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Everything posted by Maxxy

  1. Wantego, Oh I have no doubt people out there will be thinking Bosley are the best for the exact reason you said. We in the UK have or had the same with a clinic called Norton. Thank god for forums like these.
  2. I agree it is scary, I came across that site sometime ago in my research. Wantego, This is by no means a dig at you but anyone who has researched to the extent we all should have before deciding on a doc should know Bosley are the scum of the earth and are amongst the very worst out there.
  3. Hey Glajo, Thanks for the reply and sharing your experience. Just to confirm, I do not have any scabs at all in the receipt area, they were all gone by around day 10.
  4. I doubt you have much to worry about. Even if this is the case, in 20 years id like to think transplants will be a thing of the past. (atleast transplants as we know them now) With the amount of work and money getting chucked at hairloss treatments today if they don't have a proven solution in 20 years I'll be pissed haha. Follica and other projects look very promising and we should have more news in a couple of years.
  5. Hey Guys, Its been 21 days since my transplant. I started to shed around day 10, I would say I now have maybe 60% or more of the transplanted hairs remaining. I have noticed while in the shower during washing of the receipt area that if I massage lightly some hairs come out easily. I am now showering with warm water but nowhere near as hot as pre-op, I am still covering the reciept area with my hand to avoid high pressure from the shower hitting it, I am still washing with baby shampoo and using a patting motion on the grafts rather then a rubbing one and when drying I am still using the hair dryer on a cool setting and covering the grafts with my hand to avoid the hairs coming into contact with the air flow. My question is am I being too careful? and can being too careful be detrimental to growth? (maybe slowing down the healing/growth process) If I start to massage during washing I feel all my transplanted hairs will be gone in a few days will this speed up matters or is it best to carry on how I am and just let the hairs sit there? Sorry for the long post
  6. Hey Guys, Its been 21 days since my transplant. I started to shed around day 10, I would say I now have maybe 60% or more of the transplanted hairs remaining. I have noticed while in the shower during washing of the receipt area that if I massage lightly some hairs come out easily. I am now showering with warm water but nowhere near as hot as pre-op, I am still covering the reciept area with my hand to avoid high pressure from the shower hitting it, I am still washing with baby shampoo and using a patting motion on the grafts rather then a rubbing one and when drying I am still using the hair dryer on a cool setting and covering the grafts with my hand to avoid the hairs coming into contact with the air flow. My question is am I being too careful? and can being too careful be detrimental to growth? (maybe slowing down the healing/growth process) If I start to massage during washing I feel all my transplanted hairs will be gone in a few days will this speed up matters or is it best to carry on how I am and just let the hairs sit there? Sorry for the long post
  7. Hey Zaz, Retin-A has been proven to reduce or atleast reduce the appearance of scars and wrinkles, also some people swear it actually helps regrow hair. I have not read about it being used on a donor scar but don't see why it couldn't be.
  8. Hey glajo, I don't know who you went with, but you should have been made aware of the risk that this can happen. I had actually read of this happening many times while researching pre-op, however, I was also made fully aware of all the risk by my clinic during the consultation. Infact, the risks were discussed at great length and included the risk of temp. and permanent loss of existing hair in the donor and receipt. I'm sorry to hear about your experience.
  9. Hey Jotronic I think the result Bobman got is great. You say he recieved almost 5000 grafts if it's possible could you please let us know the reciept size in cm2 so that we can get a rough idea of how many grafts he recieved per cm2.
  10. Hey Desperately Seeking Hair Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I'm not really concerned with the shedding, well I am, but I knew it was coming. I was just worried when I looked at shedded hairs and they didn't have any roots/bulbs.
  11. Hey Eman Thanks for the reply. I took a photo of the hairs and enlarged it in search for the bulbs haha. (there was none by the way) Glad to hear its not just me.
  12. Hey All I have just found this site (however I am on others)I had My first transplant 2 weeks ago. Mostly things seem normal, Scabs are gone, redness has some what faded and transplant hair is shedding. This is my concern the hair that is shedding seems to have NO root/bulb. The shedded hair just looks as if its been cut, there is no bulb or anything at the end just the hair shaft its self. Is this normal or do I have reason to be worried. Thanks in advance. Ps. I am taking photos every few days and will make an album in a couple of month.
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