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Everything posted by TheChambersHairInstituteGC

  1. Good morning Rodfl, I hope that with another day of sharing with this forum, that you are getting the clarity you need and desire. My hopes are not to inflame a situation that does not need additional fire. My attempt is solely to slow down the conversation, so that you can (as my late father would say) see the forest from the trees. My comments in there entirity will only be addressed to you and no others as they are not involved. Finally, I would be willing to speak to you as well if you like. Let me know and I will provide you a way to do so. G.C. Chambers
  2. What a sad world we have come into with comments like these. As the son of the late Dr. CP Chambers, one of the innovators of the hair restoration procedure as it is known today. How can we have doctors accuse other doctors of naturally occuring events, that under any circumstance does not present itself at time of procedure. Also, how does one person accuse another without specific facts of the case. Some of the real questions that I would need additional answers to would be how many surgeries did you have and how many by each doctor? What was the time frame between each procedure? Then, when did you approach any doctor with this issue as written in your blog? Rodfl, I believe you have a issue that needs to be fixed and unfortunately you have gotten caught up it talking about it and not actually getting it fixed. Call Dr. Markou, you know him and you know that he will do what is reasonably possible or refer you to someone that can correct what needs to be done. YOU KNOW THIS. I know Dr. Markou and find his practice to be one of honesty and integrity, not one that is full of this mystery that "rodfl" accuses him of. Dr. Markou, has studied with many other physicians over several years to achieve the respect of his patients and other physicians worldwide.
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