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How To Pay For HT??

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I am a 23 year old male who has experienced severe thinning on the front of my scalp. I'm headed for a V on the Norwood scale. It's really affecting my confidence around women. I have done research, chosen my surgeon, but do not have sufficient funds to pay for this procedure!

Does anyone have a sound idea for earning about $3,000 in 3 months or less?


Please advise! I would greatly appreciate it.




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  • Senior Member

Hey madisongrad08,


Is it really wise to have a transplant at this time? You're only 23 with considerable loss, which by the sounds of it is progressing.


$3000 doesn't sound like a lot of money for what your describing.


Who is your planned surgeon?

How many grafts are you looking to get?

What is your game plan?

Are you on any medication?

Why do you need to have this done in 3 months?


If you decide to move forward with your transplant, is getting a credit card out of the question?


P.S. Where do you live?

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Hey Maxxy,



To answer your questions I believe it is wise to move forward with a HT. Most importantly because I am 23 and have a greater pool of single young women to date. I am close to a NW5!!!


I mentioned $3,000 not as the total but about how much more I need reach about $12,000 for my procedure at Dr. Cooley's office in Charlotte, NC.


Any ideas???

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Well, I'm sure you have already thought about all this but could you not get a loan? I'm not sure how it works in the states, but if I had the equivalent to $9000 in the bank, getting a loan or credit card for another $3000 wouldn't be difficult. Or a second job, put the procedure back, work out something with Dr. Cooley for paying the remainder or sell some things?

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Another option is to do as much as can be done for $9000 and do a 2nd session later when you have additional money.


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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IMHO, if you do get the HT...make sure it will take you to a place where you will be satified, and can actually move forward with the things you want.


A HT is a risk, especially at a young age, and especially when the $ means a lot to you -- only go through with the HT if you are getting the right # of grafts, going to the right doctor, etc. Don't leverage yourself super hard only to invariably find yourself in a year in an equally rough spot.


You're essentially looking to make 250/week. Making ~10/hour this should be emminently achievable. You basically just need to get a job. I would look into part time employment doing administrative sales for some sort of company. Check out start-ups -- probably your best for this type of work and finding someone who will employ you.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Start taking propecia + monoxidal and try and stabilise your hair loss first!! This is life commitment though! I started loosing my hair when i was 20. I can totally sympathise with you, but you must NOT rush into any HT yet. I waited until I was 29 for a HT. I managed to stabilise my hair loss, and over 9 years my hair had slightly receeded to a point I was not happy with my hair. Then I took the plunge with a HT with an approved doc on this website (Hasson and Wong)........ iam so so so happy my hair looks great but I have done my research and prepared for a life commitment.....sooooooooooo...try the meds for a few years yet, youve got plenty of time to date the cheeky chicas.


Lastly, I managed to generate extra income by working on a bar in the evening. Plenty of hot chicks in there and you might find one whos interested in you and not just the way you look (hell, im sounding old and cheesy)


Good luck!

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If this is about scoring women just go ahead and find some reasonably priced hookers in your area.


Much cheaper than $12,000 !!! And they won't care whether you are bald or not, and you won't have any of the headaches or drama associated with relationships.


Some food for thought mon frere.

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Originally posted by madisongrad08:

To answer your questions I believe it is wise to move forward with a HT. Most importantly because I am 23 and have a greater pool of single young women to date.

Any ideas???


As a guy, you can date young women for quite some time, in fact success and maturity attracts them. Just stay in shape and develop the rest of your person.


Young guys are competing with expectations set by older guys for women. In the early/mid 20s, alot of women figure out that older guys have more to offer and start dating "up". Unlike when you are 18-21 where everyone dates their schoolmates.


Things will get better.

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Originally posted by TheEmperor:
Originally posted by madisongrad08:

To answer your questions I believe it is wise to move forward with a HT. Most importantly because I am 23 and have a greater pool of single young women to date.

Any ideas???


As a guy, you can date young women for quite some time, in fact success and maturity attracts them. Just stay in shape and develop the rest of your person.


Young guys are competing with expectations set by older guys for women. In the early/mid 20s, alot of women figure out that older guys have more to offer and start dating "up". Unlike when you are 18-21 where everyone dates their schoolmates.

Things will get better.


Quoted for truth. And for many, many who are "hot", this phenomena occurs to a pretty startling extent, where even the most ravaged of MPB heads will be immune from dealbreaking reproach.


An an inverse bias can even occur where being, or simply having the facade, of The Older Mature Man can be a downright pathology in the eyes (head) of a woman, and looking like Zac Efron is a downright turnoff.


Whereas teens-early20's are often afflicted by a Disney Channel notion of what a man is, and what will give them worth, many girls throughout their 20's have a similarly inane and emotional pull of attraction, which in an ironic twist of fate has little to do with being a NW -1 with gelled hair, and in fact quite the opposite.


In admittedly limited experience, I think and intuit that in the early 30s women begin to go full circle, and are not propelled by rather inane, spoon fed notions of what is cool, what is of worth, regarding what their partner "must" look/be like.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Plain and simple.. if your an evil-doer or a criminal you need cash to operate. Hence, that sum or multiples of that sum could be used to put team or cell into operational readiness.


As far as chicks are concerned, hair is youth and age is wisdom. Be glad most most chick like age and money ; ) too bad I have little hair, little age, and little money!!! Heh you never know, a supermodels dad might have been one of us too ; )

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Ya. Regarding having large sums of cash to bring for a HT procedure, you do need to be careful when bringing cash (10k, e.g.) through an airport.


Be prepared to get an inquisition thrown at you; assuming you just act straight forward and don't act indignant it should never be a major problem, though, just a minor -- but surreal -- inconvenience you should be prepared for.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I had the money problem too. It was august 09 and I had $3000 in the bank. Just come back from the USA where i'd spent 3 weeks and 7 grand taking 3 of my kids to California and disneyworld in florida...I'd saved for 6 months for that. I live in australia by the way.


Anyway, I needed $12000, so i calculated how long it would take me to save up the other $9000 with the maximum amount of cash I could save if i saved every cent except the rent. I worked it out to be end of november.


Then I found the two cheapest rate credit cards I could, one was at 4% for a year up to $5000 limit, so I booked my HT, paid the $1000 deposit and I put all my living expenses, as much as I possibly could, food , everything for the next 4 months on the 4% interest card and saved up every bit of cash I could.


I was super frugal and there was no luxuries whatsoever...except beer......to keep me sane........:-). I maxed out the cheap rate card to $5000 just before the HT and needed $1000 more for expenses like hotel, food etc in Bangkok so just before I left i used the other card and made a cash withdrawal with that for the $1000.


So I had my HT on 25 November and came back with $700 which I put back into the card account. Now i have to pay it back but at 4% for most of it, thats easily do-able and thatll be paid off over slowly at 4% over the next 6 months. Trick is you have to have the income to pay off the cards without being hit with big interest payments long term.


I wired $9000 to Dr Path the week before I went (exchange rates were the best then co-incidentally) and only took a couple thousand cash over with me.


That was my solution. cheers



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