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Everything posted by nobuzz4me

  1. SD, Wash your hair normally, those guys are active underneath your skin so a little massage is probably good! Sounds great that you are responding to the meds, those should thicken and have color with time.
  2. The only thing this will cure you of is having too much money.
  3. Hey Bill, Your documented journey is very inspirational and I am sure you will be happy with the final outcome. You are over the hump at 10 weeks and should be fun in a few more weeks when those babies are "reborn"! How do you feel about your scar? Do you plan to keep shaving at a #2 while it is still visible? Do you have any pain or sensitive areas? What kind a laxity do you have right now or does your scalp feel tight still? Thanks for all you do on this forum!
  4. Looking good - which one of your new hair groupies took the photos?!!! I am jealous!! LOL!! Great work looks very natural!
  5. Pushing 40, As nervous as you are now just wait till a few days before! That is where I am right now, but having been thru it before makes it easier. You made a good choice in docs, enjoy the ride!
  6. Welcome Lynx, You have nice chance to save what you have by getting on finasteride, I use proscar which is the generic form and cut into quarters to save money. You hairline has not receded or doesn't appear to have which is good. This does not mean it could not happen in a few years though. You do have diffuse thinning on top and in the crown though and this is where the meds are most affective. You should hold off on any HT until you get the loss under control. Meantime keep on researching the sites so that any decisions you make in the future are based on facts and not emotion. Good luck and thanks for posting the pics - (Take note all newbies that Lynx's first post included pics!!! ) This is very helpful to the forum.
  7. I did not see the show but remember him from "Son of the Beach" (I liked BJ! )which was pretty funny. His hair did look like work had been done and I wondered about it myself. Not the best advertisement for Dr. DeYarman. I checked out the testimonial by Tim Stack on Dr. Deyarman's website and he says that Dr. Deyarman described the procedure as "like going to the dentist" which he agreed it was . This is the kind of BS that young guys read and think a HT is easy. The recovery period is months long and can be painful in the donor area for months or even permanently if not done correctly.
  8. Bobby, You have a good point if your hair were kept buzzed and the BHT was done without complication that it would probably blend in OK. Strip surgery will leave a scar which would not be visible with a little length of hair. It would show, even a thin scar if completely shaven down. Put off any work until your research all you can about strip, Fue and BHT. IMO BHT would be best used after a strip surgery to fill in the scar later, this way you are using scalp hair on top and front which may give you a better result. That is until uyou run out of money!! This would be very expensive!
  9. Benko, I know it is frustrating to lose hair at a young age but you should wait a while for a HT. Continue on the meds and scalp care regimen meantime. Thank goodness the clinic you went to did you a favor by turning you down, others may not of. I know that may not be what you want to here but you need to listen to those who have gone thru this. We can help you further if you can give us more info, pics, family history of hairloss, do you have any hair minituration in other areas? You really have to think longterm, what will you want to look like at 30,40,50,60???? I am not sure you will feel the same way years from now about having some hair up front and nothing on top or in the back. Trust me, you will want to look natural as you age. If you become NW6 with hair only in the front that will not look to natural particularly if you set your hairline to low. Good luck and continue to do you research, The good thing you have going for you is your young age, there may be hope for a cure while you are young enough to benefit from it!!
  10. Pat, No apologies are neccessary and thanks for the explanation, we trust your judgement or we would not hang around your site. Now, where is the party you are throwing with all your suitcases full of cash????
  11. Overhair, Listen to B-spot and check out his well documented pics, he has been around this site a while and shoots straight. He is also from your area.
  12. Cousin and NN, I agree with your take on the process of election, it is a little unclear to me the whole process. I do however, trust Pat and Bspot to make the selection here however and of course Pat would have the last say. I know he has a huge obligation to this forum and would not do anything to hurt its members and guests. Speaking for myself only, I would recuse myself from a vote even if it meant anything. I have never seen any work other than a few photos and heard from one patient. No way this is enough to go on to make a clear vote one way or the other. Therefore, I would have to yield to those like Pat and BSpot who have seen his work in person.
  13. Middleson, I think it is best to soften the scabbing for easier removal in 6-10 days. A simple saline solution spray is all you need to moisten several times a day. I think you can use a baby shampoo lightly on the third day and rinse with a cup of water instead of the shower spray. I do not think you want your head to stay dry for several days. I do not have my instructions right in front of me but I do know the biggest danger to your new grafts are pulling out a stubborn scab. You want to let them come off by softening them up and gently rubbing during shampooing with your fingertips. The saline sprays will help. Good luck and heal well!
  14. Smaller B-Spot, Great work, thanks for the update. Incisions look very clean, will heal well I am sure. Glad to see you started some crown work, I was needing to turn down the brightness on my screen before when looking at your before pics! Just kidding buddy, I am very happy for you and hope #3 is all you will need to satisfy your greed!!!!
  15. Donna, sorry to hear your HTs were not as successful as you liked. If you could give us some more info,(# of grafts, pics) it may help us help you. You will find the men on this forum very helpful and compassionate about your situation. Dr. Wong is world class so I would like to know the #grafts and why he would space them out?
  16. B, As they say, "enjoy the ride"! Best of luck, keep us posted.
  17. Looks outstanding! You will be very happy in a few months when things start sprouting. Hairline and temple points look very natural. Good luck, keep us posted, we look forward to seeing how it turns out by Summer!
  18. Good luck, Heal well and keep us posted.
  19. JW - I think it would not be a good idea to use the inversion table right after a HT during the healing phase. Scar stretching could be a concern I would think. The additional blood pressure to your head is probably not worth any benefit you may receive. My guess is that your doctor would advise against this until you are healed at least a few weeks or so. Nervous, Cousin, Bill, I think the concept is interesting and would love to hear from the Doc's on this one.
  20. Good luck Irish, keep with the meds, you will be aver the hump soon. Take it easy and heal well.
  21. Cousin, I think that cycling is a very interesting and logical scenario. I also believe you are correct that the drug companies would rather you not cut back or stop use for short durations to increase its effectiveness. I thought I read somewhere that propecia would be just as effective in a .5mg dose as 1mg, at least starting out. If that is true, why take the higher dose? Maybe these larger than needed doses reduce the effectiveness of the drug in the long term. Anyway, I think the cycling idea is interesting and would love to see an independant study done.
  22. I think you throwing out the "Race card" is typical. When you have no facts on your side, accuse your opponent of racisim. Cousin_It never said Indian doctors were not capable and where did the brown come from? Seems like your the hater here so take your race card and shove it! Who the hell would fly half way around the world and take a chance on a unregulated doctor unless price was there only concern. What if you did go to India and then had a complication, fly back again????? Ask some guys who got butchered and now have to face expensive repair work about price!!! Feel free to attack this forum, you will end up showing further your ignorance.
  23. SWEEET, Your next few months should be real exciting! Hope your wife still recognizes you!
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