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Mentor Real Hair Club Member

Mentor Real Hair Club Member (3/8)



  1. It all depends on what type of "supplements" you are gonna use, and their systemic/endocrine influence.... Someone suggesting rogaine to offset systemic influence is not very educated, as they work in seperate , basically opposite, ways.... Again, what are you cycling..? You talking of a natural test booster like DIM (boosts test/lowers estrogen) or an injectible like test cypionate used as both a "steroid' and in TRT, depending on the dose and hormonal levels of the individual.... You got a reason to take a test booster, ie symtoms of low test (fatigue, depression etc) that are specifically liked to test levels that have been validated thru a fasting blood panel...? Or do you just wanna get big...? Your friend was most likely referring to aromotase and 5ar and deduced that propecia would be the route....HCG is a far safer/more effective way to offset the downside of testosterone....
  2. So, you re saying that DHT is the sole cause of hairloss, and that because creatine doesnt effect DHT levels, no hairloss can occur..? What kinda 'roids "dont cause hairloss in itself..?" All of them..? Do initial/post (pre/post cycle) levels of Test (total and free) as well as E2 have any influence in loss..? What if one takes an AI (aromatase inhibitor)....? What about IGF-1 levels..? What is the function of steroid use that accelerates loss...?
  3. If you wanna do it right, go have all your hormone levels checked....fill out a "symptom" questionnaire, and know what symptoms mean what....then, after seeing the test results and combining them w/the symptoms, have levels that are out of balance, or otherwise low and causing adverse conditions, bioidentically replaced.... I recently did a saliva panel and found that I was low in progesterone of all things....thought that was a womans hormone, but I was incorrect....heres the good news, read this..... http://www.dcnutrition.com/news/Detail.CFM?RecordNumber=589 now , what if I would have just blindly said, ok, it must be a dht problem, and blocked it w/finasteride....? Thats why I have always said that EVERYONE should be tested before you take fin, and monitored throughout.... and that fin isnt the answer in every situation...if it was, why are we all still here, getting hairtransplants and searching for the best maintenence program?
  4. how bout .25 mg daily? Many reports of it bieng just as effective...
  5. Id get the Graphcyte kit from the doc, then when that runs out, switch to saline....goto pharmacy and ask for saline for wound hydration...comes in a big clear bottle (at least mine did), Id also have on hand some Emu oil, well lots of emu oil, some Fruit of the Earth aloe vera...ScarZone or mederma (whatever you choose, I used Scarzone).... I wouldnt worry bout Cort, you can do w/out that one.... Good Luck...
  6. dosage is fine.... READ, and then read some more...
  7. I liked it (scarzone) better, as it helped w/ the itch... the emu is a dermal strenghtening/thickening oil, and also serves, i forget the technical term, but it increases absorption, and acts as a barrier....Great stuff, IMO, went thru lots of bottles so far (4 mos post op).... i read below that u got it in your hair when applying...i did that too, but I wear a hat all the time...id try and use one hand to find the scar line and lift the hair, and the other to apply....
  8. i tried both mederma and scarzone....i like scarzone better, its cheaper, helps control ther itch and has better ingredients.... i also used emu oil and highly recommend it.... as for the shock loss, u can try minox, and your hairs shouldnt become dose dependent since they are in the donor "safe" zone...
  9. whats up worried, i had my second on 4.5.6, so i'm right with ya..the waiting sux...couple of more months and then the fun starts....
  10. order some emu oil and apply it to the receipternt area, and then add some fruit of the earth aloe vera on top...best done in the pm as an overnight application.... whatever you choose to use on your scar, i assume u had strip, put emu on top to add absorption...also, helps w/the itch....i used scar zone and recommend it.. good luck
  11. what do u mean, he uses blades not needles? was your ht done w/needles?
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