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14 Month Post HT with Dr. True


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Hi all:

Just hit the 14th month Post-OP mark. Looks like I have all the growing I am going to get from my first HT. Figured I would throw together some pictures and mpegs into a video showing the progression over that past year and half"???since I shed the rug. You need Windows media to view it... and it's about 50 Meg, so hopefully you have high speed internet.


Had some fun putting it together"???it's neat to look back at where we started from. The older crowd, like me, will remember the song. Of course I had to pick a song from a RI band...


Been through the range of emotions over the past year...the usual; It's not growing; it's too thin; when is it going to grow; did all the grafts grow; the days when it looked thick, thin, etc..etc...etc...


Overall ??“Completely satisfied, then some, with the results. Could use some grafts in the crown, left side is thinner than the right (biggest scars) and throughout the mid- scalp, and some in the hairline. Dr. True figures I have about 3500 + in reserves. Contemplating my next HT"???Doc wants me to wait and enjoy the new hair before making a decision"???it's been a few years...20 to be exact.




Thanks everyone for being so supportive. This site is awesome!


The Video



My Hair Loss Weblog


Dr. True 9/22/06

4326 grafts

2129 1's

2168 2's

6545 Total Hairs

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If I could hug you I would. Not sure why, but the video made me a little emotional. I feel for the roller coaster that you have been thru in your life due to your hair. I know what it can do to a person. The avoided circumstances, the possible missed opportunities, the constant worry about what things look like, etc.....


It really must feel like a huge burden has been lifted from your shoulders. This is a remarkable transformation and you truly look great. I am amazed at how things have turned out for you and am honestly very excited for you. You look great and in no way do you need another HT, but I know how the greed monster might set in. I personally agree with Dr. True that you should just enjoy things for awhile. Its like buying a house, you should live in it for awhile before electing to remodel things. It'll give you a better idea of what exactly you might choose to do. Thanks for the posts as these will be very inspirational for many. You're a good man.


P.S. Great song!



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Hey GLOCK08.


Results are great !!

Just curious...your results looked awesome at only 5/6 months.

Did and are you still taking any meds to help speed up growth ??(propecia,msm ect.)


I'm going in this week for my first HT and any tips that might help would be great.




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what a great result and the video is just great.

from where you were to now is amazing.have you seen anyone recently who remembers you as being bald and what was their reactions or did they not recognise you.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Guest wanthairs










Glock08, You are a serious inspiration to me and I'm sure to many other people on this site. I've followed your prgress for a while since It appears that you and I have similar loss and very similar hair characteristics, plus being slow growers.


If I could have the coverage that you have I would feel that my life is totally complete. I think it will take one more session for me to get there. People who know you personaly must be completely shocked at the dramatic change !!!


Congratulations, you relly dont need another procedure, but more power to you if you go for it again !!!

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Great story, glad it turned out to be a very happy ending!


I think it makes sense to wait some for your next round. Gives your laxity a chance to return and make sure all grafts have grown in.

If you have the donor and the cash, I would go for it. Next round will be much easier since you will know what to expect.





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Looks fanstastic!


really a different looking person. I think this also shows Dr. True's ability to create a very natural result. He is a very good doctor and if I had to do all 3 of my again, i would in a second.





1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Thanks man..How about a big HTN group hug. icon_smile.gif Contemplating my next step"???but the shock loss scenario scares me at bit.



Without a doubt..Propecia and Rogaine have helped me tremendously. I believe the perimeter of my hair, where I used to shave down to glue the system, has grown back because of the two drugs. 5 and 6 Month looked good??? That's when I was whining the most.



I been married almost 15 years and the first time my wife saw me without hair was when I shaved my head last year...Think I was a bit self-conscious??? I had the HT less than 2 months after I shaved my head.



Geez..Your hair looks great! Wish I had your problem.



I am glad I can be an inspiration to you. Mine was Bobman and Jotronic when I first found this site. I think I wore out their photo albums.

I am sure yours will turn out just fine. You are in the hands of a great Doc.

I had similar hair counts to yours"???bulk was 2's and 1's"???very few 3's"???but very coarse hair. I think that is what is translating into the illusion of density now that the hair is thickening and starting to lie down.

Heading your way in a few weeks..Hope there's enough room in Fla. for both of our heads...



Good luck..You're in good hands. Keep us posted.



I probably will...the possibilty of shock loss is weighting on me though..But I think I will take your advice.



What can I say..you have been a great mentor.I had to read your post (the timeline) over and over. If I can paraphrase, you basically said...Shut the F%@k up until the final results (ok..maybe you said it a bit more refined), but it is sooo true. You should repost the timeline as the Ten Commandments. I was getting depressed seeing everyone at the 5 & 6 month looking like Chia pets...some take a tad longer to bloom..like me...Thou Shall not Whine!!



Without a doubt..You're going to have some tremendous results. Wish you the best.



Your photos look great also. Good luck and keep us posted.



You hit the nail on the head...My remaining hair is very coarse and consists of primarily 1's and 2's. I believe that's why I had the coverage with so few hairs (per graft) moved.


Thanks everyone.


My Hair Loss Weblog


Dr. True 9/22/06

4326 grafts

2129 1's

2168 2's

6545 Total Hairs

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I haven't had the privilege of looking at your video yet (will get a chance tonight), but your 1 year photos posted on your weblog look fantastic brother! You must be thrilled!!!!


It is nice to se good things happen to good people and it's so exciting to follow a journey like yours from beginning to end.


I hope you will stick around and continue to share your expertise and knowledge that you've acquired with other seeking hair loss sufferers! You are now one of the many inspirational stories out there that were able to regain a good head of hair!


Congratulations brother!




P.S. I hope you don't mind but I changed the title of your post adding Dr. True's name so it's more easily found for those seeking hair transplantation with him.

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Hey Glock,

Awesome results.I like your idea of adding a video.As a former system wearer,you are an inspiration to me since I to threw mine away a few months back.Even though I had so much less FU's than you,I am still feeling pretty happy with my growth so far.


Good luck to you,enjoy your new look,and as far as another HT,I dont think you need one but if you do,It sounds like your in excellent hands with Dr.True.


Thanks for sharing your progress with us,


1st HT 1973 FUT's with Dr.Robert Mcclellan 6/28/2007

*unfortunately I have no info on hair count on my 1st surgery ..


2nd HT 3026 FUT's with Dr. Bernadino Arocha 1/9/2014


1's - 797

2's - 3700

3's - 246

5634 hairs



3026 FUTs 1 day HT#2 post op frontal picture

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Haha Glock


Yes, basically that is what I am saying to everyone out there but it is out of coompassion. I have "been there done that" three times and there is no rationale in it. It is part worrying, part skeptisism, part impatience and it drives me mad when people try to make an assessment at 4 months...


JOBI's Ten commandments live on !!


In the end, a doctors good work will show itself AND when it does, it is a beautiful thing!!!



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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I have the same issue as you did. The majority of my grafts were also 1's and 2's. So we could only get 5663 individual hairs out of 3664 grafts. My hair is also very coarse. At first, I thought I am not going to get good density with those individual hairs.


Now looking at your result I don't think I should worry about it that much. Your result gives me alot of hope. I am looking forward to next 12 months.


Thanks again for taking the time to put this video together.



3664 Grafts with Dr. Hasson - Oct. 5th, 2007


My Hair Loss Weblog

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Originally posted by scooter:

As a former system wearer,you are an inspiration to me since I to threw mine away a few months back.


You really can't describe to someone what it feels like to have a hair system and the emotional roller coaster..the days it doesn't look good and all the limitations. It is nice to hear from others that went through the same



Double congrats!...on ditching the system and on your HT..


BTW...I cut mine up..even America's Most Wanted couldn't find it now.. icon_biggrin.gif






The hairiline is perfect for me...Thank my wife and Dr. True..I was going to go more conservative..they chose what you see. Good thing I was out voted 5-1. (you have to be married awhile to appreciate that one) icon_wink.gif



My Hair Loss Weblog


Dr. True 9/22/06

4326 grafts

2129 1's

2168 2's

6545 Total Hairs

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Very inspirational story and I LOVE the video. Dr. True did a fantastic job and I am sure that you are ecstatic.


I know guys that wear hair systems and I feel for them as I can tell when new and then when in need of change. Hopefully those that read your story and look at your pics/video will realize that there are other options.


Looks awesome!!



My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Hey Handsome!


I just came across your post. I'm unable to see your video icon_frown.gif. It sounds great and I will try to see it later on my home computer. I'm really glad to hear you are happy and satisfied with your results. Your one year pics show a very natural look, so I'm more than happy for you. Thanks for documenting your progress so well. It's been fun following along. You have the best sense of humor!!!

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Originally posted by Janna:

Thanks for documenting your progress so well. It's been fun following along. You have the best sense of humor!!!


Hey Janna:

If it wasn't for the restraining order, stalking charge and this pesky ankle bracelet, I'd run over and give you a hug.


Seriously, you have been so helpful over the past year + and I truly appreciate all the help. Let me know if you're still having a problem opening the file.



You are correct..one of the main reasons I posted is so people, especially someone young and na????ve (like I was-just older), will not get sucked into something that is a quick fix but has lasting implications. IE: Hair system. My before pictures (which one person said I look like Elmur Fudd- I do see the resemblance) I posted to show the damage that hair systems can do to your native hair.

Hopefully, someone contemplating a hair system will look at them objectively and conclude that there are other alternatives.


Thanks for the compliments.

All my best.


My Hair Loss Weblog


Dr. True 9/22/06

4326 grafts

2129 1's

2168 2's

6545 Total Hairs

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This is a great example of two key points.


1- You can get a damn good result from one procedure. glock went from being bald to a nice, slightly receding man in one pass

2 - Naturalness- We always get people asking "can you detect a HT?" Well, I would challenge anyone to say this looks like a HT, because it looks 100% natural and camera's tend to pick up everything.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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