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hi everybody


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thanks for comments....few were really harsh..some were encouraging...

first of all i didnt charge him...it was absoloutely free of cost...

secondly i informed him well before surgery why i am doing it free...

hairline:i used only single hair grafts...



Added by Bill: This is regarding the photo album this physician posted here.

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thanks for comments....few were really harsh..some were encouraging...

first of all i didnt charge him...it was absoloutely free of cost...

secondly i informed him well before surgery why i am doing it free...

hairline:i used only single hair grafts...



Added by Bill: This is regarding the photo album this physician posted here.

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  • Senior Member

Hi dr deepak

As Bushy stated why did you not train under a skilled physician rather than go it alone.

If you have trained under a physician who was it and could you explain why the corn row effect planting.

You say the comments were harsh but you asked for the opinions and people say it like they see it.

Why did you only do a smallish session when the patient would have benefited from at least twice the size session.Was it poor donor,laxity etc as money was not it.


2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Guest josh - b

I find all of this very hard to believe.

A supposed ht surgeon coming on here posting shocking work asking non doctors for advice and input to make him a better surgeon


surely its not april fools yet?

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actually if u notice my first post i addressed all the experts and legends....

i believe no body is perfect...this is my first step may be after some time u will see a different result...anyhow thanks for comments

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Well giving it to him for free was the best thing you said so far.

You say you used only one hair grafts .Im hoping you meant only in the hairline and not the entire head.

With that amount of ground to cover and with that contrast and that number of grafts the final result will be EXTREMELY thin . If you used ALL one hair grafts the results will look as if you did nothing.

The problem is when a person gets subpar work its makes it more difficult for the patient when he goes to an qualified doctor for repair. Wasted grafts, grafts planted at ridiculous angles,streched

scars ,low hairlines,and scar tissue due to oversized tools all can play a big role in repair work. It looks like the temple points are too high, the grafts too far apart, and rows of grafts.

You did do one thing I agree with and that is ask Janna what size they use. They use blades which youll need to buy a blade cutter to cut your own sizes. If I was you and are going to use this forum looking for answers I would PM every doctor that posts on here and ask them where you could train at.

Its far from the worst work Ive seen but it needs a ton of refinement . Remember your technicians need to be trained also .Cutting and handling of the grafts is just as important as anything else. I wish you luck but I would advise to stop working on patients unless they know clearly from the start that you are in a learning process.

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Please STOP TRANSPLANTING. You clearly need to study under a doctor who knows what they are doing. Contact Dr.Feller in New York, his office seems to be open to other docs who want to learn.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Your right no one perfect, especially me, but to get better you need to learn from the best and you obviously havent. Once again asking for advice on here is fine but its not the way you should be trying to "learn" the process. You should be standing next to a surgeon watching him/her and learning from him/her. Good luck


If any doctors or tech read this could you please PM Dr Pateel and let him know his options on how and where to possible train

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Dr. Pateel--- if you are truly concerned about getting better, you will stop transplanting patients and go spend a few weeks with a top flight surgeon and see exactly how the process works.


There may be some cost involved, etc... but now that you have initiated dialogue about your results and techniques, and what can be done to make them better, you have moral and ethical resposibility to STOP, re-group, seek training, train your staff, set-up your operating room and proceed correctly.


Anything you have done prior to actual *knowledge* of better methods is not considered bad, per se---- but I believe you have a responsibility to contact each of the patients you learned on, (free or not) and repair them using new methods.


I am certainly very glad that you are taking a pro-active approach and asking questions and taking criticism.


It is now up to you to take the next step.

I would suggest contacting any of the Coalition docs for starters. I believe Dr. Jones in Canada has a training program as well. I think Dr. Tycoskinski in Brazil has a training progam.


Take Care, and Good Luck Doctor,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Going to as many ht conferences and surgery workshops would a good start. There are wealth of information and technique sharing by the top surgeons. Another step is to read the available ht text books. There are numerous articles as well. Once you have the basics, then you can see if there is a doctor whose work you want to emulate who will work with you. In all honesty, the top doctors get many requests for this, so it may be hard to get your foot in the door.


The corn row, sparse design you transplanted do not look natural, so you should learn as much as possible before practicing on real patients. Best of luck.

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Dr. Pateel,


As I stated on your first photo album, I appreciate your willingness to come online and open yourself to public scrutiny.


Please remember that this is a patient driven community that is used to seeing the best of the best work. The comments you have received are truly because we want what is best for the patient which is a fuller and natural looking head of hair.


Because you are just starting out with hair transplant surgery, I strongly recommend getting involved with the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons (ISHRS).


Reading hair transplant text books such as "Hair Transplantation 4th Edition" edited by Dr. Walter Unger and Dr. Ron Shapiro would be another great start. I own the book, it's quite educational.


Though I appreciate why you are operating for experience sake (for free no less), using a patient's finite donor supply to practice is not beneficial for the patient at all. I strongly encourage you to find a physician mentor who is performing state of the art hair transplantation and allow them to train you before performing another surgery.


I hope you find this advice helpful.




P.S. I have moved this thread into the "Hair Restoration Experiences and Surgeon Reviews" section.

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I posted on one of these threads and my post was not sent through b/c it contained a reference to a certain doc in India that is banned from here.


Can we delete the "offensive" reference and allow my post?




Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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At only 1500 grafts this patient will need future work. I would suggest to this patient that he see someone else AFTER his session grows out completely. Please take photos and share with us his progress. And to the doctor who posted his photos, I appreciate your willingness to share your work and be upfront about it, I believe that if you are honest and continue to work with your patients best interests in mind and continue with your education and careful study, as well as knowing you are practicing the most modern techniques available and learning the many subtleties of this type of work that you can be successful in the end and have many happy patients, good luck to you. (And I hope you try mentoring, somewhere, under the tutelage of someone who has work that withstands scrutiny, anyone who is this informed on this type of surgery expects a complete inability to see a HT that is detectable at all. You have a long way to go it appears.)


I hope you get there without butchering someone in a larger session. I do hope this patient is ultimately happy with his results

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  • Senior Member

Wait a second , I find this situation a little odd. If you want to improve your work study harder and train with somone who has had proven success, don't come on a forum and ask non Dr's there opinion's on how you can improve your skill and Technique.

1045 FUT "hairline" with Dr Feller on Nov 05

825 "hairline" with Dr Loria "saw so so results" on Jan 01

MHR 325 "hairline" micro/mini 's 1999 "big mistake"

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