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Posts posted by Curious

  1. You should research the effect it has on your liver and other organs. And there is the risk that if you go on TRT you can cause additional hairloss. I'm not sure that the risk of hairloss with TRT can be eliminated by finasteride. At a minimum, you should consult with a physician who specializes in this area of medicine.

  2. I had the pleasure of meeting Bushy, Biscuit, Hairnow and a prospective patient in Los Angeles last night. Bushy, Biscuit and Hairnow are Hasson & Wong patients and their results were great. We discussed the finer points of hair loss and compared results. It was fun.

  3. I had the pleasure of meeting Bushy, Biscuit, Hairnow and a prospective patient in Los Angeles last night. Bushy, Biscuit and Hairnow are Hasson & Wong patients and their results were great. We discussed the finer points of hair loss and compared results. It was fun.

  4. I had chest and arm hair transplanted to my scalp last week. Previously, I had chest and abdominal hair moved up on top with a good cosmetic result.


    While I was having work done, I talked with a patient who had his hairline rebuilt with chest hair. This guy was having additional chest hair placed in his strip scars to camoflauge them.


    Dr. True is right. In the right circumstances, body hair can help make a big difference.

  5. You need to be a little more specific about what happened. How many grafts did you have planted over your 5 surgeries, spread how far apart in terms of time? What is a bubble insertion in the scar?


    If I were you, I wouldn't do anything without getting multiple opinions from doctors of the highest reputation. If you've been damaged, don't rush into anything.

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