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  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Receding Hairline (Genetic Baldness)
  • How long have you been losing your hair?
    In the last 5 years
  • Norwood Level if Known
    Norwood III
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    Considering Surgical Hair Restoration

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  1. Mrpsychedup


  2. So today its been 6 days since my HT and heres how my healing is going: I'm a little worried about the front of my head not healing all too well, but I guess a lot of the dried up blood and crust will fall off in time. In 2 days I?m going to start washing the front of the head with a shower and actually start touching it (masaging it gently) - damn its a scary thought /Sebastian
  3. Yay Then I'm calm again And thanks for the good wishes, always appreciated. /Sebastian
  4. Sorry, I dont understand the word "belter" /Sebastian
  5. Thanks Chris, and I'll keep posting updates /Sebastian
  6. Tbh, it takes a danish viking like me to pull such a look off! /Sebastian
  7. It has now been 5 days since my HT, I will post photo updates on the healing in a day or 2. /Sebastian
  8. So having gone through a lot of soul searching and saving for the better part of a year, i managed to secure the funds for my HT and I just returned home from the procedure (was done in Belgium, I live in Denmark) I have chosen to write a little bit about my experiences at the BHR clinic: I arrived in Belgium the day before the procedure along with by girlfriend and checked in at our hotel (Catalonia Forum). What an exciting night it was - knowing that the next day I was going to rectify a problem that has been holding me back for close to 10 years. Anyways, of course I couldn’t sleep, so I just lay there waiting for the clock to turn 6. We (Me and my girlfriend) got up, had a great breakfast and went down to the clinic. I was greeted at the door by one of Dr. Bisangas nurses, showing me inside and asking me to fill out some forms. Very nice and clean looking clinic. Then Dr. Bisanga himself came and got us in the foyer. Initial impression was great. Very cheerful and nice person. We had an initial talk about expectations and just a lot of signing papers and agreeing on the nature of the procedure. All in all a confidence inspiring session. He told me that I needed around 2500-3000 grafts and drew a natural looking hairline. Then it was time to start, and my girlfriend was sent home. After that a short photoshoot and then the shaving. I waved goodbye to my hair and was now led into the room where I would be staying for the rest of the day. I got administered antibiotic and a valium pill and then it was time for the "poking" as the doctor referred to the large amont of local anasteasia shots to my head. He numbed the half of my backhead, and then started poking holes while a nurse was standing beside him and counting them. Meanwhile we chatted lively about pretty much everything from soccer to religion (Tip to future customers, hes a BIG Chelsea fan!). After he was done poking holes in the back of my head, it was time for the extraction. The extraction was done by one of Dr. Bisangas nurses, all VERY nice and in good mood throughout the day. This continued until around 1, when it was time to eat lunch. My girlfriend came back and we had a nice lunch in a little room where we could be alone. A nice little break. Then back again. Bisanga returned and now started poking holes in my recipient area while still in a great mood – although a little too fond of “poking” me This took around 1 hour and then he did the “sides” of my new hairline. After that 2 nurses started placing grafts in my forehead. All in all I was actually surprised by how well I got through the first day. Not too painful and I didn’t look too bad. The day ended with me getting a “stylish” black bandana placed on my bloody head and being sent home. What a scary night. I put socks on my hands and tied my hands together just to make sure I wouldn’t end up scratching my scalp and slept in a sitting position. I think I got around 2-3 hours of sleep. Woke up again to a dreaded sight of my scalp being all bloody and a lot of extract looking like it was infected. I was later told that this was normal and nothing to worry about. Anyways, we went down to eat breakfast while wearing my “stylish” black bandana and then went back to the clinic. What a difference day 2 was. Everything was so painful cause of swelling and soreness from the day before. Especially the part when I had to lie on the side of my head while a nurse was pressing down on my head and extracting grafts hurt like hell. But with a lot of “you’re doing great” and “best patient so far” encouragements from the nurses I got through the day. All in all the day was exactly the same as the first day. First Bisanga poked holes in the other part of my back head, then a nurse extracted grafts. Then Bisanga came back and poked holes in my forehead and finally 2 nurses placed the grafts in my forehead. Post op was swiftly handled, and I left the clinic with a confidence inspiring speech by Dr. Bisanga of him expecting a high quality result. Another dreadfull night of tied hands with socks on and very little sleep. We had booked an early flight home to Denmark, so we departed from the hotel at around 7 o clock. I’m not a VERY sensitive person, but with a swollen head and a “stylish” black bandana I was the object of quite a few glances on my 3 hour journey home. And what a relief it was to get back home and be able to start my post op procedures of spraying and washing the recipient area, and just being able to relax.
  9. Alright i managed to secure the funds - around 9000 Euro for the procedure - I have now limited my choices to 2 docs: 1: Dr. Bisanga 2: Dr. Feriduni It feels like these are both quality docs - no doubt - this also reflects in their prizes Bisanga isnt on this networks recomended list - thats about the only difference. Anyways - i received some mighty impressive material from Dr. Feriduni - and it looks like he himself has gone through my description and my pictures and from that evaluated what he feels needs to be done - 2500-3000 grafts FUE. The correspondance to Dr. Bisange has been through his Scandinavian associate "Fredrik" - who has been evaluating my material - he came up with the same - 2500-3000. I feel very close to making a decision and booking a date - i just want to be a million percent sure im deciding on the right clinic here - so i made up some final questions for Dr. Bisangas representative - Fredrik: I'm ofc planning on asking Dr. Feriduni the same - but did I miss anything - is there something more I need to know beforehand? Or is there simply nothing to worry about with these 2 docs? Anyways thanks again for your input - it has been invaluable to me Regarding the drug - propecia/Finasteride - I don't think its for me - after having to already restrain me and my girlfriends budget - selling the idea of me taking a drug that might kill my sex drive, didnt excatly pan out Also these side effects just simply seem to severe, and I'm already a bit of a hypochondriac, so... My appointment with my local HT doc was postponed, so I'll wait with the final decision untill I hear back from him. /Sebastian
  10. Words of wisdom Wish i could somehow just do that - in real life things are just not that easy - sadly Anyways - I fin myself in the same situation regarding wanting to start a family in the near future - and if i have to stop using it in combination with that - whats that gonna do - and as you say, i might not suffer any immideate side effects but you never know long term wise - I'm still relatively young and this drug cant be 100% thoroughly tested long term wise - since theres these unknows regarding both cancer and hormonal imbalances - but again us people suffering from loss of hair is a desperate bunch willing to try almost anything to restore our former glory (hair) right? Anyways - I hope you reach your decision, and that whatever you decide turns out to be the right decision I will let you know what my local HT doc has to say about it tomorow. /Sebastian
  11. I really really didnt make up my mind at all regarding Propecia/Finasteride - I have booked a consultation with a local (Copenhagen based) HT doc - not to get him to do my HT but to discuss this drug and the side effects. I'm thinking if i do start this treatment i want it started by someone who can help me monitor how it goes and someone I can contact if I feel something is off - not just order it off the internet and then see what happens. But it has problably come to the point where if i dont get any side effects from this drug, my mind will create some placebo a like side effect which will probably be way worse from all this considering But I will talk to him tomorow and see what he has to say - the thing about the side effect being permanent and the drug being tied to cancer - REALLY scares me! Anyways I will let you know And thanks agin for helping me with all these decisions. /Sebastian
  12. Hmm did some research of this Dr. De Reys - and it seems everytime hes mentioned the postive review about him is the same and from you William38 I can find a lot of good work from when he was at Prohair but nothing from when he started on his own - but i must admit his prizes are attractive - but I guess choosing a HT doctor based on prizes is gonna lead me into some troubles /Sebastian
  13. Yeah you are absolutely right - and it again just goes to show how much I know. I think in my case it s just about how scary strip surgery sounds to me and the potential scaring - but as you say If it is what creates the best result - it is what I should aim for - no doubt. And thanks again for your input /Sebastian
  14. Hey there William38 First of all thanks for taking your time to read and comment on my little post. And I had actually considered the prohairclinic in my top 4 - but couldnt find any real info on their current doctors - so this might actually be a good alternative - also it would seem his prizes are WAY cheaper than my current offer from BHR clinic aka Doctor Bisanga. All in all i think my HT would run up to about 10.000 euro - which is a bit too much at the moment - so I have send Doctor De Reyes an email and hope he will respond back - any others have any positive/negative experiences with this doctor? /Sebastian
  15. I feel your pain MTL30 And it is some of your experiences that also in the end lead me to start saving for a FUE - and if you feel as bad as you do I would recommend you start doing the same - if nothing else im imbued with so much hope right now - hope that i can once again walk against the wind not fearing that my fine work home in front of the miror will be tarnished and reveal my actual hair line And thanks aim4hair - just goes to show how much i really know Cheers for clearing that up - and thaks in general for you advice. /Sebastian
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