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Doctor Markou Hair and Scalp Clinic Florida


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Mr. Bill, please do not suspect anything fishy about my purpose in writing. I seriously wrote here to kinda-sorta chill down all the defensiveness going on. And I would appreciate no threats to be tossed my way, for I did not say anything about any one here. I addressed this entire group as a whole. I can face all of you, shake your hand, and not feel embarrassed. On the other hand, you? I had no intention of insulting anyone. By all means send my writigs to whomever you may please. None of us can know who is who, as I stated in my first writting. You are right, I could be doc, his employee, or even his girlfriend, wife, sister, anyone... On the other hand, I can be an aquaintance of Rodfl who advised him not to start this rubbish that will result in nothing productive...

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Guys--- I hope those who read this thread understand the power of the internet and why forums just like this one are feared, even loathed by those performing sub-par work.


One of the BASIC premises of hair transplantation is that the resulting scar from the incision to remove donor tissue should be slightly above the occipital protuberance.


If rodfl's resulting scar rests below this or in the middle of this point, then the incision was poorly placed, period.


There is no rebuttal or other explanation for this.


I always find it "amusing" when people try to denigrate what it is we do here.


Helping new patients, old patients and those who feel victimized by improper or out-dated practices is what we do here.


Any comments or attempts to discredit that premise immediately exposes these posters for what they are: damage controlling shills.


You guys are so easy to spot it is pathetic.


For once, it would be nice for a Doc or clinic to show up and say, Yes, this guy's session did not turn out they way we intended, but here is the reason, here is what we tried to do, here is what we are currently working on to prevent this from happening again.


The problem is when one of the parties involved feels they are above critical examination by lay people, and simply cannot understand why they would have to justify their actions to a group of informed and caring individuals.


As far as taking this seriously----- We are talking about men and women who are dealing with balding issues that cloud their judgements, and allow them to fall prey to slick salesmen and sub-par doctors.


Salesman and doctors who simply see dollar signs.

Salesman and doctors who have a surplus of money to pay for legal fees.

Salesman and doctors who hide behind the "reasonable expectations" clause.


So before speaking about being a man, think about the poor bastard who scrapes together 8,9,10 thousand dollars he doesn't have, who is led to believe that this 3-4 hour procedure will give him his life back, only to find out a year later that he has been misled.


HOPEFULLY he isn't badly scarred, or his donor is intact, or his hairline hasn't been placed to low, etc... etc... etc...


Like I said earlier, enjoy your stay.... it won't be long.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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TIME OUT HERE. How can you, Mr. F tell Rodfl that you believe him? (please Mr. Rodfl, no disrespect to you) With what conrete evidence are you making this statement? Were you there? have you met him, seen his before and after pictures? Have you spoken to Paul and did he confirm what he said ad how he said it? In Rodfl's mind, of course he is telling the truth - duhhhhhhhhhhhh! Rodfl I also believe is not randomly lying here. What would be his purpose? He sounds sincere, and frustrated as would yourself or anyone else in his situation. Doc, I have not read anything that shows negativity against anybody here, nor does he praise anyone specific.

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You should respect each other and be nice. Stop accusing, stop trying to prove your point so desperately. It sppears that said doctor is guilty until proven otherwise. There is a smell of rotten cheese in Denmark in this forum tonight. WOW! Interesting how Rodfl appeared out of nowhere tonight - what a coinicence! LIKE I SAID, YOU GUYS PUT ON AN AMUSING SHOW. How is everyone so certain that Ronfl rather than said doctor is the victim here? Bottom line is that this has accomplished absolutely nothing. Tomorrow, Rodfl will wake up with the same concerns as today.

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Laser therapy is a joke.


Even one of the top notch docs agreed on here as well.. In addition, The British watch doc company added evidence to support.


Don't care what the FDA or anyone else claims



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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another thought-----If this is truly an employe of the clinic replying to this post then you know exactly who i am----There is no reason for me to lie----and no reason for me to be anonymous--My name is Rod and obviously I am from Tampa. I have been a patient at this clinic for atleast ten years---I was first introduced to your clinic when you advertised in the paper concerning a trial study regarding propecia--I came to your clinic you did a hair analysis--you put me on the medication and I returned later on to discover that I indeed had responded to the meds--(and I thank you very much for saving the hair that i have left,,at least for now icon_smile.gif I have been thru numerous studies with you guys-including propecia,I purchased a hair max laser comb from the clinic,used rogaine,and some other topical med--I have had two sucessful procedures with your clinic (Doctor Riggs) and credit you for filling in my previous plugs to make them appear more natural--I am thankful for that!!

but after much research I have discovered that you used most of my available donor hair all for the frontal hairline---yes this is what I was concerned with at the time---but you being the professionals that you are should have explained to me that due to limited donor area (resulting from punch graft technique in the 90s )that eventually if my hair continued to thin that I would be left with a frontal hairline and nothing behind it---which is what is happening--- I put my trust in your wisdom and eperience and feel that you were not truly honest with me. I think that is why Dr Markou made the incision where he did--I had limited donor area and that was the only place to take it from-----I also made the mistake of not speaking with the Doc until the day of the surgery--after taking time off from work and making all of the arragements--I asked the Doc before the surgery--I realize this may be my last surgery and I need to know if this surgery will make a difference in the appearance of my hair line----I was assured that it would make a difference and that even while wet it would look fuller and more natural----at the time I had no idea that there was any danger as to where the incision was made for the donor area--Now i understand that it is basic knowledge!! The results of the procedure were poor and made little difference in the appearance of my hair--I was left with a few wiry and white/grey in color strands that made really no difference in the hair appearance. I was also told that the length of my hair in the back was sufficient enough to cover or hide all of the donor area---this was probably the most damaging of the entire procedure---I took 9 days off from work--which in the past had always been enough time to heal and return to work with the donor area being unoticable---when I did return the work I was bombarded by my staff and coleagues as to what had happened to the back of my head--this was completely humiliating!! I was forced to grow my hair out long in the back and had to keep it much shorter on the top and sides---my hairdresser was no longer able to us clippers on my hair(as we used to use a number 4) Even today I can not use clippers when i have my hair cut--It has to be cut with scissors and longer in the back and it turns out with a gappy looking hair cut----because she tries to keep the sides as short as possible but no longer than in the back(needless to say I have to tolerate the mullet jokes etc) It is painful because we all know that one of the rules to making ones hair look fuller is to keep the sides and back shorter--- so my hair dresser tries to compensate by using thinning shears on the sides to make it appear less bulky in appearance. Like i said this whole ordeal has been very painful and it was caused by the slicing of one doctors scalpal----since my first surgery I have never had perfect looking hair -----but I was happy and was able to live with the fact that I could use a number 4 clipper to cut my hair and was fine with it--I had never had any concerns over the donor area as it had alway healed to be basically unoticeable (the strip scars that is)---its late and I am tired--I could write all night---like i said if this is who i think it is replying to the post you know who I am and can easily pull my file----feel free to call me--you have my number and have called me many times in the past---and we can make arrangements for u to post my before and after pics---but if i remember correctly u did not take any pics of my donor area after the surgery for some reason---I will give you permission to post as many pics as you want--even though it is still difficult for me to look at today----Yes i understand that we are each our own worse critics and I have seen many more people in worse shape than I (sorry for u all) but please do not attack me for telling my story as every word is true---and if asked what can u do to make it right---im not sure there is an anwer.

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Amused (and doc),


I'll echo B Spot's comments when I say "Enjoy your stay...it won't be long".


I noticed you have not actually addressed as to whether you work for the clinic. In fact, you stated that you indeed might. I guess nobody can accuse of of lying now can we icon_wink.gif


If your intent is to SINCERELY chill down the defensiveness, then I think a new approach in your writing sytle is in order. Words like "duh" are not only very childish but can be offensive to people. Personally I could not be offended by someone who uses such juvenile language.


I DO, understand, however that rodfl made a claim without providing pictures. Perhaps he can post some pictures of his scar...but then would you really be satisfied? You would probably argue like doc did...how do we know the scar is really from that clinic?


Let me ask you this? If rodfl came here and started raving how awesome Dr. Markou was, would you question that? How come you have any other positive post on this forum from other doctors? how come you have not questioned any other negative experiences regarding other doctors?


If you are sincere in being a part of this community, I suggest you take the time to seriously consider the questions above. Right now, one can only conclude you work for the clinic since you:


a) just joined

b) are only posting on this thread

c) are questioning the one member who happens to be critiquing Dr. Markou's work

d) You have not questioned any positive postings nor any other negative postings regarding OTHER doctors

e) I assum "Paul" is the doctors first name...you seem pretty tight with him if you are calling him that. As a patient, I don't even call any of my physicians by their first names.


This will be my last post to you regarding this unless you begin to be more consistent and respectful.



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Completely UNRELATED to the above postings to doc and amused...do you have any pictures of your scar and damage that you are willing to show people? I am not asking for you to do that because you have to prove anything...only because I'd like to see what kind of damage you've received from the clinic.



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Chin up bro - the good news is that you've found this site, chances are one of the top physicians you'll find here will be able to repair the damage caused.




In reply to your earlier comment about the ATTACKED doctor not advertising here, I'm not sure if you know how the site works. No doctor is allowed to advertise here. The only way to get onto this site's list of recommended physicians is to go through a lenghty process which involves an in-person clinic by Pat visit to watch surgery being performed and to chat with technicians, proving years of good and *consistent* results etc. While this does not ensure there are no good physicians outside the coalition, it ensures there are no bad ones in it.

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This is over one year post op and have been using maderma x2 a day and vitamin E at night for the past 7 months--sorry for the picture quality but its difficult to take pics of the back of your own head lol---please note the large red area that extends well below the scar--I had to reduce the quality of the photos in-order to be able to fit them in --is there a way to post hi-def pics?


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What a sad world we have come into with comments like these. As the son of the late Dr. CP Chambers, one of the innovators of the hair restoration procedure as it is known today.


How can we have doctors accuse other doctors of naturally occuring events, that under any circumstance does not present itself at time of procedure. Also, how does one person accuse another without specific facts of the case.


Some of the real questions that I would need additional answers to would be how many surgeries did you have and how many by each doctor? What was the time frame between each procedure? Then, when did you approach any doctor with this issue as written in your blog?


Rodfl, I believe you have a issue that needs to be fixed and unfortunately you have gotten caught up it talking about it and not actually getting it fixed. Call Dr. Markou, you know him and you know that he will do what is reasonably possible or refer you to someone that can correct what needs to be done. YOU KNOW THIS.


I know Dr. Markou and find his practice to be one of honesty and integrity, not one that is full of this mystery that "rodfl" accuses him of. Dr. Markou, has studied with many other physicians over several years to achieve the respect of his patients and other physicians worldwide.

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Thank you for posting pictures. Even without complete clarity, I can see that your scar is still red and irritated and that you still have a good amount of shockloss around the scar. Based on the pictures, however, I do not feel the scar is too low, unless the lack of clarity or position is deceiving me. It is obvious, however, to me, why you are dissatisfied.




Welcome to the community. You are more than welcome to participate here and share your opinions. I appreciate that your tone was relatively friendly.


However, if you work for Dr. Markou, please list this under your signature as per forum policy.


Regarding "sad" comments, however, I'm not sure what you mean. Each participant here is entitled not only to their opinion but entitled to make an evaluation of the work performed by clinics.


Regardless of previous work that rodfl had done...the bottom line is this:


If the scar didn't look that way before surgery and looks that way after surgery (especially one year post op), then his point is valid.


One MIGHT be able to argue rationally that the scar problem has something to do with the number of surgeries and lack of laxity he may have had at the time of surgery. If you take this argument...that is fine...HOWEVER...the responsibility still falls on the doctor. The doctor should have been able to judge his condition/situation during his consultation and determined that he was not a good candidate due to his limited laxity, etc.


A SAFETY FIRST policy should ALWAYS be applied.


I admit, I am not familiar with Dr. Markou so I cannot and will not make judgments about his work in general. But clearly, rodfl is dissatisfied with the way the scar turned out and I would too. If you read his posts, he said he was told by the doctor that over time it would heal and the shocklossed hair would return. Time frame's aside, he trusted the doctor and probably didn't get any second opinions.


You have to remember...you are also sharing your OPINION as well. Stating that "his practice to be one of honesty and integrity" is based on your experience. You can't dismiss what rodfl went through with your experience. That response is very self-centered making claims like "I am right, and you are wrong". The world doesn't work that way. In your experience, perhaps you are right...but don't dismiss another's experience because your experience was different.


Furthermore, I don't know why you and the other possible employees of this clinic insist on using words like "accuse" when there is no evidence of this. To accuse someone of something simply means "to make false claims against". Based on rodfl's photos, I see no evidence of false claims. Why would somebody come on a forum and take the time to share their experience and lie about it UNLESS they work for a clinic or are getting some kind of settlement out of it? I do not believe he is lying...sorry guy...he has not accused Dr. Markou of anything, but instead, revealed his experience which happens to be true...and that OFFENDS you and a few others.


It is not impressive to make claims like "Dr. Markou, has studied with many other physicians over several years to achieve the respect of his patients and other physicians worldwide." Almost every doctor can make claims such as that...this does NOT make them a quality doctor nor does it mean they do good work. I am not stating that he DOES'T do good work...but it's not an argument for him.


Once again, it is SAD that YOU just joined this community and posted on this thread only. People who join forums to defend clinics, in my experience, work for clinics and are trying their best to promote/defend their doctor to solicit business.


BUT, regardless of whether you work for the clinic or not...if you want to take the time to show and promote the good work Dr. Markou has done...spend time posting before/progression/after pictures of the work he's performed including scar work.





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A few tips to those who work for clincs and/or are trying to promote and/or show their doctor's work:


1. Be honest and share your intentions with the community - that you work for a particular doctor/clinic and that you want people to see the quality work in which your doctor performs


2. Share experiences and detailed before/progressive/after photos providing graft/hair counts. Pictures should be high resolution, from many angles, under similar lighting conditions, and with or without flash consistently (preferably without flash).


3. Do NOT make general blanket statements - they hold no validity


4. Do NOT spend a LOT of time sharing your doctor's "credentials" nor attempt to defend a doctor this way. The proof is in the pudding. We want to see results from REAL patients


5. Do NOT discredit someone else's experience. The best way to show the good nature and integrity of a particular doctor is to offer the distressed patient your empathy and then attempt to do something about it if possible, whether free repair work or their money back.


6. Become a part of this community and provide advice to people not directly relating with your doctor. You will earn RESPECT this way. (See JoTronic, Janna, or Spex for prime examples).


Without doing the above, it will be easy for members of the community to discredit your posts...and truthfully, they should.


I hope this helps.



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Originally posted by TheChambersHairInstituteGCC:

Rodfl, I believe you have a issue that needs to be fixed and unfortunately you have gotten caught up it talking about it and not actually getting it fixed. Call Dr. Markou, you know him and you know that he will do what is reasonably possible or refer you to someone that can correct what needs to be done. YOU KNOW THIS.






From a patients perspective, why would one go back to a doctor who may have caused damage to ones scalp unless it were for financial settlement? Do you think he would ever trust going back under the knife after his experience. There is a certain amount of mental trauma associated with the physical trauma as well. You lose trust, are angry at what has been done to you. Why would you not understand this??


Seems to me you are more worried about your clinics reputation than coming to a settlement with Rodfl. If you say he would refer him to someone else who could repair the scars, I am assuming this would be compensated by Dr. Markou??? Many doctors are hesitant to refer botched patients to other doctors - it would be a sign of admitting responsibility for the problem and thus fear of lawsuit.


Rodfl is free to share his opinion here and I do hope he finds some solution to his dilema.





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Bill thank you for your feedback (I have followed your story for quite some time now and has been inspired by your experience) and Yes the scar does not appear to be that low--even I thought the same after looking at the pictures--but TRUST me the incision was made below the prominent process on the back of my head---I guess I just have a long or big head lol--does this mean i should have more donor hair than others : ) Thank all of you for your comments--Bill, buzz, young, honestly this has been difficult for me to discuss and even harder to actually post pics--- Again, the pics have been taken over one year post op--and after 7 months of maderma and vitamin E applied daily--I wish I had taken pictures shortly after the procedure--and I wish the pics were of better detail---my camera is 4 mega and I was unable to post them in true def. The red/brown area below the scar is actually very bright and there is not very much hair growing in the area--so combine bright red with light hair and you get (noticeable) its ok when I have my hair grown out long---but like i said Im not used to having my hair long in the back---Thanks Chamber for all of your comments--I do not doubt that Dr Markou is a very nice person--And I would feel totally different about this whole situation if he/and the director would have been honest with me during the several post op visits--They refused to admit that there was anything wrong other than some shock loss--If only you could have seen the back of my head--and then for me to walk into a highly respected Docs office three days later and tell me that I was not dealing with shock loss and that rogaine was not going to help my problem---Like I said I have met with Dr Markou and The director face to face like a real man and they are both well aware of how upset I am concerning the situation--Do you think I have received one phone call to check on my situation or to ask how things are going? Nope not yet!! You also seem to be offering much advice----Well I am asking you---fix it? How would you suggest I do that?? I have physically been examined by one of the top Docs in the U.S. and he was not able to give me any promises of FIXING my problem--but I am surely open for suggestions-- and you also seem to forget that I paid thousands for this scar that I get to wear every day---Listen I too am in the medical field and yes I am well aware of the complications that are involved with any type of surgery---Like I said before If the situation would have been handled differently I probably would not have made a post on this forum --but I truly do not want another patient to have to endure this type of situation. Anyway, I am open to any suggestions from any and all---actually would appreciate it--and I am sure if Doctor Markou is as compassionate as you say he is I will receive a phone call offering to send me to a specialist or refund my money so that I can seek out one on my own-- I will be sure to let you know.. oh and Bill I noticed you mentioned shock loss--does this mean that more hair could possibly grow back in?? and will the red area diminish or get any better??---and chambers yes I have had two previous surgeries with Doctor Riggs formerly of this clinic----Have you noticed any negative post regarding him?? I am not posting here for fun or to be malicious---This post started with a simple warning to other members---well maybe not simple- but I have to admit I do get angry and frustrated with how the situation has been handled-----Again sorry to anyone offended--I only speak the truth!!!


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Hair Transplant Network Hair Restoration Research Forum Hair Transplant Experiences and Surgeon Reviews Doctor Markou Hair and Scalp Clinic Florida




I didn't mean to give you false hopes. In fact, since a year has passed and there has been no improvement in that area after you have tried minoxodil and various healing solutions, I would tend to guess that the hair will NOT return. I called it shockloss in a looser term...but remember, we can categorize shockloss into two categories (temporary and permanent). My best guess is that something was damaged during surgery which caused the hair to fall out. My best NON-MEDICAL opinion would be one of two things:


1. The hair was permanently shocked and will not come back

2. The skin is infected still even after a year, and perhaps with proper treatment (whatever that is if possible), your hair will eventually grow back.


I am under the belief that just like plants need good soil to grow, so do hair follicles need good healthy skin to grow. Fix the skin problem, the hair might grow back..that is, if the hair follicles haven't completely died.


If it is indeed a skin condition/infection that can be repaired, even if the existing "shocked' hair does not grow back, you may consider getting FUE into the area if it's still too bad. But don't even consider this without getting the skin condition repaired.


Have you considered seeing or have seen a dermatologist to see what he/she recommends to clear up the redness/infection (if it is that)? Something to consider my friend.


I hope this information helps.



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reading the post again lol----Doc how do you know what my donor area looked like? and that I was there for repair work? hmmmm and making sure you get the story straight-----I DID NOT have a stretch scar before the surgery with Dr Markou---And doctor Rose told me that there was a 50/50 chance that if he repaired the current scar that it could reoccur--thats the truth : )

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Let me pipe in and give my opinion here, and what I am saying I honestly and truly believe to the bottom of my heart. First, like a few of the other posters here, I am a trial lawyer practicing in Florida. In Florida we have some very good doctors and we have some very bad doctors, just like everywhere else. And just like everywhere else, doctors have attempted to close the court house doors to those injured by their malpractice. I believe something like 10% of the doctors out there cause 90% of the problems. But when they cause problems, they can be huge, ranging from death to disfigurement to paralysis to the wrong limbs being cut-off. Doctors and their insurance companies have done their very best to pollute the public mind-set by creating a fictitious liability problem in our State, in at attempt to convince state legislatures to pass tort reform (pretty easy when we had Jeb Bush as our governor), and in attempt to win over the public so that they find in favor of doctors if they actually sit on malpractice juries.


Now it appears from our friend here that he is personally attempting to also prevent the free-flow of information through baseless threats so that the public does not know about those doctors who are substandard.


I had my hair transplant by Dr. Jeffrey Epstein. He did a great job and I will always be grateful to him for his abilities and his expertise. If I however had been butchered by Dr. Epstein, I would be blasting him all over the internet and I would do my best to get his rear-end in court.


It's a new world Doc. You may be able to close the court house doors but you will never be able to stop the free flow of information on the internet. If you are not good at what you do, if you can not do a decent Hair transplant, then get the hell out of the business. You have no right to butcher people for the benefit of your own enrichment. Screw you and your threats of retaliation. If it were me you were making the threats against, I would say bring it on.


I've had my say :-)

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I'm a physician assistant who, as others previously noted, should state who I am and am affiliated with. I work for Dr. Markou and proudly have for 5 years. My signifigant other has had three surgeries under his meticulous care with fantastic results. Does he have a scar, of course, that is the nature of surgery. NO surgery, cosmetic or otherwise goes without scars. Do they vary person to person, of course!! This is based on many factors including medications, hormone levels and personal habits (i.e. drinking/smoking). I have seen no one else on this site admit to any formal medical education to even address such issues. Just the number of grafts they have had. Is that like the number of cc's that fill breast implants or the cc's of fat that was sucked out in liposuction? I'm sorry, does that displace 8-11 years of professional schooling.


This website should be used to share information... not bash certain individuals and then back it up with the numbers of grafts you have had, that by no means makes you an expert on Hair Transplant surgery and/or medicine.


I agree with previous comments also, Dr. Rose and Dr. Markou are professional colleagues who have known each other for YEARS, they would not bash each others work but encourage each individual patient to explore all options including speaking to the doctor of whom they are concerned.


Now, this may have been addressed, but I will address it too, in case I misread, "thechambers", is a son of one of the late founders of hair transplant surgery. Dr. Chambers trained Dr. Markou. His son, commenting, on this site, has never and will never be paid to endorse our practice and or surgerical skills, neither am I. He is simply someone who grew up educated in the world of hair restoration.


Is Dr. Markou for everyone? Of course not, that is a silly blanket statement. Would I trust my family to anyone else? Absolutely NOT! And, not because I am an employee of his but because after 5 years of working by his side I would know beyond any doubt if he lacked in medical skills.


By the way, he co-wrote a medically published paper on the use of low level laser therapy and helped put it on the map as an alternative for some. Please don't mis-read... this only shows his interest and passion for his field.


The best I can advise as a cosmetic patient AND practioner, get many opinions, educate yourself, look at before and afters and make an educated decision. Don't rely on one website forum to make a major medical decision.

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"I have seen no one else on this site admit to any formal medical education to even address such issues."


I would suggest that Janna (Shapiro) and Joe (Hasson and Wong) among others are quite qualified.


As far as "just the number of grafts", you obviously haven't bothered to read concerning the depth of topics on this forum.


8 to 11 years of professional schooling speaks to attendance, not to performance. Also, learning to empty bedpans also qualifies as medical education.

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"This website should be used to share information... not bash certain individuals"


Information about a certain doctor's work having caused an inordinately large scar is something folks should know about and I'm glad it was shared. Just because it's not favorable to the doctor in question does not make it any less relevant.



"and then back it up with the numbers of grafts you have had, that by no means makes you an expert on Hair Transplant surgery and/or medicine."


You don't need a degree to be able to give good advice. Rodfl and anyone else posting here knows, and is reminded often, that while advice given here is educated & valuable it's no substitute for a professional opinion.



"Dr. Chambers trained Dr. Markou. His son, commenting, on this site, has never and will never be paid to endorse our practice and or surgerical skills, neither am I. He is simply someone who grew up educated in the world of hair restoration."


Ah, I'm glad you agree that a person's opnion is not worthless just because they don't hve a medical degree.



"The best I can advise as a cosmetic patient AND practioner, get many opinions, educate yourself, look at before and afters and make an educated decision. Don't rely on one website forum to make a major medical decision."


Well, he's already tried relying on his doctor for a major medical decision, and we all saw pictures of how *that* turned out. No forum, no doctor, what else can he rely on? Could you suggest a few links to good information?

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