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Posts posted by Curious

  1. I'm amazed that so many people are weight lifting and exercising within a couple of months of HT surgery. I had plastic surgery done in conjunction with skin cancer surgery by a top plastic surgeon, who told me to stay off the treadmill and avoid exercise for at least 40 days. He was right, I followed his instructions and had minimal scarring. The tension for a HT is far greater than what I went through with that surgery, and the risk of scarring IMO is greater.

  2. The other problem is that once a patient has been butchered, he has no where to go for resolution. He could file a medical malpractice lawsuit, but most attorneys will not accept those cases. Why? Because to prosecute a medical malpractice case, you must have a hair transplant doctor willing to say that the other doctor committed malpractice. Finding a doctor willing to do that, at an affordable price, is like finding a needle in a haystack.

  3. PGP,


    I suggest you look at the donor of someone that's had 2,000 FUE by a competent doctor and compare it someone who's had strip. BTW, after the strip is removed, they have to refine it and cut/dissect it to get the follicular units, not to mention the sutures or staples left in the donor for 14 days. I'm not against strip, great results are posted here every day, but it seems like some of the comments made about FUE are more than a little one-sided and not based in fact.

  4. Actually you haven't cited any facts, just offered conclusions you have come to. I would suggest to you that if a patient has a collagen problem, he is probably going to have trouble with strip. FUE is a far less invasive method of removing grafts from the scalp, less cutting, less trauma. FUE is more time consuming and more expensive than strip. I have seen results from both methods that are superb.

  5. Thanatopsis,


    There is no reason to think the yield from FUE is any different than strip. You failed to cite any facts, other than the opinion of one doctor, on which this conclusion is based. There's going to be lousy FUE results because some doctors aren't very good at it, just as there are horrible strip results because of poor doctor skill.

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