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Everything posted by Amused

  1. You should respect each other and be nice. Stop accusing, stop trying to prove your point so desperately. It sppears that said doctor is guilty until proven otherwise. There is a smell of rotten cheese in Denmark in this forum tonight. WOW! Interesting how Rodfl appeared out of nowhere tonight - what a coinicence! LIKE I SAID, YOU GUYS PUT ON AN AMUSING SHOW. How is everyone so certain that Ronfl rather than said doctor is the victim here? Bottom line is that this has accomplished absolutely nothing. Tomorrow, Rodfl will wake up with the same concerns as today.
  2. TIME OUT HERE. How can you, Mr. F tell Rodfl that you believe him? (please Mr. Rodfl, no disrespect to you) With what conrete evidence are you making this statement? Were you there? have you met him, seen his before and after pictures? Have you spoken to Paul and did he confirm what he said ad how he said it? In Rodfl's mind, of course he is telling the truth - duhhhhhhhhhhhh! Rodfl I also believe is not randomly lying here. What would be his purpose? He sounds sincere, and frustrated as would yourself or anyone else in his situation. Doc, I have not read anything that shows negativity against anybody here, nor does he praise anyone specific.
  3. Mr. Bill, please do not suspect anything fishy about my purpose in writing. I seriously wrote here to kinda-sorta chill down all the defensiveness going on. And I would appreciate no threats to be tossed my way, for I did not say anything about any one here. I addressed this entire group as a whole. I can face all of you, shake your hand, and not feel embarrassed. On the other hand, you? I had no intention of insulting anyone. By all means send my writigs to whomever you may please. None of us can know who is who, as I stated in my first writting. You are right, I could be doc, his employee, or even his girlfriend, wife, sister, anyone... On the other hand, I can be an aquaintance of Rodfl who advised him not to start this rubbish that will result in nothing productive...
  4. I noticed a common demominator here. The ATTACKED physician here seems to be the only one who does not advertise his clinic on this site. GEE.....
  5. Hey dudes, i see one more thing here - everybody is getting all fired up withot even knowing the details of anything said. i have read and understood bits and pieces. To my knowledge, it is most unethical for any physician to discuss their opinion about any colleague. The names I have seen here are of reputable doctors doctors who take much pride in their profession with great integrity. You are oly making yourselfs look bad by lying and/or exagurating what happenened, and who said what. It is not proper to use a doctor's name the way you guys have been doing. If they read this about themselves, how do you think they would feel? How would you feel if there was a forum for doctors only discussing patients like yourselves? Or better yet, depending on each of your own careers, how would you feel if you were attaced on cyberspace by your co-workers, your employees, clients, or whomever you work for. You are all being so damn petty and meticulous. What is the difference if a person here is a clinic employee, affiliate, patient, or anything? Just listen to the words written, and go from there. This is not a game of who are you really, and where do you work, or who do you work for, etc. Has this done any good to the original problem, all this back and forthing, what is the bottom line purpose? I commend the dude doc, for he seem to be the most calm and logical of the group. do i care who he is, who he works for? NOT - i care what he has written, for it is so sincere and simly pure common scense. I think you all will have more fun playing around with myspace. It too is amusing! Try something different.
  6. Hi group! This is quite an interesting male cat fight! Mr B spot, do you happen to know my good friend Ms. G spot? (lol) You all take this so seriously..... what gives? you are writing as if you know eachother, whereas you could be writing to ficticious people, even moles. If you have a problem with any specific doctor, why not go to their office, and like a REAL man, talk to him face to face? Mr Rodfl. I noticed on your profile that you have had 4 sugeries with 4 different doctors. To me that is like a women having had 4 children with 4 different men, and unhappy with each one, so is left alone to sulk. I understand hair transplant surgery is indeed a serious matter, and quite costly, yet look at all of you in this group - you are acting like babies. shouting, pouting, dishonoring the doctors that YOU yourselves chose, and burning off steam by badmouthing them. So, do you all feel relieved? By the way, most of these doctors are quite reasonable when you go talk to them about your concerns and complaints - they will not bite you, but rather thank you and will more likely help you ease your concerns. What is the big problem? Are you afraid they will not let you in to listen to your "issues"? Well, most gladly would, unless they are arrogant idiots who have no bedside manners, and who do not care. Did you not pick up this trait of theirs prior to sugery? Those are the ones that should be badmouthed, because that is not fair for them to keep any patients unhappy. Most of the doctors in this field go by word of mouth, and do not want dissatisfied patients roaming the net, talking them down. Have you gone that approach yet? Why don't you try that first - it may just make you feel stupid when you find out how understanding and earger to help your concerns they are. it may make you feel humbled, but that will pass. This "he said/she said" is such a wrong approach. it will not fix your concern, and guess what?- any doctor reading this would never touch any whiney, complaining slanderer with a ten foot pole, in fear that they will be next on their shit list. GROW UP. Good luck to all of you
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