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Everything posted by Maxxy

  1. James, Sadly, any results would be dependent on the drugs, that is - you will need to continue their use or it's very likely you will lose any benefits gained. You wouldn't need to take both, no. But if you are wanting the greatest chance results, it would be best to use both Minoxidil and Finasteride together. I'd also consider adding ketoconazole (Nizoral, Revita, etc).
  2. I agree with the others, it's clear you are not a good candidate. I don't know what the hell THG were thinking, offering not one but two procedures. I have little doubt you would have been left devastated had you not found this forum. If I was you, as I suggested in my earlier post, I'd look into Finasteride and Minoxidil. I agree with what you said and also don't hold much hope of meds giving you the results you hoped for from a transplant, however, you may just be one of those lucky ones. Maxhair, has stated that Propecia is expensive, which it is but there are far cheaper options such as Proscar which can work out as little as ??20 for 5 months (at a 1 mg dose). As for the side effects, these are possible side effects but not everyone will suffer them and the ones that do are short lived in the majority of cases. No one can tell you what results (if any) you will have on the meds but they stand a fair chance of saving and thickening what you already have and maybe even growing some hair if you're really lucky. Maybe the Finasteride will even help out with the donor so that a transplant may be an option at a later stage, who knows? Thats the thing, you will never know unless you try. The above is what I would do, other then that a hair piece or shaving really is your only option. Here's a -link- of a guy's results on the meds. There will be many more but I was just looking at this yesterday so it's in my mind at the moment. James_1986, If after you have done some more research, you decide to give the meds a serious shot I can send you a box of Proscar which will see you through the first 4-5 months. You'd only need to buy the Minoxidil, which depending on brand and type - can be very cheap. Good Luck in whatever you decide.
  3. James_1986, It's hard to advise you regarding medication without seeing photos, however, I wouldn't rule out Finasteride (Propecia) and Minoxidil (Rogaine). You never know, you might be one of the lucky ones and get some growth. If you go the right way about it, it's fairly cheap to test. I also wouldn't consider it too much of a hassle, Finasteride is just a once per day dose and Rogaine foam (which dries very quickly) shouldn't take more then a minute, twice per day to apply if you have little hair to get in the way.
  4. I'm not even sure what your implying, but I am not being paid in any way for my participation in this or any other forum if that's what you're suggesting.
  5. In my opinion this is just a lie and puts more doubt into my head, all the new threads have different (carefully chosen) titles such as "my transplant with the hospital group" "DR.Goldstone" "my experience" "my experience with the hospital group" "my hair transplant with Dr. Goldstone". Also, for someone new to the forum and not good with computers - you managed to get those threads up quickly after registering, I'm not sure I could have done it in the time you did. And how would you know this if you are new to the forum? That's fine, we're all entitled to our opinions.
  6. Well of course you're free to share your satisfaction and recommend the clinic (as a genuine patient), I don't think anyone on here would disagree, but other unhappy patients of The Hospital Group are free to do the same. There is no point getting angry, you can't have it both ways. If you really want to change peoples opinions and support your chosen clinic, you could share your results over the next year and let members judge for themselves. A new member blasting the forum with threads/posts is only going raise suspicions.
  7. Welcome, Peter.arcadia! It's good that you are happy with your experience, I must say there are a lot of you new members sharing their satisfaction of late. It's also good that you are happy with your closure but at one day post-op, that is all it is - a "closure", which is no indication of what your scar will turn out like at later stages. If there is bad publicity about The Hospital Group, you have to accept that it is a result of bad results. Where as you may be happy at this very early stage, there are members of this community that have evidence of poor results. I'd recommend you wait until your results are showing before recommending your wife to go in for a procedure as there is no way of telling what your results/feelings will be next year. Edit: Peter, I have doubts regarding your intentions here, in a matter of minutes you have blasted the forum with your experience - this seems a very strange thing for a genuine patient to do and to me seems agenda driven.
  8. Welcome, James_1986! Sorry to hear about your situation, though I'm happy you found this forum in time. Doctors Hasson, Wong and Feller are excellent surgeons and among the best out there. As hard as it is to hear, if they and their team are saying you are not a good candidate, I'm certain it is in your best interest. Given your age and loss (not even taking your donor in consideration) any reputable clinic is going to have massive concerns with treating you. I agree with Sparky, I don't see any harm in visiting Dr. Farjo to be evaluated; I wouldn't get your hopes up in being treated but it can't hurt to get a professional opinion in person. As Sparky has said, in the UK I would only consider seeing Dr. Farjo or Spex (Dr. Feller's UK consultant). As you are aware, you will always find some clinic that will offer you the world and have you in the chair before you know what's happening, but if this is in your best interest is a totally different story. All the best mate, hang in there.
  9. What makes you think he hasn't? Also, there is any number of reasons why someone would choose not to have work done.
  10. Welcome Thoughtsbecomethings! As already mention great review. I really look forward to following your progress.
  11. Hey Windjc, Even though the foam absorbs quickly, I wouldn't recommend using the hair dryer so soon after.
  12. There was a discussion on this in January, I doubt much has changed. You can view the thread -here-.
  13. Hello Lisa martin, I'm not bitter in the slightest, I have never visited The Hospital Group so have no reason to be bitter against them. The only remark I have ever made regarding The Hospital Group is that I have read enough about them that I personally would never consider them. I was just curious as to why the new members had chose this thread to make their first posts and share their experiences and on that note thank you for your response. Also Lisa, as Bill has point out... though I wish you all the best, it is far too early for you to judge your results, this includes your scar.
  14. Welcome, Brain Folklaw! I'm glad you're happy with your results and wish you well for your next surgery. May I ask why you decided only now to share your satisfaction and why you chose this thread? There have been a few new members of late who are all happy with their results from The Hospital Group, all posting for the first time and choosing this thread; I'm just curious as to why you and the others would chose this option. As Petchski has said, it seems a little strange that the new members are drawn to this thread first.
  15. And he should listen to your words of wisdom?
  16. Would taking a multivitamin as well eating protein rich foods eliminate shedding while on calorie restricted diet?
  17. Not all hair transplant patients that have made blogs/journals recording their progress will be using Finasteride but I'd suspect the vast majority of them will be. The point I was trying make in my post above (which to be honest - I thought was clear) was that a lot of those guys had work done X years ago when they were a NW 2, 3, etc and have not needed further work. As we all know, hair loss is progressive... if it isn't Finasteride slowing or halting their hair loss to the extent that even after years they haven't required further work, then what is? Anyway, to be honest Default, I can't be bothered going over and over this with you, as it seems futile. As far as I'm concerned there is plenty of proof that it works and I will continue to use and recommended it. Perhaps you could show us all the journals and facts that prove Finasteride doesn't work for a lot of its thousands, most likely millions of users? Then I may change my mind, but until that time I won't be replying to your posts in this thread.
  18. Welcome, Johnyhatesjazz! Personally, I have read enough bad things about the The Hospital Group that I would never consider them. Another concern to me is the fact that their representative has advised you that the scar will be invisible; even the top doctors and their reps can't make this claim. Where as it is hoped that any scarring will be minimal, it is impossible to say with any certainty what the result will be - it should ring alarm bells if anyone tells you otherwise.
  19. Are you for real? If you had done any amount of research on this forum, you'd realise how silly you sound. This forum has undoubtedly helped thousands of guys. The reason why there is a lot of success stories on this site is because the majority of its users visit doctors who are recommended here after being vetted. The forum is also the most honest and open I've seen in terms of hair loss and restoration. There are some horror stories of results performed by doctors not recommended by this site, there are also some results from the doctors that are recommended here when everything hasn't turned out as planned, to put the forum down because these are few and far between is ridiculous. If the forum/site hasn't helped you in anyway way, it's because you're looking at it with a closed mind.
  20. Hey Khan78, Do you know of any fully grown case online which include a full breakdown (size of receipt, number of 1,2,3,and 4 hair grafts, number of grafts per cm and number of sessions)?
  21. Welcome Floridabreezey, Going by your own quote, it doesn't suggest that you discontinue use, merely that you speak to your physician... Could this be a legal issue? Most long-term users who aren't bound by these legalities/possible lawsuits will tell you that medication-induced sheds can last months rather than weeks.
  22. There's no denying that things are looking very good at 4 month, however, 2065 - 3 and 4 hair grafts out of 2525 is a massive amount which obviously plays a role.
  23. Very nice result as always. Personally, I would have went with FUE for such a small number of grafts but thats just me. From a personal point of view, I just don't feel the risks and down time associated with FUT are worth it for such a small procedure.
  24. In the cases Bill provided, I agree with Tundra; his results seem to be at the very least on par with the best. All the cases presented have been of patients with recession of the hairline, are these the only type of patients Dr. Keser will work with? I'd also like to see a breakdown (size of receipt, number of 1,2,3,and 4 hair grafts and the number of grafts per cm) for the above patients if that's possible, please.
  25. Of course, I wasn't speaking of an actual case - I just used that as an example.
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