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My (hair loss) story...

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Alright - I'm a 31 year old male from Denmark - and I have over the past few years started to loose most of my hair line on top of my head, and this has affected my confidence greatly. I know it shouldn't, and I have really tried to convince myself that my confidence shouldn't be tied to my hair line - a loosing battle however :)


I live with my girlfriend, who tells me I'm as sexy as ever, and I shouldn't worry - again in vein - i need to try something and I have decided to have some work done.


A little bit of back story, as you can tell from my pictures my hair line is something like a 3 on the Norwood scale. Maybe more? Im not excatly an expert on this subject :)


I have had massive issues with this decision to finally admit to that this is a problem - and a problem that is affecting me greatly - to such an extend that I have to try and stop this problem. Only my girlfriend knows about it so far (and ofc now the entire internet), and I'm trying to gather the confidence to share it with my friends and family - I just dont want to be interpreted as a complete vain person - I have friends with no hair who seems completely happy and at peace with it (bastards... :) ) Anyways, it feels like a big decision for me :)


I have tried to do "my homework" properly - read A LOT of personal experiences, and have narrowed my list of possible surgeons to:



Bijan Feriduni (Belgium) (Haartransplantatie - Dr.B. Feriduni, haarchirurgie Aestheticclinics - Haartransplantaties./)

Christian Bisanga (Belgium)

Mohammed (Denmark) This 1 is based in Denmark - same as me - mostly therefore I'm cinsidering him.

Or at Pro Hair Clinic [/url] - havent read much about this though - so a bit sceptical.


(link removed by moderator - see Terms of Service)


I would appreciate some input on these choices if possible? :) I have saved up for this for half a year, and this would probably be the only time ever that i can have this done - so it NEEDS to be a succes :)


I have used the online consultations for the foreign clinics - taken the best pictures i can, have anybody else have had any bad experiences by using this before going "under the knife"?


Also I have already heard back from Doctor Hussain from Denmark (probably my last choice - but by far the easiest), he recomends a FUE with 1500-1700 grafts and taht i start immidiately with something called Finasteride - however Ive read a lot about this and I'm not too fond of some of the side effects of this drug - but it seems to work - anybody have any experiences using this?


Anyways - that was a lot about me :) I hope to get some feedback, and then I would realyl like to say thanks for the people making this forum - it feels like such a big decision with no guarentess and this really helps reading so many peoples feedback - thank so much :)









Edited by TakingThePlunge
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I would go to either Bisanga or Feriduni.


These guys are proven quality on the forums with countless testimonials from patients and demonstrate consistent levels of good to excellent work which is well documented.


Dr Feriduni meets the high level of requirements to be a member of the recommended doctors on this website.


Bisanga has had the opportunity I believe also but declined for a reason I don't know of but I could be wrong.


I wouldn't honestly take the risk on Mohammed who may well produce fine work but I have never heard of him.


You only waste more money getting it repaired and have a reduced donor supply.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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First of all thanks a lot for the reply :)


And yeah I think you are right. I have saved for this, and this is probably going to be the first and the last time that I'm going to have work done, so it NEEDS to be quality - and these guys are proven quality, according to countless posts on this and other boards.


This network of recommended doctors - is there any known requirements for being acepted into this? or is it "just" about proven quality work over a long period of time (hopefully) - And who is in charge of accepting doctors into this network?


Anyways - thanks again for your input :)



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It will be somewhere on the site itself but I cannot remember where, try looking.


Maybe another forum member who will chip in and give you answer.


You can probably mail Pat, Bill or Takingtheplunge, who will clarify this and I am sure they will be willing to answer any questions you have.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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  • Senior Member
Alright - I'm a 31 year old male from Denmark - and I have over the past few years started to loose most of my hair line on top of my head, and this has affected my confidence greatly. I know it shouldn't, and I have really tried to convince myself that my confidence shouldn't be tied to my hair line - a loosing battle however :)


I live with my girlfriend, who tells me I'm as sexy as ever, and I shouldn't worry - again in vein - i need to try something and I have decided to have some work done.


A little bit of back story, as you can tell from my pictures my hair line is something like a 3 on the Norwood scale. Maybe more? Im not excatly an expert on this subject :)


I have had massive issues with this decision to finally admit to that this is a problem - and a problem that is affecting me greatly - to such an extend that I have to try and stop this problem. Only my girlfriend knows about it so far (and ofc now the entire internet), and I'm trying to gather the confidence to share it with my friends and family - I just dont want to be interpreted as a complete vain person - I have friends with no hair who seems completely happy and at peace with it (bastards... :) ) Anyways, it feels like a big decision for me :)


I have tried to do "my homework" properly - read A LOT of personal experiences, and have narrowed my list of possible surgeons to:



Bijan Feriduni (Belgium) (Haartransplantatie - Dr.B. Feriduni, haarchirurgie Aestheticclinics - Haartransplantaties./)

Christian Bisanga (Belgium) (BHR Clinic - Hair Transplant Clinic - FUE, Strip and Repair Surgery - Brussels)

Mohammed (Denmark) (FUE h?rtransplantation) This 1 is based in Denmark - same as me - mostly therefore I'm cinsidering him.

Or at http://www.prohairclinic.com - havent read much about this though - so a bit sceptical.


I would appreciate some input on these choices if possible? :) I have saved up for this for half a year, and this would probably be the only time ever that i can have this done - so it NEEDS to be a succes :)


I have used the online consultations for the foreign clinics - taken the best pictures i can, have anybody else have had any bad experiences by using this before going "under the knife"?


Also I have already heard back from Doctor Hussain from Denmark (probably my last choice - but by far the easiest), he recomends a FUE with 1500-1700 grafts and taht i start immidiately with something called Finasteride - however Ive read a lot about this and I'm not too fond of some of the side effects of this drug - but it seems to work - anybody have any experiences using this?


Anyways - that was a lot about me :) I hope to get some feedback, and then I would realyl like to say thanks for the people making this forum - it feels like such a big decision with no guarentess and this really helps reading so many peoples feedback - thank so much :)





Hi there,


A lot of clinics recommend trying finasteride and regaine foam for at least 12 months before proceeding with a HT. The reasons are that:


- You could be a lucky one who regrows a lot of lost hair (it is rare but does happen).

- You will find out whether you have side effects. Being able to take the medications means you have more options when it comes to deciding your HT 'game plan'.


Feriduni and Bisanga are generally considered great surgeons. i don't know much about Prohair but they have posted good results on other forums.


You might want to consider Dr De Reys who used to be the lead Dr at Prohair. he is also based in Belgium.


Forget about these surgeons in Denmark. It's too much of a gamble.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Bisanga or Feriduni are top notch! Do NOT go to anyone not recommended on this site. You will pay for it in the wrong way.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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Thanks everyone for your feedback - makes me feel so much more sure about limiting my list to either Bisanga or Feriduni - can't wait to hear back from them and see what they say - I filled out an online consultation form a few days ago, so I am very excited to hear back and see what they have to say somehow matches what Doctor Hussain said.


Regarding the Finasteride - how did you guys go about getting it? Since this is, in my view at least, a kinda hardcore drug, I feel very unasfe buying it over the internet - and I'm thinking of visiting my regular doctor and see if he can make a prescription - does it have to be a physician specializing in hair treatment in order to be able to make the prescription or will a regular 1 do just fine?


Also a follow up question to you guys using Finasteride - are any of you guys also doing fitness/weight training? Im really into my fitness (running/lifiting weights) and I read somewhere that this drug could severely influence my body strength - and of you experienced that?


And thanks again guys for replying - really helps a lot on a very difficult decision :)



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I was heavily involved in fitness and weight training a few years ago and finasteride had no negative influence on me personally regarding my ability to get stronger and build a leaner, more muscular physique.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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Hey there,

i think you already did your homework and came up with a list of very good doctors, are you planning to do FUE or strip ? if FUE, out of your list i would choose Bisanga.


As for finasteride, some people have success with it and some get sides. it really depnds, if you decide to go with it just start with minimum dose and see how your body react to it, some people do have sides and i read that the FDA will have the drug label changed to mention that some sides may be permenant (even after quiting). One thing you need to know is that you need to take this drug for life. Having said that, many people are taking finasteride and are happy with it, so it's just a personal choice.


Good luck bro.

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Thanks a lot for your inputs regarding Finasteride :) It definately scares me a bit with thsese side effects - and for them being permanent surely doesnt ease my mind 1 bit :) I've even read somewhere (on a wiki though) that this drug was thought to in some casese cause some forms of prostate cancer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride) - so yeah I'm a bit hesitant :)


Anyways, regarding my HT - I've heard back from Dr.Bisanga (BHR clinic) - my pictures werent up to their standards and they asked me to take better ones, but said that i was "approved" for FUE and STRIP - or FUE and STRIP suitable i think he wrote. he suggested that i had 2500-3000 grafts

"dependent on design of the hair line and how far we have to go into the native hair to create a solid look."
Does this sound about right to you guys?


And about my preference - I'm so hoping for it to be posible to keep it as a FUE or FUT procedure - and avoid the strip - because of scaring/healing period. I have a steady jo and I'm planning on max being away from work fro 14 days or so - Is it unjustified wanting to avoid strip?


Again thanks so much for your input - its really appreciated :)



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Also I have now received a formal offer from my current favorite to do my HT - Dr. Bisange - i may have to wait untill november - but he offered me to do it for: € 5 for the first 1000 grafts, 3 € for all additional grafts. Its gonna be a bit more expansive than i initially hoped for - but hey who can put a prize on happines, right? :) Anyways it seems its gonna be somewhere around 10.000 euro for my HT (2500-3000) grafts.


Still torn whether or not to try Finasteride - seems people have seen good results from it - and a lot of people on here are using it - just those damn sideeffects :)



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And about my preference - I'm so hoping for it to be posible to keep it as a FUE or FUT procedure - and avoid the strip - because of scaring/healing period. I have a steady jo and I'm planning on max being away from work fro 14 days or so - Is it unjustified wanting to avoid strip?


Again thanks so much for your input - its really appreciated :)




FUT is strip..

So you just need FUE if you wanna avoid the strip.


Strip might have some advantages but FUE will give you the option of cutting your hair shorter with no visible scar (even though there are some white dots scar that will only show if you shave down to 0) also FUE recovery is faster. It's really up to you.

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I feel you dude,my hairloss has fuck my life,I used to look very hot before my hairloss and girls would always look at me every where I go and that is even in high school.Now it's not easy because I lost my hairline and lost alot of confidence wich I did not have that much before but hey the girls would come to me,hair frames your face and that changes your look some much.Maybe one day I get FUE will see.. results and prices scare me

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forgot to mention that my personality has also changed and dont always feel good around people that new me before I had good looks,sometimes I avoid going out because i feel like i look like crap compare to before.I think the gouvermanent should stard helping people paying for a hair transplant,this is something that can affect somebody in so many ways including work.

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I feel your pain MTL30 :) And it is some of your experiences that also in the end lead me to start saving for a FUE - and if you feel as bad as you do I would recommend you start doing the same - if nothing else im imbued with so much hope right now - hope that i can once again walk against the wind not fearing that my fine work home in front of the miror will be tarnished and reveal my actual hair line :)


And thanks aim4hair - just goes to show how much i really know :) Cheers for clearing that up - and thaks in general for you advice.



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I wouldn't rule strip out, everyone wants fue initially but there is a difference between what a patient wants and what a patient needs.


Good luck anyhow on what you decide.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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Hey there William38


First of all thanks for taking your time to read and comment on my little post. And I had actually considered the prohairclinic in my top 4 - but couldnt find any real info on their current doctors - so this might actually be a good alternative - also it would seem his prizes are WAY cheaper than my current offer from BHR clinic aka Doctor Bisanga. All in all i think my HT would run up to about 10.000 euro - which is a bit too much at the moment - so I have send Doctor De Reyes an email and hope he will respond back - any others have any positive/negative experiences with this doctor?



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I wouldn't rule strip out, everyone wants fue initially but there is a difference between what a patient wants and what a patient needs.


Good luck anyhow on what you decide.


Yeah you are absolutely right - and it again just goes to show how much I know. I think in my case it s just about how scary strip surgery sounds to me and the potential scaring - but as you say If it is what creates the best result - it is what I should aim for - no doubt.


And thanks again for your input :)



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Hmm did some research of this Dr. De Reys - and it seems everytime hes mentioned the postive review about him is the same and from you William38 :) I can find a lot of good work from when he was at Prohair but nothing from when he started on his own - but i must admit his prizes are attractive - but I guess choosing a HT doctor based on prizes is gonna lead me into some troubles :)



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I've seen many perfect FUE results on a par with FUT. you just need to find the right doc.

Another doctor to consider is dr. keser in turkey.


Btw, did you make up your mind regarding propecia ?

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I really really didnt make up my mind at all regarding Propecia/Finasteride - I have booked a consultation with a local (Copenhagen based) HT doc - not to get him to do my HT but to discuss this drug and the side effects. I'm thinking if i do start this treatment i want it started by someone who can help me monitor how it goes and someone I can contact if I feel something is off - not just order it off the internet and then see what happens. But it has problably come to the point where if i dont get any side effects from this drug, my mind will create some placebo a like side effect which will probably be way worse from all this considering :)


But I will talk to him tomorow and see what he has to say - the thing about the side effect being permanent and the drug being tied to cancer - REALLY scares me!


Anyways I will let you know :) And thanks agin for helping me with all these decisions.



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any time man. actually im in the same boat regarding propecia, i don't seem to get the courage to start it yet.

What concerns me the most is the fact that once i start, i have to take it for life, and who kows what could happen as a long term side effcts. Plus the sexual sides is what scares me the most, specially that i am about to start a family and i read on my places that even if you don't develop sides you should stop taking propecia a month before traying to have a baby (some say you do not have to, it's just a controversial issue).

Anyways, please keep me posted, and i hope i can make up my mind as well pretty soon, either go for the pills or just decide not to and stop thinking about them because im sick of reading and thinking about starting them all the time.

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either go for the pills or just decide not to and stop thinking about them because im sick of reading and thinking about starting them all the time.


Words of wisdom :)


Wish i could somehow just do that - in real life things are just not that easy - sadly :) Anyways - I fin myself in the same situation regarding wanting to start a family in the near future - and if i have to stop using it in combination with that - whats that gonna do - and as you say, i might not suffer any immideate side effects but you never know long term wise - I'm still relatively young and this drug cant be 100% thoroughly tested long term wise - since theres these unknows regarding both cancer and hormonal imbalances - but again us people suffering from loss of hair is a desperate bunch willing to try almost anything to restore our former glory (hair) right? :)


Anyways - I hope you reach your decision, and that whatever you decide turns out to be the right decision :) I will let you know what my local HT doc has to say about it tomorow.



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as someone that had some of the really old bad Hts including 2 scalp reductions i would definitely avoid having the strip method.


I have had quite a lot of repair work done over the years and now have to buzz cut my hair but all the old plug scars can be seen and a couple of strip scars. I'm not happy with them and at some point when maybe cell therapy comes in i'll see about having that.


I would also not take any drugs at all, in order to try and keep some hair.


no one knows what long term use of these may cause. I was made very ill 5 years ago taking cipro antibiotics ( see cipro poisoning on google) and am still not completely well. This made me research the Pharma industry and lots of side effects are not easily acessable to the public.


So go for the FUE at the front area but have it done so if you lose more hair than you have donor, as you get older, ( this is what happened to me ) you can just buzz cut it and it'll look natural and frame the face.


this is how mine looks from the front, and i'm happy with it, apart from the back scarring. Lucky for me i'm quite salt and pepperin hair colour.


Just my opinion, my first HTs were when i was 25 back in the 70s i know what i'm talking about. I've spent half my life trying to sort out the mess.


In those days without the internet it was really hard and expensive to do.

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