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Posts posted by Curious

  1. You're a little too negative in your critique of the doctor. He can never truly evaluate what he would recommend until he sees you in person. And I found the crack about his HT inappropriate. In any event, I sympathize with your plight. You should get a number of doctor opinions about your repair before having any additonal work done, doesn't sound like there is any margin for error.

  2. I've had FUE surgery multiple times and aside from some swelling, had no pain in the days following surgery. Maybe some soreness , but that was about it. Your photos look good, althought it would be helpful to have a close-up pic of your donor. To have major pain from FUE 2 weeks after surgery is highly unusual. What was the diagnosis at the hospital?

  3. Even if a pregnant woman handled the tablets once, I doubt it would create a problem. With that said, I wouldn't be so sure that you could trust Merck to issue warnings if there was a problem with pregnancies in cases where the male was on Propecia. Merck is the company that suppressed the problems with Vioxx.

  4. hdude,


    You're being unreasonable. Dr. Umar attended the ISHRS scientific meeting and made a presentation on BHT to other doctors. He's posted before and after photos of his patients; and some of his patients are willing to meet with people like you before a surgery is scheduled. No doctor is going to take kindly to the hysterical attack that LMS has posted.

  5. There's a story in the paper about Xavier Nady of the Yankees, who is having PRP as a way of repairing the damage to his elbow. It's a fast track method of healing his injury. I think the science is real, it's just a matter of time before it becomes a common treatment.

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