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Everything posted by PLEASE GROW PLEASE

  1. I thought an 8th seed was pretty generous. 30 something is the coalition and only 16 teams make the playoffs. What more could you ask for At the very worse the 16 th best. I actually was extremely generous.
  2. Recommended ,yes Coalition Hmmmmm flip a coin. I guess he would be considered the Nba 8th seed in the East if added
  3. Dr Michalis from HDC is the only doc I would consider. I believe they have a few Hes the one that has consistently shown great work strip and fue. One of the few docs I usually say ,Wow!
  4. http://www.hairlossadvances.co...rch.php?mode=results
  5. Ive seen some outstanding results from HDC
  6. You are at the absolute worse stage or a transplant. Things will be looking up soon enough
  7. Havent read this whole thread as I hate getting excited then let down. This would be great though. The only concern is if this is a treatment that you continually have to do and it doesnt work then its possible that the roller causes alot of scarring . Maybe not visible but can contribute to poor growth if you then decide to go the hair transplant route. Hopefully Im way off base and this becomes a legit treatment
  8. Same exact drug except one is 1mg and the other 5mg
  9. Wantego is a helpful guy but extremely sensitive. I hope hes updating it and that is wasnt because someone hurt his feelings again I say this because though he has gaps its still a good job
  10. Some crown work ,and maybe a little hairline refinement and youll be looking mint.
  11. About 2-3 months for most clinics. You could even be put on a list in case someone cancels saving you some money. Keller a decent surgeon but those other two are phenomenal Oh yeah I got in after 2 1/2 months .
  12. Not a fan but it wont hurt to have a consultation . Hes better then Nuhart Chicago hair MHR Wentland,ILHT and most other Illinois clinics. In my opinion hes not in the same league with the other two you mentioned. This is a big big deal that will affect the rest of your life so choose wisely
  13. Thats a good amount of graft for a very nice cosmetic change. Now its 3 months of misery but its usually worth it in the end.
  14. Both are great docs. I went to Shapiro and couldnt be happier . Have seen some impressive results from each of these clinics . I would first find all the pics you can from these two and set up a consult with both to see who you feel more comfortable with. Good choice to stay away from any of the Illinois docs besides Konior.
  15. Would have been nice to see the grafts up close once extracted
  16. Those unhappy patients are probably fue patients. Even in the best hands fue can be very unpredictable. After comparing websites and previous pics I would still say Bisanga hands down. Doesnt mean Mwamba wont do a great job though The 3 guys that have left Coles office learned all they could from him and then really added to it with the things that keep Cole on the hot seat
  17. I like Dr Wongs crowns but Ive seen incredible work by Shapiro. I do like Dr Wolf but dont consider him a top doc. I believe Ron Shapiro did a transplant on Wolf as well as many other doctors . That speaks volumes to me . No need to leave the country for a transplant as the best are right here in US
  18. Ive seen some solid work from him. I dont like the fact that hes from the Cole family tree. I would rather put my money in Bisangas pocket. Much better results and pics to prove this
  19. Hair transplants are unpredictable but I feel Dr Rahal did a good job. A couple little gaps is nothing compared to being bald.
  20. spexhair@aol.com Send Spex and emailand ask him all you can think of I believe he lives in London and can get you on the right track
  21. Also if you could post some pics on here that would help you get an idea what your looking at
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