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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. I have lost a few hairs when removing crusts from the transplanted area. I also notice that there can be around 1-10 hairs per crust, and that some of these hairs are bent at the end and some have small black bulbs on. My questions is, if you lose a bulb does it come back and will the hairs come back? Thanks
  2. Does anybody know how deep the follice is 'implanted' would skin flaking expose the follice?
  3. Does anybody know how deep the follice is 'implanted' would skin flaking expose the follice?
  4. My transpalnted area is flakey from washing my hair which i have been doing twice a day. I have been letting it dry naturally, not using a towel and trying to keep it moist with baby oil too. I'm not sure if the flakes are from dry skin or from the area constantly being moist. I am 2 weeks post opp and still have a few scabs which don't want to come off although i won't pick at them. The flakey skin has gotten a little worse every day so i've decided to leave washing my hair for a while. Not sure what the best course of action is? Also if my skin is flaking alot will this expose the hair follicle and allow it to come away easier? Or are they alot deeper thanks
  5. Is it normal to feel a tingle / pressure or tight type of feeling 1 week post op on the transplanted area. When i breathe in and out, especially deeper breathes i feel this.
  6. Is it normal to feel a tingle / pressure or tight type of feeling 1 week post op on the transplanted area. When i breathe in and out, especially deeper breathes i feel this.
  7. I have just recently had a hair transplant 3 days ago. When i was washing my hair i accidently poured some very hot water over (not alot) and am a little concerned as to whether it would cause any negative effect, like killing the graft. I am also wondering what it should look like after a few days. I have seen other photos from people that appear slighlty red but also clear. I have more of a spotted / pimple appearence too it. Not sure if it is dried blood or somthing else as these pimples are red and appear more in certain areas. Maybe i am just paranoid but if it is blood then does it mean they have either came out or somthing is wrong with these areas. bah
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