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Everything posted by PLEASE GROW PLEASE

  1. Of course top docs have unhappy patients . Everyone with a half a brain knows that . The doctors will even admit this. Its how they take care of those after the fact. The thing is that your chances of getting a great transplant will heavily increase by going to a top clinic. The one thing I havent seen very often are patients left worse off from the elite docs.
  2. BigBill I went to the hack of all hacks Nuhart. Huge mistake but after finding this site and Shapiro Medical Im back to a happy place. The only problem 95% of hair transplant patients face is we will always want more and more hair. It is so important to research and pick the right surgeon who wont waste all your donor just to make you happy for 10 years
  3. You picked a great doctor that does fantastic hairline work.
  4. I got a secret about a certain poster on this thread 5 bucks and Ill tell
  5. My first at 18. The second worst choice Ive ever made. Thank God for this site.
  6. Congrats . Any numbers. Any info on the surgery
  7. You definitely are "not going to go bald" Capt'N Mop!!! Looks great Eman First part wasnt for you. Now if the Cubs could look as good as you on the field you would be all good
  8. Hes not the only doctor . Could be a competitor or an unhappy patient. No way of knowing but its probably the same guy Typing seems similar http://www.ripoffreport.com/re...34/RipOff0434395.htm
  9. Rogaine sucks!!! It does seem to help but its a gigantic pain in the ass. Propecia every other day is my choice
  10. Those are all good doctors mentioned but for me I think its Ron Shapiro. I found this for you http://hair-restoration-info.c...deshow&x_startwith=1
  11. 22 Do you realize this thread is from 06 He has passed on since this. Plus lasers suck
  12. Brandy has destroyed more peoples lives then any other doc out there . Rassman is a good doc but far to conservative imo
  13. Congrats . Now for you level of baldness this many grafts will surely make a big difference
  14. LMS even though I dont agree with everything you make some great points. I will say one thing and that is Im 99.9% positive that LMS truly feels this way and wants to help people. The reason I say Im positive is because Ive seen his photos on another site and his hair isnt bad. If he had been butchered then I would know why hes so passionate about all this but hes not , yet still tries to get what he sees and how he feels out to people. From what I remember at session of 1500-2500 in his front 1/3rd would take care of the front half and I believe he still has hes crown Some guys have no idea how miserable it becomes when youve had crappy work. Not saying LMS is miserable but its obvious this has really affected him. If its even half of how it affected me then I totally understand why he gets worked up. It made me really bitter towards this industry, but this site then SMG saved me and changed my whole new way of thinking. Hair transplantation definitely isnt something to jump right into and I agree with Swag in that a transplant isnt for everybody. I do believe with strip and the rise of fue to extract even more grafts when stripped out most guys will get a result they will be happy with. Its tougher on the guys that need 3 surgeries from the get go but most others can really turn back the clock in under a year.
  15. Before reading GQs post I was also going to say this is definitely a hit not a miss. Too bad all the other guys Armani has screwed up couldnt receive at least half of your results
  16. Widow why feel bad for a bitchy wife Not sure if its true but if it is its a shame
  17. Poor woman has 8 kids with this punk and he cant keep his wiener in his pants. Maybe Lindsey can give her some free boobs and tummy tuck so she can roam the streets
  18. I would wear nothing I didnt and could care less what people thought . While your in Vancouver if you happen to run into Roberta Luongo give him this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kBMu89gDBI&feature=related
  19. Haha Ok . We were talking about ANY long term safety
  20. Farell went to Dr Wolf and I saw his results Ewww!! Actually Dr Wong has said really good things about Dr Pathomvanich. Dr Rahal does fantastic work also.
  21. I do know that hiding has scared alot of guys away. I always get asked about him privately and I ALWAYS try my hardest to get them to stay away from him. Docs would be surprised in how many patients get steered in other directions because of different reasons.
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