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Everything posted by nobuzz4me

  1. Sorry Bill, After all the needles I just had poked in my scalp, I need to needle back Good therapy ya know!
  2. Middleson, you could not have done any damage from your program, most grafts are secure after the first day and if any scabs come off, even with a piece of hair attached, that does not mean the follicle has been pulled out. So don't sweat it. Your tranplanted grafts are going to shed and the new growth will come back in in 3-6 months.
  3. Bill, We need your love on this forum, don't spread it to thin!
  4. StudentJay, I doubt NicNitro is feeling to sorry with that donor production and his great result. In fact, he probably feels great about his result and he should! Also, you are 25 yrs old and say you only need 5000. I do not know Nic's age but he appears to be middle aged in his 40's. I will tell you at 25 I did not really need HT, but by 40 I was NW5. I hope you do not think that the 5000 you need now will fix you up for life. Unless propecia stops all future loss which it may not, you may need more. Nic's hairloss is stablilized, yours is not at 25.
  5. Yup, have dated em'all, we are still "close" friends!
  6. Miraculous! You must be thrilled. How does your donor feel?
  7. Wow, That is incredible, any pics to share with us?
  8. Yeah, if you have ever watched a major facelift procedure done on TV it is pretty gross. My HT surgeon does this as well as HT and I asked him which is harder too perform. He said not to discount the difficulty of a HT, but that facelift is much more intense. The patient is put under anesthesia which can be tricky in itself and any damage to a facial nerve will result in a permanent paralysis. Very tricky compared to HT. I will stick to gaining hair and not worry about wrinkles!!!
  9. Sounds like a plan! Good luck and stay on the strong pills a few days! I had 1000 grafts done 6 years ago, and 1625 grafts done 3 days ago. Very excited about the outcome.
  10. Correct, that doctor works for a friend of mine, Rosie Palm.
  11. Bro, Use aloe on the grafts, ice packs on the donor area. NN, New technology is less invasive with the recipient sites but not the donor, they are still taking out of strip of tissue and in these mega sessions LARGER strips which is still very invasive. It still takes a lot of time to heal with a lot of discomort unless you stay on the painkillers. The recipient area was not a problem either now or years ago when I had my first strip done. The sensation is more numbness than painful, I am healing right now from my second strip procedure. It is easier in that you know what is coming, but the body basically heals the same way. It takes time, there is pain, swelling, tightness and the wait for results are still there. Anyone who tells you there is no discomfort is full of it. Don't listen to that crap like: "Its like going to the dentist" or "I was back to work the next day". You will not be feeling normal for about two weeks. I knew that going in and as they say "no pain, no gain". All that being said, the procedure is very worth it too me and can really change your outlook on life!
  12. B-Spot I know a good doctor for RMD (Repetitive Motion Disorder).
  13. Nizoral will dry your skin as well and is only needed three times a week. I use Nioxin shampoo(system 1)combined with the scalp treatment conditioner. Feels great! Nizoral and Nioxin are supposed to have DHT surface removal properties. I could not tell you if it works or not but I am not going to take the chance.
  14. Well, 9 days is way too early to worry about it, but if you say your scars tend to turn red maybe adding some aloe gel (non-alcohol) will help? Try a search and see what else you can do.
  15. Good luck DHUGE you will make a fine Marine! Time is on your side, after you decide to restore hair later in life the techniques and drugs will only get better - although this bald gene is a one tough bastard!
  16. That is a great question NN, I am only guessing, but I think the crown would move little to none and the nape of your neck would do the moving upward. Anybody???
  17. FNS, Welcome to the forum, A few things, since you had this HT done in late October, you will not see any visible new growth or coverage from that for a few more months so be patient, it takes time. Not sure about the shockloss or if this is hair you may have lost anyway do to your condition. Best case, it is tempoary and will grow back. How many grafts did you receive and where were they placed?? Who diagnosed your condition, a dermatologist or your HT doctor? Could you post a few pics? This will help the forum help you with your situation. Good luck,
  18. Good luck with round two Bro! I am two days post op and have used Nioxin prior to my proedure for several months and I like the way it makes m scalp feel. Tomorrow AM, I will start shampooing again but I am going to dilute it some with water or use another brand for a few days anyway. My instructions did not say not to use it just use a mild shampoo. I wont go full strength for a few weeks, just want to play it safe.
  19. Sounds good to me - I was just having a bad hair day so nothing personal. I am one day post op, cant wait for that first shampoo!
  20. Iwanthair, I agree with Bill - AND will add that you should EDUCATE yourself before you see any doctor so that you are armed with information, ask all the right questions and understand what the doc is talking about! Information is power!!
  21. Yes Cooley I am sure will be a good choice, you can do a online consult and send your photos to him, you may want to send these to some of the other docs coalition docs mentioned on the forum even if they are further away. Good luck!
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