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Everything posted by tkerr22

  1. Sid, also go see Dr. alexander in Phoenix. He is listd on here as well and is very good and very sincere. I had a HT with him last year and am going back this summer again. Down to earth, nice guy who did some great work! check him out, he's right in your backyard
  2. Scooping around, there are also two other highly recommended docs in AZ to go check out. Have heard great things about Keene and I personally went to Alexander in phoenix and am completely satisfied with my results and am scheduling another procedure for early July. they are both highly recommended on this site as well. They might not get all the same publicity as H&W and Shapiro but that doesn't mean they aren't as good. check them out too
  3. Spurs- I agree with B spot, I think it is wise to concentrate on the front first and when you are happy with those results move your way to the back. I have had a couple of HT's on my front and midscalp and am happy with it. Am getting one more Ht this summer and that will concentrate in the midscalp to the crown, filling in the midscalp and using the rest to attack the crown.
  4. hey man! think it looks thicker than your 5 month pics, is it a little longer too. but from the start to now, much improvement!
  5. I had a Ht done with Alexander and think he does great work, am 7 months post op and my front hairline looks a lot thicker. Thought he is a very sincere, trustworthy guy and am going back in July for another HT for my midscalp to crown area, am done with the front! he asked me if he could buzz my hair in front so he could put the hairs in easier and I didn't mind. think he would've done it with my hair still longer if I cared but I thought whatever is easier for him and lets him do his job to the best is good enough for me!
  6. after my last HT I lost probably 90% or so within three weeks. I had a few hairs stick around near the hairline but didn't grow for about 4 months or so. Then those started growing as well, all depends on the individual
  7. ya, around that number might be a little less though, first one I had about 1500, second one was supposedly 500.
  8. Yes, I put pics up a couple of months ago hereunder 2500 with Dr. Alexander. Ya, my skin feels fine and had no tightness after a week so thanks for easing my mind . It will be just over a year when I get my next procedure in July so that should be plenty of time. Am meeting with him in March as well. thanks for the info!
  9. am looking to go back to Dr. Alexander this coming July for a second procedure with him. Am very impressed with my results so far from my first HT with him. this will be my 4th HT overall, with one being a very small session. I have read some about about scalp elasticity and was wondering what this actuall means. After my HT with Alexander last year my scalp was tight for the first week or so afterwards but then it went away and have had no tightness since and as far as I can tell my scalp seems normal to me. maybe am just panicking but for some reason I get worried that he won't be able to do another HT because of tight skin. So am just looking for some support here, think I have nothing to worry about but reassurance that I will be good to go, still have a decent donor supply and this last Ht will be for the midscalp and crown area, the front 1/3 to 1/2 of my top looks great! just want added density to rest of top and to fill in small crown bald spot. any replies would be great!! thanks!
  10. am looking to go back to Dr. Alexander this coming July for a second procedure with him. Am very impressed with my results so far from my first HT with him. this will be my 4th HT overall, with one being a very small session. I have read some about about scalp elasticity and was wondering what this actuall means. After my HT with Alexander last year my scalp was tight for the first week or so afterwards but then it went away and have had no tightness since and as far as I can tell my scalp seems normal to me. maybe am just panicking but for some reason I get worried that he won't be able to do another HT because of tight skin. So am just looking for some support here, think I have nothing to worry about but reassurance that I will be good to go, still have a decent donor supply and this last Ht will be for the midscalp and crown area, the front 1/3 to 1/2 of my top looks great! just want added density to rest of top and to fill in small crown bald spot. any replies would be great!! thanks!
  11. that is my only worry, want to go in for my 4th and final HT in july, one year past my last and was wondering about elasticity. After my last HT my scalp felt back to normal fairly fast, probably no more than 2 weeks. I can't really pinch any skin on the back of my head, and it worries me that they wouldn't be able to do another strip. Like I said it feels like normal and have no concerns so I think it stretched back to normal very fast. do i have anything to worry about?? I think my scalp has always been like this but am kinda paranoid about this, any responses would be great, Robert what do you think?? thanks
  12. looks good, to me it doesn't look thin at all. just talked to Dr. Alexander's office and am going back in march for a follow up and am scheduling my next ht with him for next July. what are your thoughts on how everything has gone? you happy you went to him?
  13. no real big news to share, I believe my hair is still thickening up front but it kinda makes the midscalp and crown look even thinner now since the front is so thick! (can never please a guy eh?) so called Dr. Alexander and will probably go back and see him in march for another consultation and for him to see what we can do from here. I would like to get my next procedure in July, it will have been just over a year, is that enough time in between HT's?This time it will be nice since it will be for the midscalp and crown I will still have all my hair up front. I was amazed by how quick my tightness in the back of head went away after my last HT, probably three or so days and it wasn't tight anymore, is that a good sign if you want to get another HT a year later?
  14. to be honest your crown doesn't look to bad in the pics. I told myself that i would do the front half first then see what I thought and maybe do the back later. And I am pretty happy with the front and will be going in next time to do the midscalp area towards the crown for my last HT. I know I need to wait a year to do it though and that gives more time for the front to fill out. Same with you, this is your second and it will take longer to see growth for sure, you're only 4.5 months out, I think you will see continuing improvement on the front, I think your hairs will definitely continue to thicken and will be better at the 6 month mark, then even better at the 9 month mark. Basically am saying is way too early to judge the results. this is your second and it is totally different than the first as far as growth, trust me! maybe at 9 months you can start making options for the future and what ya want to do but you are only half way there! hang in there
  15. Hey Harve, any updates on your procedure??
  16. Hey Bill! I think it looks a little thicker when it's a little longer in your pics. Could also be your hairs are just starting to thicken up more. You can see a lot of the hairs in your 4.5 month pics but they are appearing fuller in the newer pics! Should just continue to get thicker in the upcoming months! I am letting my hair on top grow longer as well and it is looking much thicker, will post some new pics soon. Congrats and keep them updates coming!
  17. tyman, I use toppik just in my crown area as i need to get another HT to thicken that area up and it works really well. don't use too much, and then just comb it in and it blends really well with my own hair, makes it look thicker and more dense, doesn't even stick to head, but you do need a little hair there for it to cling to. No one has seemed to notice anything as I can't even tell after I put it in.
  18. I think it looks awesome! that is pretty impressive and will only thinken up more! Looks great and gives us all confidence on our own HT's growing in after 6 plus months! thanks man!
  19. well first one was about 2000 grafts, second one I went to some horrible doc who gave me a whole 500. so this was my third, but I consider it actually my second since the real second did basically nothing. It was for the front and midscalp too, all of that hair there is transplanted, no native left. I still have enought donor hair too for one more round which I might do in a year or so for the crown and from midscalp back to thicken that up
  20. think it might be a little bit red, but mostly lighting along with my redish brown hair. Doc put all up front to midscalp. Have a little bald spot towards the crown and it thins out back there too. Will probably go back to get one more session done in a year or so and get midscalp to the crown. Will try and find a before pic but probably won't be like these that concentrate on the hair. Might ask Dr. Alexander to send me one of the before pics he took. Appreciate the honest opinion though Bill, and along with my redish brown hair my skin ingeneral gets kinda pink and red since I am Irish, but in person does not look nearly as red as that one pic, but not too bad for under bright lights in the bathroom eh?? will work on my self camera picture taking skills and see if i can improve, but thought I'd show you me since I have seen so much of you. Will try and update every couple of weeks or so. any other opinions would be great! Fire away!
  21. we were all a little nervous before going in, I know I was so i asked for some happy pills! took the edge off and once it got going didn't realize why I was so worried! then after I though why the heck didn't I do this earlier!! so you'll be fine, if you're a little on edge get some happy pills from the doc
  22. Finally took a couple of pics of my hair from my HT with Scott Alexander on June 20th,2005. Hard to take pics of yourself but here are two. one above shot and one above/front. Any opinions would be great. Only been 5 months and I see it getting thicker each week. Going to try and grow my hair out some more as well. This is my third HT overall and basically all that hair up fron is HT. opinions and questions appreciated!
  23. Bill, I think your hair is looking thicker already, and it is just at the beginning of the growth phase! And I agree with an above post when you look straight down on hair,especially when hair is kinda spikey or isn't flat, you're going to see some scalp. That I think is normal with guys with a full head of hair. But straight on it looks great! I am in the same stages as you are and appreciate all your support for me as well. My wife just came home from a week's vacation and commented that my hair looks thicker than it was before. Not that it would thicken a ton in one week, but is thicker than she remembers. i know looking at my hair every day i don't seem to see much difference, but when others comment on it it definitely helps! An you sir, are growing hair! congrats! tkerr22
  24. Hey damo, congrats on the growing taking off! how many months are you post op now? I am in your same boat where on a multiple procedure it's taking a bit longer to get going. Thanks man and if ya got any new pics post em up! later tkerr22
  25. Thank you Bill, I have heard that too. I know there are many more people on here who have had multiple HT's and would like their experiences on hair growth in their 2nd, 3rd, and even 4th HT. cmon guys, share please??
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