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Can a FUE procedure cover up old strip scars??


How about laser scar removal does that work on strip scars?


How much would it be just to cover up donor area with FUE procedure?


I live in Connecticut were should I go?


I had a 2nd HT back in 12/2004, I wish I never did it. I cut my hair with 2 guard and still can see scars. I'm done with spending thousands of dollars trying to stop the inevitable of hair loss. I am a Norwood 3 I just want to buzz my hair done with a 1# guard.


Tell me I don't have to live the rest of my life with 2 strip scars 1 ear to ear and I can't do anything about fading the scars out..

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  • Senior Member

Can a FUE procedure cover up old strip scars??


How about laser scar removal does that work on strip scars?


How much would it be just to cover up donor area with FUE procedure?


I live in Connecticut were should I go?


I had a 2nd HT back in 12/2004, I wish I never did it. I cut my hair with 2 guard and still can see scars. I'm done with spending thousands of dollars trying to stop the inevitable of hair loss. I am a Norwood 3 I just want to buzz my hair done with a 1# guard.


Tell me I don't have to live the rest of my life with 2 strip scars 1 ear to ear and I can't do anything about fading the scars out..

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LT, i know doctors who do FUE into strip scars. i think couple of people on this forum mentioned Dr. Feller doing it for them. As far as comepletely making it invisible, i am not sure if that is possible. You can get it to a point where you can be(or, at least should be) able to buzz it with a #2 or 3. Then again, it would depend on the extent of the scar itself. talk to some of the top docs, Feller, True, etc.


Good luck

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LT you have multiple scars from a recent HT? Who did your HT? This information would be helpful to others as well.


In response to your question, FUE can be placed into your scar, but perhaps you could seek a top-notch surgeon who could reduce your scar, plus perform a quality HT at the same time. This may change your mind as to how you proceed. After that, you may want to try doing a FUE into scar, but the chances of shaving down to a #1 without a noticeable scar is not good. I know Dr. Rose is noted for his ledge closure, but I am not sure your expectations are realistic (#1 guard shave).

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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My first FUT donor scar was undetectable with a 1 guard. These days a good doctor can do wonders with regular FUT surgeries.They remove the old scar and re-sew with a new closure


Check it out




1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Thanks for the input guys.


Mrjd I never heard of a FUT surgeries. Your telling me they can get rid of old scares by re-sewing a new one? Who does this? I really don't like the idea of having scalpel come anywhere near my head after having 2 scars.


Paris I have heard about Dr. Feller and will contact him soon thanks.


The B Spot I used to be able to get away with shaving hair down with 1# after first surgery small scar lower one. After this last HT 12/04 the scar is ear to ear and now I cut with 2# and you can still see a little bit. I don't know about getting another HT to damn expensive. I never want to get another strip HT proceder.


The place I went to for both HT was Connecticut Hair & Transplant Group, Dr. Goldstein.


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It doesn't look that bad man. I wouldn't worry about it. You got hair now.


Why are you cutting it so short?

Didn't you get the HT so you could wear your hair in a longer style other than a buzz cut? icon_confused.gif

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About 2 years after my first HT I was able to buzz cut it with a 1#. Before my second HT the HT consultant told me that I would be able to cut my hair with 1 1/2#. I don't like letting my hair grow thick on the sides.

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LT, you need to take a deep breath and seek the counsel of a top strip surgeon, and a top FUE doc as well. Judging by the placement of both scars, the top one seems the most obvious, so perhaps you should focus more on that. I will say that your top scar seems a little indented somewhat, and is the most obvious from the pictures you have shown. Let us know who you talk to, and what they say about your concerns.

Good Luck!

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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From what I can tell by the pics, your scars are pretty thin. I doubt anyone doc get it any smaller. Maybe some of the new closure methods could help you out, I don't know.

For the time being, you could easliy conceal them with Dermatch if you have an important social event to attend.

I would also suggest geting on Propecia if you're not already taking it. You look like you might be getting thinner in the donor area, which would make the scars more visable. It might just look like that becase you're buzzing your hair so short. At any rate, Propecia in the best insurance policy we have after a HT.

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Originally posted by ts808:

Maybe some of the new closure methods could help you out, I don't know.

Yep, that's my plan too. Dr Epstein will try to use his HITS technique on my scar. Hopefully it will make a significant cosmetic improvement.

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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In my opinion, it looks like a good closure and the easiest and cheapest way to solve your problem is to just grow your hair another 1/3 to 1/2 inch in the back. Your hair will still be super short and you can keep the sides cut even shorter than the back. Try this first before forking out more money!

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Top Strip doc's remove the the old scar when doing a new procedure. This way you do not have 2 scars. Many of them have new closures technique as well. I've heard it called the ledge or Trichophytic Closure. Just do some research. After my first surgery, I could cut down to guard two with no problem ( This was before the new closure method).. This would also depend on the individuals hair type.. I just had my 2nd surgery in late Dec and had the new closure method. Too soon to tell at this point. Honestly, I had a HT so I could wear my hair longer..





1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Originally posted by ts808:

What's the difference, if any, between the one that Epstein is doing and what H&W are doing now?


I believe both of their techniques, along with Dr. Rose's ledge closure, are designed to have hair growing through the scar.

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Originally posted by Mrjb:


Honestly, I had a HT so I could wear my hair longer..




Same here. I haven't had a haircut in 5 months and don't plan to for quite a while. However, I'm also having a mid-life crisis and plan to grow it super-long one last time before it all turns gray! :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Member


Originally posted by ts808:

Maybe some of the new closure methods could help you out, I don't know.


Yep, that's my plan too. Dr Epstein will try to use his HITS technique on my scar. Hopefully it will make a significant cosmetic improvement.


3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

Next procedure with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day



Did Hasson leave a bad scar....Why Dr Epstein over Dr Hassons new scar method? Anyone know what Hasson charges per graph?


Thanks guys...

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  • 2 weeks later...

tricophytic donor closure could work for you if you havent had this before,this is still being evaluated as possibly the best donor area skin closure.This also depends on the way your skin heals,how tort the skin is etc.There could be the possiblilty your scar remains or increases.FUE is also an option,planting the grafts in the scar area.Talk to a good surgeon!Good luck

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