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laughter's medicine

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Everything posted by laughter's medicine

  1. Did someone say lesbian.... Where?? B-spot; Do you currently use the Nioxin conditioner or any after shampooing? I alternate every other day between Nioxin and Nizoral (which is notorious for drying out the scalp in some individuals) and use the conditioner daily and it works well for me, may be I am just lucky in this respect. From my understanding and experience Nioxin is a fairly gentle shampoo for the scalp and hair but any one can react differently to products whether for the hair, etc. In the winter months when the cold air dries out um... everything I try and use a little more conditioner to offset the effects of the dry air (just not to much). I do recall and remember back in the day that I was a big Paul Mitchell and Redkin fan but I do not know how those rank in regards to helping maintain a healthy scalp.
  2. I also had a similar experience and in the end I feel I was definitely better off continuing the treatment rather then quitting. I can't say it all came back but I would say the vast majority did.
  3. For what it is worth I agree with you Cousin_it, it does sound like this is possibly an employee trying to market a product, but hey I could be wrong (I could not find the pict's that they referred to either). One thing to remember is some people still believe publicly is publicly whether it is bad or good especially if it creates a buzz and a conversation.
  4. Are you paying $45 for the shampoo and conditioner alone or are you using some of their other products as well? I never felt that the extras did anything for me except help my wallet become lighter. Personally I pay anywhere from $25-30 per 33-ounce bottle of shampoo/conditioner and will sometimes find both packaged together for around $40. The conditioner will typically last around 3-4 months with every day use and the shampoo can last up to 6 months because I use it every other day. I do feel it is a great shampoo and conditioner and it makes my scalp/hair healthier, as far as actually it helping keep the hair I have I doubt it but that is just my opinion. I do feel Propecia/Proscar has been beneficial to me and the Nizoral is helpful to remove DHT from the scalp and helps with inflammation of the hair follicle due to the effects of DHT.
  5. Here is a copy of one of my previous posts; Posted February 19, 2006 04:40 PM I've read a lot on the net and was told by the doctor that unless women/children take or touch a broken pill there shouldn't be a problem with safety. As far as getting your wife pregnant I've been on Propecia for just over three years and in that time had a beautiful healthy baby girl, she is just over one year old, and I mean absolutely beautiful! Oh course I might be a touch bias. Hope this helps.
  6. I felt the same way about having a face-to-face consult, but the experience I had with the Shapiro group was exceptional. I didn't feel like they were gawking at me, looking down at me or anything I had preconceived. Everyone was very friendly, courteous and helpful. I would probably expect the same from any of the quality clinics out there, just my opinion. I generally have the same feelings in regards to picking up my Propecia prescription but it gets easier, I have been taking it over 4 years. A couple of ways to get around it is to pick it up through a pharmacy that has a drive up (Walgreen's) or find a reliable resource that will deliver through the mail (Shapiro group does this if I am correct).
  7. After brief reading it appears the easiest way to try out and benefit from soy without the taste would be to take a tablet of genistein-rich soy isoflavones. Generate a search for genistein and you will find a number of sites that sell the product.
  8. Thanks for the replies, bottom line I can compare pre-op feelings to sky diving for the first time standing on the edge of the plane door at an altitude that would scare the sense out of anyone. Your waiting to jump, just looking while grasping the door with everything you've got and trying to just let go. You know your safe because the company your jumping with (research) has an outstanding reputation as well as put skydiving on the map. You know your jumping with a company that truly cares about your safety now and in the future (Shapiro medical is top notice, no doubts about that) but you still have reservations such as what if this or what if that, the unknowns that still have the possibility of happening, even if it's just 1 in a million (just throwing up a figure). Now imagine a stranger shows up standing behind you with a body cast yelling, not whispering, in your ear "IT'S THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE, DON'T DO IT! (Keep in mind they were doing what they wished someone had done to them before they went to a quack, IMO) Even with a strong disposition this could and probably would cause some people even with a rock iron stomach to turn and want to run. Now granted not everything in this analogy is spot on, but it should give you some ideas. Over all my feelings are better stated verbally and not on a screen. Faceless man; I agree with your statement and thanks for the words. Mark H to answer why, no I didn't mention specifics; it's a little of this and a little of that and constantly thinking about it, looking at facts (some real facts and other misguided, with good intentions) and debating about it to the point of an over load. By the way I am 35 and have been kicked a few good times already, some deserved and some not so much. Bushy; Thanks and I agree this is a life saving site. B-SPOT; I got your PM and I'll be in touch, thanks!
  9. Thanks for all the replies and words, I felt like I was the only one who did something like that. I do feel I will eventually go through with it once I clear my head and get some things straightened out. This sight is the best for sharing experiences and getting feed back, honest feedback. I realize there are a lot of opinions and realities, some clouded some not and all of them have a place. Again thanks for everything and you will continue to hear my "Laughter", but I need to take break from all the info. I do want to reiterate my feelings as far as having no doubt about the integrity and quality of the Shapiro group.
  10. I thought it might be you. It looked like your procedure went very well, and thanks for the words of encouragement. By the way I could hardly see your staples, really, it looks like when all is said and done your going to have a very nice head of hair. Good luck!
  11. johnnie69, were you at Shapiro on Thursday 4/6? This was the day I went in and ending up not going through with it.
  12. I didn't know if this forum is where this belongs but here goes. Well, I went I saw, and I backed out. I knew I was gun shy, but really didn't understand how nervous and uncomfortable I was with it until it really came down to the wire. One of my major down falls, I believe I researched and read a little too much (it is possible) and it gave me an overload, sort to speak. I am still leery of some things and it caused a lot of anxiety thus causing my apprehension and ultimately my decision to back out. I have very rarely in my life made a such a major life changing decision and turned around and choose another path, whether long term or briefly. Productive trip anyway, you betcha. I truly believe this procedure is something that will help me, but I also know I need to come to terms with a few things before actually doing it. I do believe this is something I will and need to do. How did it all go down you ask, well here is the jest of it. I went in early the day of the scheduled procedure, after talking to Matt the day before to meet with Doc Shapiro to discuss my anxieties. My wife and little girl did accompany me to the clinic (they were going to drop me off and come pick me up later, afterwards); she was a part of the discussion. Ron could tell I was extremely nervous (I said something plus it was obvious)and asked why. We discussed my apprehensions in great detail and he addressed all of them in great detail, and with a lot of compassion. He stated several times how he understood why I was nervous, but did let me know he had done cases similar to mine many times over the years with positive successes. During our discussion he stated several times that he believed a person should have a certain level of comfort with the procedure or they should not do it. He made me feel extremely comfortable and said whether I went through with the procedure now or not he would understand my decision. He even put me at ease and said if it made me feel any better he would find other things to do and not to worry about anything. He never once, not once tried to persuade me to do it; he only tried to address my concerns and tried to alliviate my anxieties. Ron Shapiro truly is a compassionate doctor and with out a doubt cares more for the patient then the almighty dollar. Any one who ever says differently is obviously not right or talked to a different Ron Shapiro. I can't say enough positive things about Ron Shapiro and or his clinic. A person considering a HT could not do any better then to have a consultation with Ron Shapiro, not only because of his skill but his compassion for the patient. This is just my opinion, but I truly believe this to be a fact, period! One thing I forgot to mention, I do have faith in the SMG and their results.
  13. I didn't know if this forum is where this belongs but here goes. Well, I went I saw, and I backed out. I knew I was gun shy, but really didn't understand how nervous and uncomfortable I was with it until it really came down to the wire. One of my major down falls, I believe I researched and read a little too much (it is possible) and it gave me an overload, sort to speak. I am still leery of some things and it caused a lot of anxiety thus causing my apprehension and ultimately my decision to back out. I have very rarely in my life made a such a major life changing decision and turned around and choose another path, whether long term or briefly. Productive trip anyway, you betcha. I truly believe this procedure is something that will help me, but I also know I need to come to terms with a few things before actually doing it. I do believe this is something I will and need to do. How did it all go down you ask, well here is the jest of it. I went in early the day of the scheduled procedure, after talking to Matt the day before to meet with Doc Shapiro to discuss my anxieties. My wife and little girl did accompany me to the clinic (they were going to drop me off and come pick me up later, afterwards); she was a part of the discussion. Ron could tell I was extremely nervous (I said something plus it was obvious)and asked why. We discussed my apprehensions in great detail and he addressed all of them in great detail, and with a lot of compassion. He stated several times how he understood why I was nervous, but did let me know he had done cases similar to mine many times over the years with positive successes. During our discussion he stated several times that he believed a person should have a certain level of comfort with the procedure or they should not do it. He made me feel extremely comfortable and said whether I went through with the procedure now or not he would understand my decision. He even put me at ease and said if it made me feel any better he would find other things to do and not to worry about anything. He never once, not once tried to persuade me to do it; he only tried to address my concerns and tried to alliviate my anxieties. Ron Shapiro truly is a compassionate doctor and with out a doubt cares more for the patient then the almighty dollar. Any one who ever says differently is obviously not right or talked to a different Ron Shapiro. I can't say enough positive things about Ron Shapiro and or his clinic. A person considering a HT could not do any better then to have a consultation with Ron Shapiro, not only because of his skill but his compassion for the patient. This is just my opinion, but I truly believe this to be a fact, period! One thing I forgot to mention, I do have faith in the SMG and their results.
  14. I just saw the infomercial for the first time while on a business trip and was quite taken by the posted statement "These results are not typical and your results may vary"; Nice cover.
  15. I apologize if my question was taken as harsh or condescending, this was not my intent. I just wanted to make sure you were completely serious and not making a joke. You are right; I have spent quite a bit of time on this sight as well as many other sites doing my bit of research. I would really hate to read about another fellow sufferer ending up going with the likes of Bosley or MHR, good luck with your quest for answers and enlightenment.
  16. Are you serious? Try doing a search using Bosley as the search word on this sight. Bosley is the worst kind of four-letter word, next to MHR when speaking of a HT. I personally have not had any interaction with them, Thank goodness for that, but there have been many a tale in regards to the "Butchered" results (not my words but those of previous clients). One word........ "RESEARCH"! Good luck.
  17. Now is a probably a good time in your life to find a "Family Doctor" seeing your 25 and not getting any younger. Try and call a reputable local clinic that charges the standard rate of an office visit (which shouldn't be $400 dollars unless there are multitude of tests run) and takes insurance. When you call to make an appointment tell them your problem and they should point you in the direction of the most qualified physician to help you out to find the proper diagnosis. Try not telling them what you think it is, but what your symptoms are. Also, a bigger city is usually better equipped then you're local small town clinic, but this is not always the case. These are just my personnel opinions (I am not a doctor) and what I would do, Good luck!
  18. If there is the possibility of a false negative may be try another doctor for a second test and opinion. When you say dry skin are you referring to your scalp? If so, the Nioxin line (not a fan of their extra products, but defiantly like the shampoo and conditioner) as well as Nizoral 1 or 2% should help with that. Have you considered Propecia? How about a solid line up of daily vitamins and supplements to help with any mineral, etc. deficiency?
  19. This Dermatologist along with his secretary (not a nurse?!?!) sounds and smells very "FISHY"! I would personally not see him and go back to my doctor for a confirmation of my diagnosis and ask for a recommendation from him for a real specialist.
  20. Has any one seen the new packaging for the Nioxin line? They have now chosen to label some of their products with the terminology " For Visibly thinning hair" Who was the braincase who thought of putting that on their bottles! Everyone knows what Rogaine is for, but do you think their marketing department would start labeling their bottles "For use if you are or could go bald"!
  21. With out sound to harsh or condescending, I would probably do the following; First thing I would do is stop pulling my own hair out. Second, see a Doctor to confirm your condition and get tested for a thyroid problem. Third, consider starting a regime of any of the following; Propecia/Proscar (Proven to fight hair loss), Nizoral shampoo, Nioxin shampoo, a good conditioner (Nioxin makes a good one) and even possibly Rogaine (proven to stimulate hair growth, but I am not a user). I'm not a doctor and this is only my opinion.
  22. WOW, April came fast! Less then 2 weeks away and feeling nervous.
  23. Ditto- hairbank; I've had similar results, in particular with helping out with my joints. Good product regardless of a HT procedure.
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