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Posts posted by Curious

  1. I wouldn't look at continued shedding as a good sign, it's just an indication that you're losing more hair. The only thing that makes sense is to take the recommended dosage, 1 mg, and hope that you retain your hair. The issue of side effects and whether you stay on themedication is a decision you have to make if they don't go away.

  2. BaltoBill,


    I would strongly suggest removing the plugs first, having the plugs dissected into follicular units and reimplanted. After the repair is made and healed sufficiently, then have a full blown transplant. I would only have the plugs removed and dissected by a doctor with a lot of experience in performing that procedure.

  3. "Our country will never have trouble getting loans and we will never have interest rates raised on us." That's probably the attitude the Greeks had, until they hit the financial wall. Your attitude is of the kind that got us in this trouble. And btw, the healtcare bill does add to the deficit. The Congress engaged in an accounting trick and kept the physician fees for Medicare out of the bill. Doctor fees will be considered separately and will add another $200 bilion to the cost of healthcare, which puts it in deficit.

  4. I'm not sure what I can say to convince you that the country is going broke. The current Federal budget is about $1.6 trillion in deficit. Social Security, which was supposed to take in more money than it pays out until 2016 under CBO projections, has now gone into deficit and is paying out more than it receives in revenue. Medicare is currently operating at a deficit. According to CBO, the national debt will about double during President Obama's tenure. But this is not a Republican or Democratic issue, neither party is willing to take the painful steps needed to bring our fiscal house in order. We are very much like Greece but on a larger scale. Eventually we reach a point where the amount of debt is so overwhelming there will probably be a run on the currency and things will get very ugly and people will suffer.

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