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About MrBlack82

  • Birthday 04/11/1982

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MrBlack82's Achievements

New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. This seems like a stupid question to be asking, so I appologize if it is (someone once told me there are no dumb questions... lets see if that stands up). First, some info: I'm 24, and in the past few years my hairline has been receading. I have a noticable bald spot in the back and the front line is whispy. I have solid hair coverage on top, however from front to back it's about the size of my hand (not so solid, I guess). I really noticed the recession seemed to kick up an extra notch last summer when I did a treatment of Accutane (for acne). If you've read about Accutane kicking your follicular butt, it seems like it's true. Regardless, my question: While I wait for nature to take it's course and do more damage to my scalp (and self-esteem), I've considered buzzing my head down to 1 or 2 guard length. If I do this, and take propecia as well as use rogaine, will there be results? Will the lack of lots of hair prevent the medicine from helping? This seemed like a stupid question to ask because hair starts at the skin, not above it... but, these forums have been incredibly helpful, and I couldn't find an answer to this question after searching for awhile. ANY help would be appreciated, guys. Thanks, MrBlack
  2. This seems like a stupid question to be asking, so I appologize if it is (someone once told me there are no dumb questions... lets see if that stands up). First, some info: I'm 24, and in the past few years my hairline has been receading. I have a noticable bald spot in the back and the front line is whispy. I have solid hair coverage on top, however from front to back it's about the size of my hand (not so solid, I guess). I really noticed the recession seemed to kick up an extra notch last summer when I did a treatment of Accutane (for acne). If you've read about Accutane kicking your follicular butt, it seems like it's true. Regardless, my question: While I wait for nature to take it's course and do more damage to my scalp (and self-esteem), I've considered buzzing my head down to 1 or 2 guard length. If I do this, and take propecia as well as use rogaine, will there be results? Will the lack of lots of hair prevent the medicine from helping? This seemed like a stupid question to ask because hair starts at the skin, not above it... but, these forums have been incredibly helpful, and I couldn't find an answer to this question after searching for awhile. ANY help would be appreciated, guys. Thanks, MrBlack
  3. Whew... I didn't expect such a terrific amount of responses to a newb question... thank you all! With all this in mind, I think it'd benefit me to NOT go, as I am still new to all of this and they might make it sound like I could walk away with a lion's mane. I have more questions, but for these I'm gonna search the forums first, see if I can find the answers there. Again, thanks for the warm welcome, guys. I'm not making any moves without checking it here first. -MrBlack
  4. Okay, this is my first post here. I've been trolling for some time and haven't found any answers to this type of question. First, allow me to present my case... then maybe you guys can give me a better answer to this small series of questions I have. I'm 24, I started noticing thinning in my crown area when I was 20 and, in the middle of last year, did an accutane treatment. As far as my understanding goes, that medicine kicks your hair's ass and, as far as I can tell, keeps it that way (accutane lingers in your system after you stop taking it... I guess that's how it works?). So it wasn't until this past year that I really started to have noticible hairloss on the front region (at least, no one ever commented on it). After a consultation with Dr. Brandy in Pittsburgh (and after reading this forum I have serious doubts I'll go back to him for ANY sort of treatment), I have been typed as somewhere between Level III and Level IV. After looking at lots of photos of the elder, bald members of my family, it seems like my hair is headed to level VA, where it stays for good (if my uncles, grandfather, and great uncles hairlines are any indication). Finally, to the question: Is a trip to Bosley, OR Hair Club, going to give me answers to the questions I have about hair transplantation? I have a great desire to learn more about this before my hair gets any worse, and I find speaking to a human being is a better way to get information then, say, the internet (at least, I felt that way before I found this particular forum). So is this advisable? Can I get a consultation from Bosley/HC and then decide whether I want to pursue this or not and take those consultation results to, say, Dr. Feller? I'm just wondering what my next step should be, guys. I'm going to start Propecia and Rogaine, figuring I should at least do *something* while I research this. Thanks in advance, Mr.Black **EDIT: Mods, please move this to the right forum? I think this belongs in Q&A. Sorry... my bad.
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