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Everything posted by balody

  1. you can contact mick mchugh via pm on here,he is the guy you need to speak to.he is the patient coordinator and arranges consutations etc. they do consults in manchester and also in london every other week(i think).
  2. hi high?!! as Bill has already mentioned i have had two succesful ht,s with the farjo,s and am even considering having another. there are a few of us on here who have had work done by farjo and all have had good experiences. do a search for all the guff and pic,s. as for other uk clinics there is no-one posting on here or any other forum in fact about their work. have you any more info on your current situation i.e norwood scale or even better some pic,s? one thing i will say is avoid the names that are in the back of the mens mags,they are notorious for sub par results. good luck.
  3. i don't know wether repo was a good candidate for ht(i may be wrong,someone slap me down if i am). he's hair seems to be thin overall(see through at the sides)? he puts me a little in mind of (although no way as bad) as david guest, who seems to have diffuse thinning all over his head and uses concealer to cover it. repo,i would hold judgement untill the 18 month mark as dr feller suggests,i think you could have a lot of thickening to come especially at the front. maybe you could cut it shorter for the time being?i always think this looks better/thicker with me when i let it grow a little to long. good luck and i hope every thing ends up how you expected it to. keep us posted.
  4. it all depends on hair colouring and texture. when i used to buzz with no gaurd i still had a considerable amount of hair on show.even when i shaved i had a 5 o,clock shadow.only when i shaved against the hair with a mach 3 could i achieve a shaven look and even then you could still see the shadow. i would have thought if i had light/thin hair a no 0 would have sufficed. go for it,it's very liberating.
  5. thana,i take it your concerns about thinning behind your hairline have disapeared.this is great news! look forward to your 1 year pics geez,so start practicing the blue steel/magnum! have a great christmas.
  6. hi trebor,i can understand your situation and that you are beginning to worry. but it could be you are a very slow grower. you say you have growth on the right side,was this only recently?i say this because it is common for one side to lag behind the other(usually the left for some strange reason)and if you have only just experienced growth here the other side is sure to follow. i would try and calm down and wait for the 12 month mark and then contact the dr. i haven't heard much about this dr other than he is expensive,this in my mind could be a good thing as if he was turning out a lot of poor results we would have heard about it. try and enjoy xmas and re-evaluate in feb/march is my advice.
  7. erm.....thankyou very much bllorayne
  8. thanks vince,lp,eman,thana and fs. Bill,thana i wasn't a million miles off the "blue steel" it seems.i just cant master the eyebrows!!! fs,as long as i dont end up at rocky 6...and lets face it rocky 3 was the best one.
  9. hi youngguy. i personally think at 22 you are too young for a ht,especially as your hairloss does'nt seem aggressive at this point. looking at your hairline it does'nt seem at all bad for 4 years of loss. having said this, its all about personal choice and if it bothers you that much 2000 grafts would definatly eliminate the problem. just remember donor supply is finite,try and picture how you may look in 20 years and would them 2000 be put to better use in years to come? good luck with whatever you choose to do.
  10. thanks spex and fc. mick,them heels were an inch at most! Bill,i know the crown was vast and i only had about 900 put back there so i wasn't expecting anything spectacular.hopefully i might get a little thickening in the coming months. as for number 3? watch this space. thanks for the comments.
  11. hi,just hit the 1 year mark after my 2nd proceedure and thought i'd stick some photos on.
  12. looks really nice and clean LL,thanks for posting.
  13. hi thana. i was going to post earlier but couldn't think how to put across what i thought,here goes... i think it could be our mind playing tricks. from having the jubilation and euphoria of seeing new hair on almost a weekly basis from month 3, to then not noticing it because a)its slowing down at month 10 and b)the abundance of new hair hiding the late comers??classic hair greed(density greed?) or... and i feel this to be truer,that the new hair goes through a "shit phase"at about month 10 to 12? it's at this point when everyone starts talking about "maturing". i don't know if the hair matures or just goes back into a "non shit phase",but something definately happens between 12 and 16 and you feel a lot better.(i did anyway) also your hair looked quite long and funky last time you posted.could it be youv'e let it get a little too long(ht hair looks thinner the longer it gets). have you thought about a buzz(not v short)to see what it looks like? oh well,i dont know if that made any sense.but i do know where your coming from. get some pics up!
  14. fs,your hair looks as good in the movie as it does in the stills. i remember not too long ago you were having to defend yourself against allegations of concealer use. looking forward to seeing your crown progress in the coming year.
  15. jo,there was no implication or offence meant. i know you and h+w are amoung the good guys. i was talking about the companys who wouldn't dare to come on here and have their results and ethics scrutinized. again,that is why this place is essential for prospective patients. clinics showing total transparency.
  16. fusion,i thought that, then read it again.thana meant he wished he wasn,t biased about feller(because he is a patient)and what he was saying would carry more weight...i think. i agree jotronic is a stand up guy,but some credit has got to go to forums such as this one.dr h+w pay to be part of this to build their reputation online.can you imagine the backlash if they or jo were to misinform a nw7 into parting with 30 grand only to end up with a mediocre result? this is why i think dr's in the coalition with online visibility is a good thing. it's the others you need to worry about.
  17. "irish homer" is, i'm assuming irish. he had a ht with feller as well as another american doc,cant remember who...epstein?
  18. i agree totally lp. this is why i applaud people like shaun williamson and recently john cleese,who have spoken publically about their proceedures. this can only help and give hope to guys/girls who were in our postition before our ht's. i think we would be gobsmacked at who in the media/showbiz have had ht's and chosen to keep it to themselves.
  19. i think a surgeons first concern is age v future loss.he will ask about the timeframe in which you lost your hair and about family hairloss traits,ie;father and grandfathers loss(both sides).he then can make an informed decision based on how bald you might end up. his next concern will probably be how well you heal(scars). my opinion only.
  20. hi mobius, make an appointment with dr farjo in manchester. he is a qualified trichologist(dealing specifically with the scalp)as well as a top ht surgeon. i doubt he will recommend a ht at 22,but he will put you on the right track concerning your hairloss ie;what is causing it and ways of combating it. good luck.
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