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About baldguy44

  • Birthday 12/01/1963

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baldguy44's Achievements

New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. After a HT I understand the need for use of Propecia/Proscar/Finasteride/Fincar Cheapest place for it btw is http://www.inhousedrugstore.com ($86 for 450g or 360 days worth at 1.25mg a day!~$0.24c a day!) My question is does minoxidil/rogaine 5% increase the density of the transplanted hair or because it is hair originally from the non affected areas (sides), will minoxidil/rogaine have no effect or negative effect?
  2. After a HT I understand the need for use of Propecia/Proscar/Finasteride/Fincar Cheapest place for it btw is http://www.inhousedrugstore.com ($86 for 450g or 360 days worth at 1.25mg a day!~$0.24c a day!) My question is does minoxidil/rogaine 5% increase the density of the transplanted hair or because it is hair originally from the non affected areas (sides), will minoxidil/rogaine have no effect or negative effect?
  3. Thanks johnnie69 My mistake. I've been quoting Hasson and Wong so much lately it must have been the H before W and J before V that got me. Last question... Does anyone know of a site with images of a 6V on the norwood with before and after shots? Thanks
  4. No offence to Jupiter with my earlier comments but in fact he DID look good. To be fair I NEVER said is was BAD hair. Prior to my consultation I was assured I'd be seeing a guy that was TOTALLY undetectable. A great job. He also said I had a critical eye which after researching for 4 years I should have! A Bosley ad suck you in. But three months later and you learn who Bosley is and what they do....sheesh, you just need to make sure. Jupiters hair was (after I left I considered this) very good. Exzcellent in fact but from my perspective it was akin to looking into a bamboo forest. All hair was parralel, growing straight up and even. I suppose that is actually how real hair is! But the hair to the side of my temples is fine, half the thickness of my normal hair and I guess that's what I have always been looking noticing. HT all seem to be even thickness. Once again apologies to Mark (Jupiter) and I would like to add that following that meeting I have decided to proceed with Victor Wong of Hasson and Wong because of that. And not because I'm looking for signs I found a site that mentioned hasson and wong and at the end of it the guy says hairtransplant? Why Not? Well my name is Tony and Why Not spelled backwards is Tony HW. Might be a hint.
  5. Propecia DOES work. It was created in 1mg tabs because studies of proscar (finasteride/fincar - generic) in 5mg form had a side effect of regrowing on the back and front of the scalp. It didn't actually grow it but prevented the DHT that thins your hair follicles and makes you look like you're balding from doing more damage. Hence it is known as a DHT blocker. SO you stop losing further hair and you might regrow or grow more fully the hair which is thinning. SO NOW YOUR OPTIONS. Reduced sex drive (actualy figures 2%) by using propecia (buy proscar from http://www.inhousedrugstore.com for $89 for a years supply - just need a pill cutter $10) OR be bald and have NO SEX. Your choice.
  6. I guess why the curiosity continues is if like I keep reading, once the HT is complete and the results are great why keep posting on HT forums? Before a HT there is anxiety, fear (of a bothced job and scarring), heaps of indecision etc... And frankly you never want to discuss the fact you're bald/balding if though it's blatantly obvious. Now that's it's done why would that suddenly want to become apparent, openly talking about a HT to others and reading all their posts? I would expect that you would quietyly go off into the sunset enjoying your new self esteem and only arriving at a HT office or forum on request of others? After my HT (assuming it was a hit), I would never want to revisit the awful memories that male patterned baldness has created in my life.
  7. I have seen numerous before/after pics. On Hasson and Wong (at which I am debating whether to proceed next week) I see all the personal websites with the time between post-op and a full head of hair. My dilemma is that I expected the transplanted hairs would be fine and grow slowly and unobtrusively but instead ALL of them look like they've had transplants! I always keep my hair short (1cm-4/10ths in) but after the transplant I know I'll need to wear a cap for 9 months because without a cap it will be so obvious to everyone that I have had a transplant. Then one day - book - I have hair and that will look MORE silly to everyone I know and unexplainable. Then if I keep it short it looks like a transplant. If long it looks like I just had surgery. Any ideas? 9 months with a cap then shazam (hair) seems unimaginable and I'm kind of at the point maybe I should just stay bald..!!??? Feedback and feelings appreciated. Note: I understand those that HAVE had a fairly good transplant have to tout their work because otherwise they'd have to admit it looks startlingly obvious to anyone. I saw one today in my consultation that looked obvious as did the conculatants hair. Obvious transplant but he then told me he was shocked and amazed because I'm the only one to ever say that!!! Do you HAVE to have it long always? to hide the scar.. etc.. how do short haired guys survive with a transplant?
  8. I have seen numerous before/after pics. On Hasson and Wong (at which I am debating whether to proceed next week) I see all the personal websites with the time between post-op and a full head of hair. My dilemma is that I expected the transplanted hairs would be fine and grow slowly and unobtrusively but instead ALL of them look like they've had transplants! I always keep my hair short (1cm-4/10ths in) but after the transplant I know I'll need to wear a cap for 9 months because without a cap it will be so obvious to everyone that I have had a transplant. Then one day - book - I have hair and that will look MORE silly to everyone I know and unexplainable. Then if I keep it short it looks like a transplant. If long it looks like I just had surgery. Any ideas? 9 months with a cap then shazam (hair) seems unimaginable and I'm kind of at the point maybe I should just stay bald..!!??? Feedback and feelings appreciated. Note: I understand those that HAVE had a fairly good transplant have to tout their work because otherwise they'd have to admit it looks startlingly obvious to anyone. I saw one today in my consultation that looked obvious as did the conculatants hair. Obvious transplant but he then told me he was shocked and amazed because I'm the only one to ever say that!!! Do you HAVE to have it long always? to hide the scar.. etc.. how do short haired guys survive with a transplant?
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