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Please Recommend someone in So Cal


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I'm currently looking at Dr Gary L Perrault in Beverly Hills. He is quite expensive at $9/Graf. Can someone tell me anything about him or steer me to someone else?



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  • Senior Member

$9 a graft is twice the price of most doctors you will find from this site. Keep researching and don't be taken by the fancy Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeons. Just because they charge more does not mean they do better work.

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Even if you ultimately go with this dude (which I think 9.8/10 times you won't), make sure you do ample research into your options before you commit.


Price aside, we fortunately live in a present where a legit elite exists w/ regard to hair transplants. Make sure you have a good feel of the quality of work you will receive from this guy, which you can determine both in the prognosis he gives you (as compared to other docs which you should consult with), and also in the clear, detailed pictures that he shows you.


For what it's worth, some of the most archaic procedures in the pantheon of hair restoration are carried out at "posh", "modern", clinics in places like Bev Hills.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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If you are looking for quality hair restoration physicians in California, I recommend consulting with Dr. Reed and Dr. Rassman who are two elite members of the Coalition.


You will find however, that Dr. Rassman's prices are typically higher as well. Dr. Reed's prices are more reasonable in my opinion. Both however, produce quality results.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Thanks guys.

Dr Perrault has already offered a 10% discount on his $9/Graf. I'm wondering how negotiable is his price considering so many options here in So Cal.


PS: Does anyone know of Dr Perrault?

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  • Regular Member

Hi dear...i have gone through ur question. I offer u the Hair tarspalnt surgery at a very ecnomical rate here in pakistan.I am sure you ll be happy from the result.......the naturalness,density and minimal scar visibility....which make me superior than other surgeon.

If i faild to give u the desire result i ll return u all ur money.Usually i do surgery of more than 2800 grafts daily which boosts my patient result.

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  • Senior Member

First of all, is that $9 for strip or FUE? If it's strip then it's a total rip-off. IMO, the top docs you want to consult with are: Feller (NY), H&W (Canada), Rahal(Canada), Alexander (Arizona), Shapiro (MN). If you are out west I'd put Alexander at the top of my list. His work is amazing. Also, most HT docs will offer you incentives to fly out to them (they might cover 1/2 airfare and a night in the hotel). Best of luck!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Dr. Ahamd,


Our forum members always appreciates physician participation in our online community.


I encourage you however, being unknown to us, instead of soliciting your services for hair transplantation to post patient photos as evidence of the quality of your work.


I encourage you to create a patient photo album in the "Hair Transplant Patient Photo Album" forum by clicking "New" and then selecting "photo album" toward the top left hand side of this forum.


Please post before, immediately postoperative, and after pictures providing all surgical details including graft counts with hair count breakdowns, patient specifics and goals (ommiting personal information).


Perhaps then you will gain some credibility in our online forum community.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member



You have been given some great advice by the veteran hairtransplant members. I encourage you to do your own research thoroughly but it is in your best interest that you disregard for the moment Dr. Perrault and do some more research on doctors recommended on this site.

Most members here have no interest in any doctor at all and we can use their experience as a guidance.


Dr Ahamd, which serious Dr. would claim that he is superior to othersicon_smile.gif Let the results speak for itself

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leica, Your considering price per graft and then asking, what's the difference between FUT and FUE? For your sake, first get educated on hair transplantation!! You'll want to strategize how your going to use your donor hair by looking at others who have your same or similar hair loss situation and then making the plan with your doctor. The best doctors in the world are going to charge you half of$9 per graft and will pay part of your flight and hotel.

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If you are set on finding someone in So. Cal, Dr. Reed of Lajolla is a great option. You should find a doctor who does only hair transplants. A plastic surgeon who does a little bit of everything is not qualified. His staff also needs to be experienced and skilled as great deal of the procedure is done by the technicians. Make sure you see many before and after pictures and possibly see patients in person. Basically, you need to do a lot more research. Good luck!

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I have not even considered going to have a consultation with Dr. Reed, even though his office is a whopping 5 minutes from my house. Although I have seen his website many times in the past, I did not know until now that he was recommended on this site. I never even considered him because it appears from his website that his idea of a megasession is around 2,500 grafts.


Even though I could walk to Dr.R's office, I never considered him and I would rather fly to Canada (H&W) so they can cut a huge chunk of skin from the back of my head and move as many hairs as possible in one sit-down...Reed may do descent work, but judging from his website I think its a far cry from the cream of the crop.



Dr. Ahmed,


your going to have to offer some *serious* incentives to get someone looking for a doc in Southern, California to travel to Pakistan for the procedure.Hmmmm...if you throw in some chicken curry, garlic nun bread, and three belly dancers to dance around my bleeding head during my procedure I will reconsider...

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leica, yes you do have a lot more research to do before you consider getting an HT. Just keep reading this site as well as hairlosshelp.com. IMO, these are the two most useful/informative sites. if i were you i'd try propecia and rogaine for at least 1 year, researching HTs all the while. By the end of the year you'll know what type of results the meds can give you and be much better educated on HTs. You can also do some consultations (most docs will do them online) to get a feel for different docs and what they might recommend...best of luck!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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  • 2 years later...

I just had a transplant by Dr. Gary Perrault in Beverly Hills. He is without question one of the best doctors and surgeons I have ever seen. The procedure itself was as smooth as possible; Dr. Perrault was extremely attentive, painstakingly focused at designing my new hairline, his staff was exceptional, kind and took top care of me. He only takes 1 patient a day and the entire office was dedicated to my surgery. His office is modern, comfortable and totally designed with your comfort in mind. He gave me his home number in case I had questions in the days after the surgery and he personally called me the night after my surgery to check in on me. His office manager called me the next day too to see how I was doing. I too wondered why there wasn't much written about Dr. Perrault, it turns out that most of his clientele are wealthy and famous people who probably don't hit these boards...my dermatologist ( a top one in Beverly Hills ) who recommended Dr. Perrault to me said all the biggest movie and tv stars go to Dr. Perrault so it's a very discreet, word of mouth kind of practice. Anyone who has any hesitations should know, I would never let anyone else touch my hair after this experience and I highly recommend Dr. Perrault.

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I just had a transplant by Dr. Gary Perrault in Beverly Hills. He is without question one of the best doctors and surgeons I have ever seen. The procedure itself was as smooth as possible; Dr. Perrault was extremely attentive, painstakingly focused at designing my new hairline, his staff was exceptional, kind and took top care of me. He only takes 1 patient a day and the entire office was dedicated to my surgery. His office is modern, comfortable and totally designed with your comfort in mind. He gave me his home number in case I had questions in the days after the surgery and he personally called me the night after my surgery to check in on me. His office manager called me the next day too to see how I was doing. I too wondered why there wasn't much written about Dr. Perrault, it turns out that most of his clientele are wealthy and famous people who probably don't hit these boards...my dermatologist ( a top one in Beverly Hills ) who recommended Dr. Perrault to me said all the biggest movie and tv stars go to Dr. Perrault so it's a very discreet, word of mouth kind of practice. Anyone who has any hesitations should know, I would never let anyone else touch my hair after this experience and I highly recommend Dr. Perrault.


Prove it.

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Perhaps you would like to start your own thread, dedicated specifically to your experience with Dr. Perrault? You can investigate adding some high quality photographs and really showcase the talent of this specific clinic.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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