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Everything posted by dakota3

  1. Martin, Good news is you are 21! More good news is that your hairloss has been slowed down with the use of rogaine and propecia right? Also you can pull off using concealers still. You are still young enough where in hopefully "fingers crossed" just a short period of time they will have a cure for MPB. Just hang on for a little longer because they are aggressivly working on finding cures. I am also a diffuse thinner that started losing my hair at 21. I did nothing about it until I was 28. By that time I had lost quite a bit, but in the 2 years that I've been uing rogaine and minox my hairloss has been stabilized. Good luck
  2. Looks like your ahead of schedule. The next 8-10 months are going to be fun for you. Good luck!
  3. IAGBSM, just order it on line http://www.nizoral.com/
  4. Abedogg, Work looks good! Is there a reason besides the obvious "I dont want a scar" that you went with FUE over FUT? Just asking because that procedure must have cost you and arm and a leg and FUT is proven to have higher yields than FUE. Either way I think in 9-12 month you are going to see quite an improvement. Good luck!
  5. Dr. Humayun knows more about NW7's then anyone here IMO. That's all you see him poting for results.
  6. Quote by Dr. Rassman Now Im a bit confused! You have 2 doc's in the same profession saying 2 different things. That's like 1 mechanic saying you need new brakes and another saying you need new tires.
  7. This statement would hold up if rogaine and propecia worked forever, however propecia loses it's effectivness after several years and rogaine just slows the process down it seems. I think that people who have hairloss young and eventually progress to a NW7 have to hope that a "cure" is around the corner.
  8. For 5 grand I would walk! LOL!! Both are awesome
  9. Original comment by Dr. Humayun "All most 70% of people with type III and IV at age of 27 to 30 will be Type VII by 45 to 50 yrs"
  10. Original comment by Dr. Humayun "All most 70% of people with type III and IV at age of 27 to 30 will be Type VII by 45 to 50 yrs"
  11. Do you this as fact? This would be quite alarming!!!!
  12. Cut your hair as short as you'd like just remember that there will be a scar and you may want to try to hide it as much as possible. At 3/4 inch you shouldnt have much of a problem hiding the scar.
  13. BTW it seems if Dr. Mohmand had any ethics he would turn away some of the more "hopeless" patients. I would hope that if I was a full fledged NW7 with a virgin scalp that a Doc would have enough ?decensey? to enlighten me on the fact that It would only make things worse to have a HT
  14. YES!!!! Im sorry, but GQ is right the only hope you have at achieving a cosmeticaly pleasing result is HM. \ IMHO your best bet right now is NOT to try to add density to the existing area of coverege but instead to connect the "Island to the mainland" on the sides above the ears and work your way back. That atleast will give it a more natural appearence.
  15. I believe there is another gentleman on here that had a bad experience with her. ????chargersfan??? I think! Sorry to here about your horrible experience but not all is lost. There are some fine Docs recommended here that can help correct the mistakes of others. Good luck to you!!!
  16. I had 1500 grafts my first time around and I had more hair than you "in the front not the back" and I didnt see any noticable results. In fact because I went to a "local Doc" I have less hair today than I did before the procedure. Listen to what people are saying here. Some of us had to learn the hard way that there are HUGE diferences in HT doctors and distance should not be a factor when considering a HT. Good luck
  17. Abby, Your hair looks good short! Scar looks nice as well! Do you keep your hair short because of the lack of density or because you like the look? Either way you've come along way from what I can tell! Good luck to ya!
  18. Most surgeons charge anywhere from 3-5 dollars per graft with prices going down the more grafts you get.
  19. Not even close to good for the # of grafts... If he wants you to be happy he'll reimburse you so you can go see a better doc! DO NOT have another procedure done with this guy!
  20. Oh ya! It's the whole BMW/Mercedes thing too! LOL
  21. They always say dont let location or $$'s dertermine who you choose for your HT, but with this question I think its safe to say go with the one thats cheapest and/or closest because those are really the only factors with this paticular choice. Both are top 5 and produce amazing results!
  22. Hey Santa, Can I have before pictures for X-mas?
  23. ytoday, Would you care to share pictures?
  24. Yes! I would recommend them...... staying away from your head! LOL I had a bad expeience with Bosley and Im not alone. There are many people that have complaints about them. Do yourself a favor and stay far away from Bosley.
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