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pushing 40

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Everything posted by pushing 40

  1. Thanks Bay! I've shyed away from gangsta names so far but maybe I'll change that now . This is really starting to be crazier than I thought. I dug out one of the only photos I have from when I was 19 and shaved my head in basic training. My hairline right now is no more than a centimeter above what it was then. How crazy is that?? The swelling is really bad also. My forehead and temple area beside my eyes are ballooned out almost a half an inch.
  2. Ok guys, I put up some photos. 4949 grafts; I got my 20 yr old hairline back and I am one happy SOB!
  3. Ok guys! I got back here around 2am and just woke up. I'll put the photos and everything up in just a little bit. Suffice it to say I am the happiest MF'er on the block! (swelling is kicking my ass though!)
  4. True true. No matter how good your hair turns out, you're not ever going to be a cute as she is. Oh well.
  5. Good idea rj. Well, I get on a plane in the morning. I feel like right now all I'm capable of focusing on is the blank wall in front of me. Ever notice all the funny patterns you start seeing when you stare long enough at something? Seriously, I am a nervous wreck. I'm sure I'll be fine though as many of you have reminded me. I guess I'll be moving on from #1 obsession (do I do it or not) to #2 obsession (was this the right thing to do, will it grow right, will it look good?). Hopefully by New Years this will all be behind me.
  6. See there; and my wife says I don't have any friends!! That'll show her!
  7. As a matter of fact, if you or anyone else who is there in Vancouver would like to stop by the night of my surgery to "inspect the goods" after I'm done, just let me know. Wait....that doesn't sound good....I mean "check out my scalp post surgery". Yeah, that sounds better. Seriously, I wouldn't mind a bit. Might help to ease your worry. Or then again it might scare the hell out of you!
  8. Calm down dude. Seriously, I've been reading this forum for over 2 yrs and it IS the most honest, up front, non-hidden agenda group forum you will EVER come across. (with exception of my Kawasaki Ninja forum group ) He who speaks above is akin to the guy who used to sell used cars held together with duct tape. Now, he is trying to be helpful to all the "suckers" out there so they don't buy a car held together with duct tape. However, if those suckers are too lazy to look under the hood and learn a little bit about how a car is SUPPOSED to look and run and be held together, then I say screw em. An ass thing to say I know, but oh well. Anyway, I believe that's all his point is.
  9. Thats a good deal. If I have a lot of permanent shock loss in the front I'm screwed. I'll end up looking I did when I went in. It will just be an "exchange". Don't want that.
  10. RJ, It looks like you had zero shock loss in the recipient area, is that correct?
  11. Hairman, are you like the ex-thief who now wants to show people how not to get robbed? I'm assuming you were part of the "hair-mill get em' in - get em' out and cash the check" genre right? And now you've moved on to plastic surgery? What gives man? Just a little confusing I must say. Where exactly are you coming from? If you're here to help, provided a little more than the vague inuendos concerning your past experience.
  12. Damn Gorp, nice. We could get this thread going downhill REAL fast.... It'll go from jeans and sun dresses to bikinis and then.......
  13. I better NOT look like a chia pet when they're done! I am getting more and more nervous every day. BUT, finally some warm weather here and I spent most of the day on the motorcycle yesterday and today. Man was that nice. There were lots of bikes out too. Saw some young morons riding in a group and doing wheelies on a crowded busy street. Idiots. They see my wife and I and think we want to do the same crap since we have expensive Super Sport bikes. Not. I know what pains is and the permanance of death. No thanks. Only a few more days til i'm in the chair. Yikes. And thanks for the compliments on my wife guys! I'm a lucky guy. And the "why we do it anyway" statements were exactly in line. I just want to look like I feel. And I haven't mentioned lately how much I'm still enjoying retirement! Damn this is nice!! Its 3pm and I just got back from the tanning salon and now I'm enjoying some espresso!
  14. I stuck her in my album, minus some face. She's my little slice of heaven and I'd be lost without her. April 15 will be our 7 yr anniversary. She's not getting anything though since I'm about to drop 15K on a hair transplant......
  15. You guys kill me! I can't wait for her to read these responses. funny funny stuff!
  16. Okay, this is pushing40's "30yr old hottie wife" as someone so sweetly referred to me. By the way, he turned 40 a couple months ago so you should make him change that name. I was just wondering, why do so many guys get so hung up on a particular set hairstlye they never want to change. Seriously, you only live once and even that goes by so fast its scary. Experiment a little! If you haven't gotten a transplant yet, shave your head! See what it looks like. What the hell right? Try something new. If you have as much hair as Bushy does, grow it out and goof with it. Those photos with the gelled slightly tussled look really looked good imo. Be a little messy, be a little daring, you can always go back to what's comfortable. Am I getting him in trouble for posting here?
  17. You might not want to hear this but that is actually an ass kickin' look for you Dude. Seriously. Let it grow a little longer and see what I mean. Just my opinion (and my wife's who happens to be a SERIOUSLY hot 30yr old blonde who rides her own supersport bike)
  18. One week away!! Having a hard time with the scalp exercises because of the herniated disks in my neck. Have to be very careful putting pressure on the back of my head in any direction as it causes lasting pain. My luck Dr. Hasson will say "darn, we can only get 67 grafts"....... Oh well, hoping for the best. Still very nervous about the flight but I'm going to just go for it and try to relax. Today is the first really nice warm day we've had in months here and I oh so want to take the bike out but fear hurting myself putting on the damn helmet. I wanted to ride a lot up to leaving for Vancouver since I won't be able to ride for a few weeks after surgery. My wife wants to ride also but won't ride without me out of pity. This sucks.
  19. Again, I just want to end up looking super hot and with a bigger weewee. Can't we make this happen?
  20. I just watched the last few minutes of Mission Impossible 2 with Tom Cruise. Damn! What a beautiful freakin' head of hair. It was long in that movie and made me want to punch him right in the teeth. Some people are just lucky I guess. Bastards.
  21. Awesome, thanks for the input guys. Did both of you get to meet with Dr the day before? What about sleeping that first night?
  22. I for one could simply care less. It is the final product I care about. As long as 12 months from now I look like Johnny Depp and my weewee is 2 inches longer, they've done their job! (that is how this HT thing works right?)
  23. Actually, according to my extensive research Bill, YES, you are the only dork that watches that show..........
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