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Everything posted by dakota3

  1. You can get proscar at 1/10th the price and it works the same. Just need a RX
  2. Guys, I was reading on WebMD about how some med's actually increase or cause hairloss."may not be news to some" Now for most of us MPB will eventually set in and rob us of our hair follicles, but for some you may want to look into possible side effects of your medications to see if hair loss is one of them. For example ME. I take Wellbutrin xl . Ive been on it for several years. Originally I took it to quit smoking but realized after I quit smoking and quit the medication I became irritable and depressed so I started back on it. I never gave it a thought that this medication could cause hair loss until I decided to read up on it. I read hundreds of testimonials of how Wellbutrin has caused hairloss in these people. If you are on med's for any reason at all it may be worth reading up on the side effects. Im going to look into another type of medication and will keep you all up to date and see if "cross my fingers" any hair can grow back.
  3. Glen, I would never pretend to know more than a doctor and have not seen your donor area like Dr. B has, but technology has come along way and pain is almost a non fator for most people nowadays. I have heard mixed review's on Dr. Cole so I wouldnt reccommend nor advise against him. You'll have to decide for yourself. I would say that he is not the only doctor that fue's into scars though.
  4. Wet before , dry after . Flash before, no flash after. Maybe you had some good results but the pics you post are a little decieving. Thanks though.
  5. Yes it could! Not definatley though. You may also want to look into finesteride. <<"Propecia"
  6. Glen, Im curious how many grafts you have had done if Dr. Bernstien says you dont have enough donor left? I agree with imissthebarber in that you should only consider fue into the scar as a last resort when you know for sure you are done with procedure's. Dr Lindsey would propably be one of the better doctors to talk to about scar options. He's always posting scar repairs and they always seem to turn out better after he's done with them.Obviously results vary! Also if you consider scar reduction the doctor can use what ever hair he cuts out of the existing scar to graft on to your head. Do alot of research because you'll get alot of opinions from different people and doctors and ultimatley you'll need to come to a decision you have to live with. Good luck!
  7. . Just go do what you want. I really dont care. You asked for opinions and because you dont like those opinions you question our experience and knowledge. The opinions you are getting are from people who have experience with places like these. BTW how many threads are you going to start asking the same question. Go get hacked up!
  8. exchange, Thanks for the reply and I hope you didnt take offense to the question. It's just on one of the pictures the grafts look larger in the middle of your head. Im sure its either the lighting or the way you heal. I hear that Dr Bisanga is very good so good luck!
  9. What I meant was you have a whole lot of hair left and while not to young you are still young enough where you could progress furthur and may want those grafts to do some thickening up on top of the head when you are older. Maybe it's the pics but your hairline doesnt appear to be to high. The only thing I would say is to close in the temples a little. Also propecia could work wonders for your crown.
  10. I dont know if it's the lighting but it looks like you had some micrografts.
  11. I dont know of this doctor, but I do know of MHR and I would recommend staying as far away as possible. Place like this, Bosley, Advanced hair studio etc are no more than hair mills. Maybe this doc is alright but if I were you I wouldnt take a chance. Youve only got 1 head and limited donar hair available to be taking a chance on any doctor from these establishments. Im going to save everyone else the time and tell you that you'll get the same response from most people on this site. Cancel and try to get a refund but even if they dont refund I still wouldnt do it if I were you. I SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE. Good luck to ya!
  12. Never heard of this before! Maybe a Doc could chime in here! Seems a little deceptive to me. andis it possible to do a major transplant surgery (of around 6000) with two people working on it in less that two hours? 6000 grafts or hairs? Either way 2 hours seems a little to quick to me!
  13. I too didnt think I had a nicely shaped head for shaving, but when my results werent quite what I expected I decided to shave and found that I was far more selfconcious about my ugly scar than I was about my thinning hair. baldboy, I started losing my hair when I was 21 and did nothing about it until I was 28.When I did do something I had not been as informed as you are. I think it would be very beneficial to you to shave down to a 1 or 2 clip and see if you like it 1st and stay on the propecia. Time is on your side and hopefully in the next 5-10 years hairloss will be a non issue. If you do choose to go down this road keep in mind that you will have to keep going to keep up with your hairloss.
  14. I definatley sympathize with you. Although I was not suicidal "which is very concerning by the way" I was very depressed and didnt know how I was going to proceed in life with out hair. I still am VERY selfconcious about my hair but as the time goes by I've learned to deal with it. Believe it or not almost 1/2 of all men suffer from hair loss which makes you pretty normal. Hopfully in the next couple of years science will come up with a cure for MPB and this will be a non factor but for now we need to make the best of it and TRY not to dwell on our short comings. If you need to talk about any issues feel free to PM me. Good luck
  15. To me you still are pretty young with very little significant loss. If I were you I would not do anything yet and start taking Finesteride and Minoxodil to see how you react to that. If you were to do anything though I definatly would not lower your hairline to much because you can never predict future loss!
  16. Gothcha buddy! Although I'm not to sure they will win the series.
  17. You look much improved! If I had to guess I'd say you've had between 3500 and 4000 grafts done! Am I in the ball park? Glad to see you had such a positive experience.
  18. PGP Your Bulls got lucky yesterday! They wouldnt stand a chance if Garnett was healthy
  19. I'd have to 2nd the Dr. Cooley recommendation. I've not seen enough of Rose and Charles. There has been some issues with Epstien of late which is to bad.
  20. Im going to hope for the latter. In 10 years Im actually hoping they have a "miracle pill" or a cure for MPB although I'm not going to hold my breath.
  21. I too went to Bosley. I had a procedure with Dr. Phillips in Boston. Thankfully he has since retired. I had very poor if any yield at all and it definatly destroyed some of the existing hair in the front. In fact if you look at the top of my head you can see a clear line from the front 1/3 foward where they planted the grafts. Its much thinner than the back. I am a diffuse thinner and up to that point I was thinning at the same rate over the whole top. Believe it or not though I consider myself lucky for 2 reasons. From the horror pictures I've seen of scars on this site my scar looks half way decent. "If a scar can look decent". 2nd I never would have found this site and may have gone back there for a 2nd procedure if I didnt have poor results. It's to bad something cant be done to stop this company from ruining peoples live's.
  22. Business Teacher, Good Luck in your journey! It appears you would need between 6-8K grafts to completley restore your hair to an illusion of density. Definatly get on the meds so you dont progress further to a NW7. Just remember that finesteride isnt effective for ever and you may recede to a NW7 so make sure you and Dr. Wong plan for the future.
  23. Bill, Do you think your scar was typical for having had 3 surgeries? Has the scar gotten wider with each succesive procedure?
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