and asked that we continue our incremental approach to his repair.


When he sent me an email about a problem area on his grafted site, I asked him to come into the clinic. I found that he has a limited focus of skin breakdown in the area of a prior scalp reduction scar. I cleaned the area, started him on nitropaste to reperfuse the site and limit further spread as well as placed him on antibiotic. A wound care regimen was prescribed. That is how this situation is managed. With this measure, the area should heal up and contract. I explained that he would likely loose some grafts in the necrotic site. Once the healing process is complete, we would graft the affected areas as we had for his prior areas of necrosis he presented to me with. RMP understood that prior scalp reductions and history of prior necrosis does place one at a higher risk for this happening. RMP was very satisfied and expressed gratitude for the quick action and mentioned that this was a different experience from his prior incident at another clinic. He was clearly reassured. He was to return for a follow up shortly. a coupe of days later, my email carrier was down. In that time RMP had emailed me and received a delivery failure message. He has in the past been able to reach me by phone and i have an emergency phone contact system for direct access as needed. The following day, RMP contacted my office and on the phone wondered if he should continue his nitropaste. I encouraged that he does. he again expressed satisfaction at the healing and confirmed that in his opinion the necrosis is contained.


So yes, it came to me as a surprise reading certain accounts on the forums. But it is something I have an understanding for. From no fault of their own, a good portion of my patients are repair cases, many have been placed in a very poor and sometimes impossible place (esthetically and emotionally) by their prior poor surgical experiences. Anxiety over a possible replay of such past experiences often plagues our interactions. Hand holding in these instances is key. In this situation even an email bounce back may become a source of panic. I am used to this and have been prepared to always take this into account in our interactions. This understanding has been invaluable in dealing with even the most difficult situations. We are all humans and our actions do get influenced by our past experiences.


I do not have a confidentiality waiver/agreement/document barring my patients from discussing their outcome. I have a clause in my consent that enables me/my clinic to respond to allegations about my work. I am sure all would consider this fair. I understand that RMP has decided to rework his posts in keeping with the clarity he has about the situation. It is big of him to have done so.


Best to all.

Edited by Dr Umar
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