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Everything posted by laverita

  1. Yes, I would say doctors should punch every graft and cut every recipient site..so they are piercing the skin. The techs remove the already scored grafts, clean as needed, and place into the sites the doctor makes.
  2. Sure, optimal testosterone based on my research indicates to consider the following:- AVOID: plastics, polyester, low fat and low calorific diets, soy, blue light exposure (phones, laptops etc), manage stress and subsequent cortisol levels, manage dopamine and the responsive prolactin levels. Check heme iron levels, and donate blood regularly to manage heme iron if need be. Aim to lose extra adipose fat. INCLUDE: Animal protein, saturated fats, fat soluble vitamins A,D,E,K (Omega 3s e.p.a and d.h.a). Zinc & Copper (ratio 10/1) magnesium and boron. Lift weights, expose yourself to sunlight, seek good rest and recovery (R.E.M sleep).red light exposure, and utilising ice packs on body parts! This is my regime personally.
  3. Great vid..don't take TRT...there are so many ways to boost Test...naturally and can elaborate if you want.
  4. Where it was taken as in how low, how it was closed, depth of it, width taken and how hard was it to close and your natural laxity etc all play a part but the first 3 months as said here really take it easy while tensile strength comes back and then gradually get into the usual routine.
  5. You have evident retrograde alopecia in the nape, you can see the hair splaying and thinner and crown can drop, so the safe zone is limited. Be good to see full side profiles also a it can extend around the ears. Be good for you to have a personal consultation in the clinic to get all measured and make sure it meets your goals and also keep in mind 30 is fairly young so hair loss will be progressive. All the best to all on this thread.
  6. They should charge but it should go towards surgery if one books in my opinion. Photos are limited and won't give any measurable data so it is best for a personal consultation and this is where you need to sift out the clinics so you are not paying for many of them. As said it is about time spent and I know non-qualified influencers (like all of them), who want more than that for a zoom cons!
  7. Rare but ideally you should come off topical minox, any meds or vitamins that can thin blood, alcohol etc. Obviously epinephrine and other anaesthetic can limit blood but if they felt it was too excessive then right option as it makes surgery harder and also would be the same for recipient site cutting and can cause visibility issues and graft popping etc so probably a good call. I would say just make sure you prep well and come off anything that can exacerbate bleeding, usually a clinic will send a pre-op form to be followed etc. Hope you are not too down as it must not have been easy for you but 5 to 6 grafts is meaningless in the scale of things.
  8. A good call from the doctor. 25 is very young and with diffused loss even the surgery could cause shock depending on the hair quality. Your temple points are thinning and I would say you have signs of retrograde alopecia around the ears and possible nape if you were to lift and expose it. Remember, doctors do not turn you down as they have too much money, so they believe it is not in your best interest and for sure the more doors you knock, some will open, regardless if it is the right thing to do. Avoid yes men clinics who will do what you ask, regardless of it being in your true best interests. You are not F'd now but could be if native hair falls and you left with a low density hair transplant that went over a large area. Sincere advice is keep on the meds and see how it goes. You still have a lot of hair and as said you are in bright light so do nothing at present and see how things go in the next few years and you may thank yourself for not doing anything. Even if you have as said a conservative approach, where would you place them and what happens if and when you thin throughout and they become stand along and the donor is not the best? At least have a thorough donor check to see density and all and really think twice on this. Be interesting to know also family loss pattern also.
  9. Yes both these two, well balanced and give to the community so are probably well up there. Stephcurry and hairman22 both very well presented and balanced and would also give tremendously. All seem lovely character. Mel you have done as said amazingly well here and deserve to rest a little.
  10. You have done a great job and got your face out there. I think the industry has changed a lot and not for the better and become has very aggressive and willing to hang people and protect the hair mills, and for me personally that kind of atmosphere doesn't interest me at all and it damages the forum. You have done well to put up with what you have and really brought amazing change here. I hope you carry on, albeit with others but whatever you do, wish you all the best. Whoever takes over needs very very thick skin, good judgment and needs to protect the flock from wolves. Good luck it all I can say.
  11. Remember some hair will be naturally resting or coming into the anagen phase so will look thinner. Your front even from the side view, the colour has lightened and the strands more fly away so are showing signs of miniaturisation and 22 is young so ideally get on meds. The hair length and curl will hide issues in the donor but it is fine to have hair in the donor thinner as it cycles also. Please wait at least to 25/26 before you even consider any surgery.
  12. No I think there is some mis-understanding, there was a flat price to open clinic of 2k and not based on graft count etc and I think if I read correctly he had a cons in the clinic. "Yes i went to the clinic months before the surgery" "So they offered me a fixed minimum price, which is 2000 euros. That means that you can implant 300 grafts or 10 grafts, doesn t matter. You pay the same base price. "
  13. Placing into ridges is never the same as virgin cases..you have excessive scar tissue and I could see it just from the photo here easily. They have videos on this also when working to ridges. Repairs are never the same as virgin cases and rear donor is probably also with over harvesting or scars I assume, so one needs to understand the challenges and also the clinic who messes up the patient is rarely if ever named and the one touching takes on the consequences for small graft amounts. Give it time before talking beard hair and wait a good 3 to 5 months as shock can take time and good you are on minox. Try to relax and keep in touch with the clinic. Best.
  14. You look like you have ridges from the first surgery in the hair line. Did the clinic not say anything about repair prior to you booking or in the assessments, consult or any contracts about what a repair is? Personally that would suprise me. From what has been taken is seems little numbers and well spread and you have thinned throughout it so it does seem more shock loss at this stage. Compare the thinning to the actual extractions and it seems that way from what I see and in that case time is needed and can add minox to help speed up any shock loss. To be honest 50 grafts would not cover the cost of an op-room, so probably there is a minimal charge to open and cover staff and meds but probably best to go slow. Of course can be more costly but repairs are not one and done and usually are a process of steps. All the best but I do think this is shock and this area is prone to it also.
  15. Amazing result, recession goes back to the frontal third in areas, finer blond hair also possible needed to pack a bit more closer. Age is favourable and 500 singles used just in the first few mm of hair line and prob a good 1000 grafts in the first cm going back and then addressing into the recession. Some clinics say you need 2x surgery for a hair line outcome but this shows otherwise. If patient were in 20s or 30s then be more conservative but in 40s is a good age and I have seen some on here with 4 or 5k in the frontal third and young 20s also...
  16. Excellent and natural. Many want faces totally blocked in order to share and photos can be un-pixelated also now..so I can understand why some want total face covered and not pixelated partly. Thanks for posting and to the patient for sharing this.
  17. Yes it will need time to relax a bit and is normal...looks very nice so far and will change from here on also. Thank you for sharing.
  18. You need to differentiate between genuine shock and or over harvesting. Not sure if you have photos. As said above it usually starts to come in 3,4 months onwards. You can add also minoxidil to speed up any potential shock. Your clinic who performed it should be able to advise you also more specifically on your case and probably know any miniaturisation you had in the donor and proneness to it, injections used etc . If in the recipient then hopefully is genuine shock and meds will help. All the best!
  19. When hair miniaturises, one sign is a shortened Anagen or growth phase and that is why it won't grow longer. Ideally get on meds to stabilise it in the least. A skilled doctor can place in and among but hair as described above is thinner, lacks shine and lustre and can look different to the transplanted hair quality or shock out from epinephrine injections and surgery trauma if not by the doctor transecting. The transecting for a competent doctor is not an issue but more the surgery stress and state of thinner hair can be then more prone to shock loss or speed up dying. As said above, meds first and then go from there.
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