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Everything posted by AMR1

  1. I must say that I agree with Maxxy on this one 100%!!
  2. If a Doctor is recommended on this site does that make them a member of the Coalition?
  3. Dear Abby, I used Dr May in Great Ticthfield street just parallel to Harley St,London W 1, but from my experience HT in UK is a waste of money,Time and most important of all good DONOR hair!! He did a good job for that era and I am sure he has improved so not ditching him in anyway as the hair I have now is thanks to him! yes you will find a big difference with an extra 3000 grafts off coarse if you have donor area available, but if I were you, I would wait at least 24 months from your surgery before the next one to see if you are happy with the result of your first one,I found that the next 12-24 months after surgery hair growth to its max gives you a better idea of your end result, so don't rush to have your next one so fast.It is a bit like having starters first and letting the food digest and then the brain gets a signal from your stomach telling you how much more you can have! and at the end you are comfortable and not over full and blotted! (if you know what I mean and am trying to say) In other words be patient!! I must say that if I did not have any surgery at all in 1996 & 1998, I would not have any hair left on top of my head and that would be very depressing and when I had my first HT, micro grafts were in the very early days and Dr Humayun did say that taking the time into consideration it was not such a bad job and he had seen alot worst, yes major improvements in surgery have been made in my experience, I can see the scar Dr Humayun has done is hardly visible but before if I did a MK 3 hair cut my scar was visible. He removed those scars all together and my doctor in UK (my GP) made a very nice comment on his work when I visited him to remove the stitches (staples)saying is a very nice work and a tidy finish ( rare for another Doctor to comment on someone else work), I did not tell him where I had it done at that point but when I did he was very surprised and said that even in UK he has not seen such good work, in my surgery carried out in the UK my head was like a football after surgery for at least 4-7 days, but after Doctors Humayun surgery I experienced no swelling at all, plus the discomfort on the donor area was reduced, however increase stretch feel on the skin but I guess that's due to it being the 3rd surgery. Another main factor I liked is that I was on Local anesthetic rather then general anesthetic that Dr May used, I had no idea what was going on , but with Dr Humayun's surgery I was talking away asking question on what's going on and watching TV as well! I must say that after 3 surgeries this was the best experience so far, now just looking forward to the same type of results!!
  4. Hi Abby, have u updated your profile pictures of late? did u suffer any problems at all?
  5. I am now 38 and this was my 3rd surgery, by the way what is a HM?
  6. From personal experience I have been through 3 HT's now in past 14 years and i have NEVER shaved or buzz cut my hair, I do belive that it made no difference to the HT at all. This is my personal opion
  7. Well I have never used a lasercomb but was thinking of investing in one, but wanted a true opion of someone that has used one before and got some good results, I have seen much about it on the web but dont know if they are paid adverts, so i thought i ask someone here.
  8. I have had a HT about 3 weeks ago and wanted to know if you can use the Hairmax Lasercomb after Surgery? Does it help? Any effects or side effects? Does it damage the transplanted hair or grafts? Has anyone ever used the lasercomb after surgery? wanted someone to comment on there results if they have used this product. Thanks
  9. I have had a HT about 3 weeks ago and wanted to know if you can use the Hairmax Lasercomb after Surgery? Does it help? Any effects or side effects? Does it damage the transplanted hair or grafts? Has anyone ever used the lasercomb after surgery? wanted someone to comment on there results if they have used this product. Thanks
  10. Well I was not expecting miricles! but I needed to tidy up the front, have had alot of hair loss in past 12 years since my last HT, which you can see is like and islnd in the middle so thought I do 1 more, as long as it look more natural I well be happy as i know I will never get a full head of hair again, I will post some more pics on the 26th Feb which will be 1 month from operation so will give you guys a good idea on what Doctor Humayun tackled, I know its an ocean to cover, but some hair land is better then none!!
  11. Hi, yes u r right 3250 is nothing for density on a NW6, i am a NW7 and have had 5675 grafts and I guess might need more, so dont expect a full head of hair with only 3450 grafts. i had 3200 about 10-14 years back and then lost alot of hair in past 12 years so went to fill in the gaps, i hope it turns out well, do post some more pictures pls.
  12. I actually ask Dr Humayum's assistant Shahid this very question after I had my HT in January as I have had 3 HT's and if I wanted more could I get a Donor to Donate Hair? In short the answer was NO!! errrr It was some thing about the body genies not taking to an external genie or something like that.
  13. HT date 26.01.2009 Dr Humayum Mohmand ( Islamabad, Pakistan)
  14. Thanks for your reply Dr Humayun, yes I did realise that it is third surgery and it will feel tight but as its been so long since my last surgery i forgot how long it take to stop that streching feeling, there is no pain or discomfort at all just a weird feeling. It has now been over 3 weeks since the operation and all is Marshallah going well with NO complication, I arrived back in London after resting in Dubai for a few days after surgery and followed all the steps as instructed by your team and am happy to say i dont think i have even lost 1 single graft. Inshallah I can not wait to see the end result in 9-12 months many thanks
  15. Hi Abbey, how are your results now, I had 2475 grafts with Dr Humayun on 26th Jan 2009, so far so good but will be able to say in about another 9 months as results become visible, this was my 3rd surgery but 1st with Dr Humayun, the overall experience was good and service was fantastic, now lets see the final results! please post some more picture that are up to date thanks
  16. Man there is hardly any difference, if that was my end result, I be well pissed off!!
  17. You can travel to malaysia or even Pakistan and get it done alot cheaper 2500 grafts for around $3000!! and top job!!
  18. Your link answers my question, i guess like our fellow member its my 3rd HT that's why i guess i feel it more.
  19. Well actually it was back in 1998 my last HT so i seem to forget how long it lasted, but i guess this is my 3rd HT so the skin is proberbly getting tighter right?, i say 1" coz thats what i assume was removed for the donor area right?, sorry my knowledge on these item suck compared to other people on this forum, so was asking this question to refresh my memory, not that i am in any pain, it just feels wierd the skin being so tight!
  20. Its is now about 24 days since i had the operation on 26th Feb I will take some more pics and psot giving 1 months results, I had some picture priour to the operation but lost them, I have email Dr Humayun to see if he can email me them so i can post them.
  21. Hi Take a Chance I to traveled the next day on a 9 hours flight, I did wear a loose bandana and took a small towel with a small ice pack wrapped in it and kept allplying to my head every 30 minutes for about 5 minutes to keep swelling down and the result was great no swelling at all after i got back home, it works swell! just try it! u can buy a small plastic ice pack for any home store for about ??2 (like the ones uyou use in cooler boxes, freeze it and then wrap in a small face towel ( buy it before u leave and put in the freezer in the hotel where u are staying! My doctor actually supplied me the kit as he knew i was travelling the next day, they were so prepared for it! Try It!
  22. Hi Mikey79 I decided to wear a bandana and it works very nicely to cover your head but it protect the grafts also and look stylish!! , I tried wear a baseball cap loose but frankly looked stupid having it so loose that the cap did not even look in shape, and does not matter what you say as it was so loose it rubbed on the top of the head touch new grafts!! so best bet is mate stick to the bandana, Besy advice is to wear nothing at all if you can because if air gets to the scar and grafts it heels better so what i did was wear it only at time i was out of the car or house on the streets, and once I got back in the car or house took it off again aloowing the skin to breath, touch wood 24 days on now scabs gone but I am not applying anything to the hair eg hair spray or concealers to prevent any external reactions, playing it real safe and still wear a bandana everyday, i think atleast for another week before i start doing normal styling then hair spray etc. good luck!
  23. Can someone tell me that when the donor is removed about 1" of skin strip and then stiched back again you loose 1" of skin, after surgery how long does it take for the skin to kind of relax, What I mean is to strech back to its original so it does not feel tight, it been like 24 days since my operation now and it still feels tightish, is this normal? i had my last surgery so many years ago I ca not even remember how long it took, I dont expect miricles overnight but just want an idea, I am applying on the nect some moisture cream just allowing the skin to softeen so easy for it to strech. please help, thanks
  24. Can someone tell me that when the donor is removed about 1" of skin strip and then stiched back again you loose 1" of skin, after surgery how long does it take for the skin to kind of relax, What I mean is to strech back to its original so it does not feel tight, it been like 24 days since my operation now and it still feels tightish, is this normal? i had my last surgery so many years ago I ca not even remember how long it took, I dont expect miricles overnight but just want an idea, I am applying on the nect some moisture cream just allowing the skin to softeen so easy for it to strech. please help, thanks
  25. mgmjtech where do u stay? try pakistan u might just pay about a $ a graft! great job also Dr Humayun is recommended here and great work n cheap
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