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pushing 40

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Everything posted by pushing 40

  1. If any of you guys are still smoking and want to quit, you have GOT to try Chantix. It was FDA approved last summer but for some crazy ass reason, I don't recall seeing much blitz about it. I had all the "good" reasons to just keep smoking for years: I was in Air Force special Ops and constantly deployed to every shit hole in the world; lots of stress. I worked out every day and even with smoking, I was in phenominal shape still running a 6 min mile into my late 30's and I still have almost no body fat even having been retired over a year now. Smoking wasn't hurting me right? Anyway, I heard about Chantix a couple of months ago and gave it a try. My opinion: freaking MIRACLE DRUG!!!! Seriously, guys, if you really want to quit, give it a try. It is prescription only and kind of expensive but its damn well worth it. It somehow blocks the nicotine receptors in your brain and they seem to "think" they're satisfied. I had almost ZERO cravings. The emotional/mental/habit cravings still sneak up here and there, but as you smokers know they are nothing compared to the physical cravings and that's what this drug gets rid of. I hope you guys have as good a result with this as I did. I am one happy SOB. BTW, only one month until I pay my visit to Dr Hasson and beautiful Vancouver!! I am starting to get more and more ecited AND nervous. I shaved my head down with a #1 clipper yesterday again. It should grow long enough not be problem before I get there I hope.
  2. If any of you guys are still smoking and want to quit, you have GOT to try Chantix. It was FDA approved last summer but for some crazy ass reason, I don't recall seeing much blitz about it. I had all the "good" reasons to just keep smoking for years: I was in Air Force special Ops and constantly deployed to every shit hole in the world; lots of stress. I worked out every day and even with smoking, I was in phenominal shape still running a 6 min mile into my late 30's and I still have almost no body fat even having been retired over a year now. Smoking wasn't hurting me right? Anyway, I heard about Chantix a couple of months ago and gave it a try. My opinion: freaking MIRACLE DRUG!!!! Seriously, guys, if you really want to quit, give it a try. It is prescription only and kind of expensive but its damn well worth it. It somehow blocks the nicotine receptors in your brain and they seem to "think" they're satisfied. I had almost ZERO cravings. The emotional/mental/habit cravings still sneak up here and there, but as you smokers know they are nothing compared to the physical cravings and that's what this drug gets rid of. I hope you guys have as good a result with this as I did. I am one happy SOB. BTW, only one month until I pay my visit to Dr Hasson and beautiful Vancouver!! I am starting to get more and more ecited AND nervous. I shaved my head down with a #1 clipper yesterday again. It should grow long enough not be problem before I get there I hope.
  3. Ahlender, Your hairline looks to me to just be moving back to the "mature" hairline. When I was 25, my temples were WAY back (think Jack Nickolson 20 years ago) It took another 15 years for it to thin out enough to start pissing me off and to actually look balding. so, you are probably in pretty good shape. There are those guys blessed with the low thick hairline; they are just blessed, that's all. You're one of the "unblessed" it looks. However, I don't think you're one of the "cursed".
  4. Howdy. Are you referring to to Dr. Kenneth Buchwach? Glad things went well. Do you have any photos to post; it would be appreciated. This should be a lesson to all the 20yr olds who keep saying "I won't care what I look like when I'm 50, I just want to look good now".
  5. How do you guys maintain such a polite demeanor when idiots throw crap like this up. I am envious of your comportment, guys, seriously. My first reaction is to verbally assault this moron and hope he falls in front of a bus. I view these people as no more than common thieves and liars. Even the website is a joke; half the words are mispelled and the grammer is laughable. Hope that bus comes around soon.
  6. Brother, BE CAREFUL with the Nair! Remember those areas are thin skinned and certain areas are mucous membrane like your lips. Nair will burn it up and be very painful. I don't use rogaine; only propecia. Haven't noticed any increase in body hairs or "funny new placement" of them either. I would most likely notice since I have almost no body hair. Just doesn't really grow much; genetics I guess. What does grow gets shaved off every few days. Hell, I'm 40 now and still cannot grow a beard or mustache.
  7. Boy did you stumble into the wrong party. Dear girl, unless you will be selling finasteride and rogaine, the only real medications that are actually approved as "hairloss products" (a phrase you so eloquently refer to) then you will be selling snake oil bullshit that simply steals money out of the pockets of the ignorant. If you decide to do so and can still feel good about yourself as a human being, then go right ahead, but you'll get no start-up help here.
  8. OMG!!! I just spit my water out on the keyboard...... That is so funny; I can't believe I didn't think of it myself. I WILL do that for sure. Thanks guys and I'll keep you all very updated with pics and notes! Thanks.
  9. I guess it does sort of now that I look at it. My forlock is pointy though like Eddie Munster and is thinner than his I think. But my temples do go way back like that. Slso, my hair is damn straight and generally finer so I think that is going to work against me. This guy sure turned out great though!
  10. Dr. your presence here and the information you've provided has brought a great deal of insight to us all. We thank you for it. And please let me add, if a man such as yourself is humbled for even a moment, then I should remain humble for a much greater length of time. Thanks again. All the best.
  11. Dude, stop screaming!! Seriously, almost everyone of us has felt exactly the way you do right now. A lot of the guys on this board seem to have a calmness about the whole thing, yes; but believe me, they did not get that way overnight. Slow down and relax. These guys mostly had to do it on their own. You and I get the benefit of their experience by way of this awesome website. Count your blessings. It took me a long time (around 2 yrs of research and lurking here) to decide to go for it and I am in March. Will it be worth it? I'll have to wait and see just like everyone else. Not helping much I know but the others on this board can offer a lot of excellent direction and information. If you haven't already done so, spend a couple of days reviewing as much info as you can here first; it will help I promise. If you are in NY, call Dr. Feller, Dr. Bernstein, Dr. True or Dorin; get consults and start really getting a better feel for it. Its free and they are all ethical men.
  12. So, I'm talking with my neighbor the other week; he's one of those clueless but harmless guys who can still be annoying sometimes. He was saying how he's taking a vacation in March and wanted to know if I'd watch his place. I had to let him know I'd be in VanCouver for a couple of days during that same time period. Of course he asked why. Well, it was initially hard for me to say why but ONLY because he wears one of the worst combovers I've ever seen. Seriously, its that bad. He asked about the costs and almost freaked when I said it might be around $15K. He thought I was crazy spending all that money on something like that. Well, today he came home with a brand new $47K Lexus. I guess it all depends on your point of reference right? Oh by the way: I spoke with Joe and Chris today at H&W; my room is all reserved and ready at the hotel baby! Only a month and a half!! (and I'm freakin' out more each day)
  13. So, I'm talking with my neighbor the other week; he's one of those clueless but harmless guys who can still be annoying sometimes. He was saying how he's taking a vacation in March and wanted to know if I'd watch his place. I had to let him know I'd be in VanCouver for a couple of days during that same time period. Of course he asked why. Well, it was initially hard for me to say why but ONLY because he wears one of the worst combovers I've ever seen. Seriously, its that bad. He asked about the costs and almost freaked when I said it might be around $15K. He thought I was crazy spending all that money on something like that. Well, today he came home with a brand new $47K Lexus. I guess it all depends on your point of reference right? Oh by the way: I spoke with Joe and Chris today at H&W; my room is all reserved and ready at the hotel baby! Only a month and a half!! (and I'm freakin' out more each day)
  14. Don't know; tried to go to site but got access denied message.
  15. thank you guys for your input. I have had doctors tell me to order things from india because of cost and quality. I just worry about the "middle-man" issues in shipping, etc.
  16. Only received it a couple weeks ago. Does it work? Hell, I don't even know it the expensive propecia I've taken for the last year worked. Seriously, for me I just have to take it for granted. However I will say this: if I get a proscar script, I will not order anymore on-line just to be safe.
  17. Good question. This is, I believe, the correct answer from my rsearch: the chemical, in this case finasteride, is most likely not perfectly distributed throughout the entire medium (the medium being the pill). Only in aqueous solutions are the solutes equally distributed given enough time. So, your second assumption is correct with one exception: the varying amounts of finasteride in each 1/4 pill are not so large. Most likely it would not be 2.5mg in one piece and 0mg in another. The finasteride is fairly well distributed during production but not perfectly. Possibly more like .8mg in a piece and 1.7mg in the next piece. However, from what I've read, that is acceptable if you are taking it every day as you're supposed to; it balances out well in your system.
  18. Bay, You reminded me of something I keep forgetting. Hair greed; I will see such great improvement after a year....but then think "you know, just a few more right here and some right there would be even better"....Kind of like painting a house and later realizing how much a difference a few new curtains could make with the new paint....
  19. I for one really really hope to be done in one pass. I am scheduled for 4000 with Dr. Hasson soon and I really want it to be a onetime and done deal. I believe I am also a class IVA but not sure.
  20. Yes, I believe so although I'm not sure what the name is. I got mine from the pharmacy in the hospital where my wife works. It only says finasteride on the bottle. I got a 30 day supply and then ordered a 90 day from the internet. I am still going to try to get a scrpit for proscar so it will be free under my med coverage. Does anyone know if Hasson issues scripts for proscar? I know some docs won't.
  21. HK, that is very funny ; it sounds like something I would do! I have absolutely no patience for liars, cheats, or self annointed blowhards attempting to use extensive vocabularies to feel better about themselves. Seriously though, that is funny. I have a mental picture of you sitting there with that leading expression on your face and the sales shark falling right into it.
  22. Not sure what info you want? I am using it; much cheaper. That's about all I know.
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