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Everything posted by UGLY MAN 4 LIFE

  1. Nuh it doesn't matter. I just swallow it. I did hear that if you let it dissolve under your tongue it absorbs faster, but I don't know where exactly that was and whether or not it was proven.
  2. Bobman, Can you expand on what you mean by the photos not representing what you look like in person? Are you talking about texture, perceived density, etc.? Thanks man
  3. Yeap, and don't press too hard with the knife, just sort of apply pressure and you'll notice the pills will fracture on their own without any residue falling off.. P.S. - keep it away from any pregnant women.
  4. Same here, I often question whether or not I'm making the right decision - especially during weekends or extended holidays where I don't have to go out in public and I'm around family only. Those are the times when I think, do I really need this? Without actually having to "deal" with hairloss, avoiding mirrors isn't the biggest problem in life. But, Monday comes around and I have to deal with the same old shit in the car, ie - trying to pull what little forelock I have left to cover the massive gaping holes in the temples. Miserably failing and walking around like an idiot for the rest of the day, taking 5 flights of stairs to avoid the elevator mirror, looking up at the sky to not see my reflection in my car. It gets old by about 9:15 and I know I'm making the right choice.
  5. Does anyoen have any theories on what causes slow growth? (Here I'm interested the more extreme cases, say 12 months before the first sprouts). Cheers.
  6. MeeKs It would be extremely unwise to rely on hair multiplication. The creams from curis are full of shit, they've been doing it for years and still have not released a single picture. Word's don't mean shit in this game. IMHO curis is rubbish, and intercytex and aderans have a chance but definitely nothing that will revive a person to their non-balding state - meaning its a filler - and will have limited impact on fixing someone who's donour may be shot...(hence you have to make sure you don't become a NW7) Also I wouldn't expect regrowth from finasteride, it'll slow down the rate of hairloss if you're lucky. I know that the internet says that the average person loses 100 hairs a day, but let me tell you something from experience - that number's probably exaggerated. There have been numerous occasions where I've sat down with some non-balding pears and we studied together. Every half hour, the asian kid would run his hair through his fingers, whilst I merely lean my head on one hand. By the end of the 4 hours or so, I have maybe 4-5 hairs fall down onto my page, the asian had *none*. There's the difference right there. Balding people lose alot more hair, and if you see a slowdown it's definitely a positive thing.
  7. MeeKs I ordered this one: http://www.unitedpharmacies.com/customer/product.php?pr...tid=449&cat=0&page=1 Generic proscar, I can say with almost certainty that it does work (ie - it's legit). The ebay thing I'm not sure if that's brand name proscar or not, it's something you have to look into as we don't have ads or the same wrappers in my country, so I really dont know if it's the real deal or an immitation. You'll notice that the generic proscar is basically half the price of the brand name on the united pharmacies website (on a per tablet basis). That makes a difference if you're short on cash. Technically you should be taking propecia 1mg, but getting proscar and splitting a 5mg tablet into 4 means 1.25mg per table. It's a little bit over the dose tested for hairloss but it hasn't been a problem for me. Good luck
  8. baldguy44 That's fair enough, thanks for clearing that up as it's given a guy like me who physically can't go and see patients an idea of what other people think... And yea the problem with HT's these days by the top clinics is more to do with the texture differences at the hairline - H&W have commented on this a number of times. At the end of the day, I would take jupiters hair over what he had before and comb it forward if it really turned into a major problem. Good luck with your procedure.
  9. Hi Snapshot, Congratulations, on your procedure, I'm sure things will turn out great... I was wondering if you have any pics of your donour area? Thanks mate.
  10. You need a prescription for fin but I buy it from unitedpharmacies which will sell generic proscar (which is cheaper and I split into quarters) without a script... not that if you are in the U.S. you may have custom issues importing it, not quite sure..
  11. MeeKs I'd get on finasteride. What's your family history like? (Any bald guys? And at what norwood level?) With regards to shockloss, I'm going to have to go against hairbank on this one in terms of it being a concern as such. I feel that yes if you get a HT you will likely lose some if not most of the native hairs that will not be strong enough to survive another cycle, *but*, I don't necessarily think that there's enough of them there to warrant worrying about it too much... That is not to say that you should get a HT. I think you should wait. I'm actually younger than you so maybe you'll take my advice without thinking necessarily that I'm a 40 year old who doesn't know what you're dealing with. The reason I say to wait, is not so much the degree of hairloss as the rate. I mean, if you went to what appears to be a NW4 in 4 years, what will happen in the next 4? I'm not saying wait a decade, I'm just saying you need to be financially prepared and you need to have some sort of a cap on your hairloss. If you go in there now and get a procedure done, and lose your crown before you can afford another you'll be in quite a bit of trouble. I've read countless stories of guys who've had HT's, who were not fully aware of the fact that they'll almost certainly have to come back for more procedures at a later date. These guys desperately wished they could just shave their heads and move on... But overwhelmingly, you should wait because you don't want to get a HT if you're going to progress to a NW7 (ie - when the sides begin to recede down - that's where the illusion of density gets blown out the window because you need to plant at a much high density per square cm than you will have available if you want people looking at the hair face on to not detect any thinning). Planting up top with lower density is ok because you look at the hair from a side angle, so you can get away with more than you can on the sides... Anyway I strongly suggest that you get on finasteride, because a HT without finasteride is like a race car without brakes.
  12. Oussssss You actually will not get better density than you have now from a HT. Sure, they might give you a better, less receeded looking hairline but what you see from the above shot - if the hair is indeed wet - is probably the best case scenario post HT. A HT will look good dry, but you won't have the hair you used to when you were a kid. So my advice is wait it out, because the benefits are marginal.
  13. I'd also like to know what gives baldguy44 the opinion that Jupiter's HT looks unnatural?? It looks quite natural and very dense to me..
  14. And that's what the vast majority of patients do. There's only a handful of people on these boards. There are doctors who have performed over 5000 procedures and we only have at best, 50 patiets willing to post photos - and most of those have stayed 2 years during the growing phase and helped other people, and then moved on.
  15. Hi maki8787 From my experience, shedding from finasteride (or minoxidil for that matter) will be dependent on the individual. I've known some guys to shed upto 300 hairs a day for the when they first started taking finasteride (and similarly with minoxidil) and I've known others - including myself - who saw almost immediate results with no shedding. To answer your first question, you'll most likely look worse before you look better post HT. Often people will lose existing hairs and HT hairs a 2-3 weeks after surgery. I've seen this happen quite often, but the hairs that can grow back, will, in 3-5 months time. With regards to your second question, I've heard some people use MSM and minoxidil to speed up the growth. I'd like to say that there is no proof that HT hairs actually come in faster. I've seen some people have exception growth without using medications post HT and others use them and still see growth starting at the end of the 4th month. My personal belief is MSM will help hair that is already in growing phase to grow faster - but I don't think it will necessarily jump start the growth itself. Good luck.
  16. WOOPS! My mistake, the website defaulted to another language, I couldn't read it so I clicked on the chest and say some guy doing what I thought were peck implants... LOL!!
  17. No, you will still lose the minoxidil hairs and some more. Whatever can grow back will. (There was a guy who did what you're planning on the other forum). If you do stop minoxidil, I suggest you slowly slow down the amount your using over an extended period - say a year - and then get off it. Stopping it straight away will shock some of your normal hairs out and it'll take 4-6 months for them to start growing back.
  18. RoboNick I'd like to warn you about 1 thing with your chosen clinic. Their website suggests to me that they do all kinds of cosmetic surgery. That is not a sure fire way to get the very best results. Also, given your age, you need to be more conservative with the grafts that you plan to use. 2000 is all I'd use, and I'd make a very conservative hairline - at least 7.5cm.
  19. irish homer You're in your 40's so I'm going to assume you have a fairly loose scalp. You'll probably want to shoot for at *least* 4000 first go, or around that figure. You'll probably need 6000 or more to be happy with the result and look relatively non balding. Checkout bobman, nictronic, biscuit, etc. to get an idea of what high level norwoods can achieve. I think bobman posts here, not sure about the other two but if you can't find them just give me a PM and I'll direct you to where they are (not sure If i'm allowed to post external links on the forum). I strongly urge you to not consider travel distance/cost when booking a procedure. Understand that this is a decision you will have to live with for *life* and you need the absolute best doctors (who are mostly in the U.S. and Canada) if you want any hope of achieveing the results of the guys I quoted above). P.S. I'm from Australia and am planning to travel to the U.S., so don't think it's that something unusual or out of the ordinary. Stay on the board a little longer, educate yourself some more, and then you'll know why it's so fundamentally important and why I get so worked up about directing people to the right places. Good luck.
  20. H&W charge 4.50 for first 2000, and 2.50 thereafter. Armani I believe is a flat 3.50 but I'm not 100% certain.
  21. ht4kd As a young guy myself, one of the concerns I'd have in your position is how far is my hairloss going to progress? The sorts of questions you should be asking are: 1. Are there any NW7's in my family. 2. What is the average level of hairloss in the men and women in my family? 3. How much hair can I expect to lose given the above information, and how will I factor this into my planning (ie - hairline placement, total donour availability, etc. have to be assessed. I recommend you stay pretty conservative and plan for a NW6 case - like I am). 4. Also remember to consider finances. How will you pay for more procedures in the next few years. (This point in particular I'd think about very carefully, given that your rate of hairloss seems to be pretty rapid). I personally, would wait for at least another 1-2 years to see how you respond to propecia - that is, I would not be getting a HT if you are not willing to take propecia (finasteride) for whatever reason. Good luck.
  22. wow, with the shaved down pics you've got alot of little hairs, it's gonna look fantastic when it grows out!
  23. hey worried, From your photos (you only have 1 facing the front) you look like you had a fairly solid amount of hair so I'm not sure why they've planted over the entire head?? BTW - did they shave your hair down or is that how it looks when it's wet? Do you have any larger close up photos of the graft placement? Something like this: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/groupee_files/photo_al...C15647D28F73A864.jpg If it roughly looks like that you *should* be ok. I can't really tell from your pictures how many grafts you would need (because I can only see the front). I mean, roughly on a NW5 you can get away with around 4000 for a conservative approach and you can look quite good but still visibly thin depending on donour characteristics. A NW6, optimally you'd want to get 7-8000 if you could, and even then sometimes the crown is a little thinner and sometimes noticeably thin. From your 2 week photos, if they're a real representation of your natural hair before getting surgery. I personally would have gone for as much as I could in the first procedure (which probalby would have been around 4000 or more). I personally don't think you'll have enough to look "non balding when dry" from this procedure alone - but that doesn't mean you won't be pleased, it'll just mean you may have to do this again if you really want to look like some of the guys coming out of procedures with top docs from here. Again, I can't really see the placement. And although good clean placement doesn't always guarantee a fantastic result, it's usually a sign of doctor competence in other areas like graft handling, strip harvesting, etc. At the end of the day it'll probably be ok, you're lucky you went to "modern" MHR and not 80's MHR. Although I do feel they were misleading you if they told you that this would be a one time deal. Anyone else have an opinion?
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