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Everything posted by Shadman

  1. Completely agree with the planning of Eugenix. Address this portion in your first surgery and later on address the remaining portion depending on the condition. And I would suggest you give it a try. Start 1mg of finasteride twice or thrice in a week to see how it responds. If you face any issues switch into the topical one. Best part of oral finasteride is that when you stop it all the side effects usually go away. 0.25% or 0.1% of Topical finasteride less likely to give any sides.
  2. I understand why you were planning to get a HT this time. I think it would be better for you to contact Eugenix directly. By evaluating your condition, you and Eugenix can plan your procedure accordingly.
  3. First of all, if you were staying on the medications there might've been some improvements in your crown and donor area. I don't think those hair serums can actually benefit. Regarding the highest tire of the package, I would say that if you can afford then definitely go for that. And finally, I understand why you're rushing for this procedure, because you'll be in India for a month. So, it would be better for you to consult directly with the clinic. If they agree to proceed, follow their guidelines. As you've already finalized the clinic.
  4. I can understand your feelings. Your current hairline and density in the frontal portion looking absolutely great. I wish you all the success with your second procedure.
  5. Looking quite Satisfactory at month five mark. From the top angle view, density looking quite good for the hairline and frontal part. If I'm not wrong, you didn't address the lower part of the crown so overall you hair growth is on track.
  6. Looking great, I think with one more touch up sitting for the crown density would look absolutely fine.
  7. I think you'll still have grafts available for future session. But you can discuss again with the clinic so that they plan accordingly. in my procedure, I was running out of grafts so Dr. Decided not to extract more. Because if they extract more, it'll look over harvested, an ethical approach from the clinic. But If it was some other clinic scenario might've been different.
  8. I can understand why you don't want to take finasteride completely. But you still have other options. I think above estimated grafts would be enough to give you good coverage. Best wishes
  9. Regarding the eagerness, I think they're trying to be responsive as much as they can. Whenever I asked them any questions before finalizing my procedure, they were ready to answer always. You can start finasteride three/two times in a week to see how it is behaving. If you don't want to take it completely, then you still have many options. You can go for oral minoxidil & finasteride gel or you can go for minoxidil and finasteride topical solution. Usually topical finasteride hardly give any sides. Regarding the scar, Eugenix use very sharp punches to extract grafts so there shouldn't be any scars. In my repair procedure, they extracted 150 wrongly placed grafts from the hairline. Initially up to 3-4 days it might be noticable but after a week there would be no scars. May I know what number of grafts they're intially suggesting for the coverage ?
  10. I already said it highly depends on the progression of the baldness. Over the years it has been stabilized or not. If your progression has slowed down, 3 months won't make much damage.
  11. Did you notice changes in the hairline area with oral ? I was a diffuser thinner back in 2018 with a receded hairline. Tropical increased density in the crown and midscalp area.
  12. Actuall it varies from person to person depending on the baldness pattern. After my first hair transplant in January 2020, I took finasteride for six months. From September 2020- Mid march 2023 I didn’t take any medicine. But it didn’t cause much damage. But generally What I've heard that stopping finasteride for three -four months should be okay.
  13. This is an outstanding result considering that you’ve just completed month 5, looking absolutely great 😎😎
  14. You've some existing hair. You should select a clinic where they'll be able handle your existing hair and implant new grafts in between. If you go for an ordinary clinic, chances of higher shock loss can happen. Are you ready to travel anywhere for HT or only focusing I'm turkey ?
  15. I don't know about the current pricing of Dr. Arika or Dr. Sethi, but if you can afford Dr. Sethi then go for him. Mosty In Eugenix, Doctor will be involved in the designing, marking and slits making. Technicians will be involved in extraction and implantation under the supervision of the doctor. It was included in my package and the same way it happened. In my procedure, Dr. Came multiple times to monitor what was going on. Their technicians are qualified, so it won't be an issue I believe. I've also read some cases of Eugenix where Dr. Did some frontal or crucial part of the procedure. So it would be better for you to discuss with the clinic what they're actually offering.
  16. After looking at the previous photos, I can say that Your donor looked much better just after five months of ht. I don't why your donor is looking like this currently. Is this because of the haircut and flash light or something else ? I'm highly confused. I think you should contact the clinic and share all the details of your current situation and definitely there would be a solution for this.
  17. Thank you for sharing the details. May I know the concentration % of topical finasteride that you're using currently ?
  18. Hi, I had finasteride before and also having now from the last six months 1mg of finasteride three times in a week. But I'm having some sides with it. My plan is to take for two more months, after that I will switch completely to topical fin. My question is, did you face any issues with topical 0.25% ?
  19. If you want to go for a touch up select a different clinic this time. I had a similar issue. I had low density, poor hairline designing. When I contacted that particular clinic they told me that visit the clinic we'll do touchup. But didn't make the mistake twice. Putting doubles on the hairline, no micro irregularities certainly not acceptable.
  20. First of all, if the transplantation was done properly you don't need to apply topical minoxidil to increase blood flow. Moreover, after HT whether using tropical minoxidil can benefit the result or not this is another question. I was recommended by the clinic not use any topical substances because at the end of the day, all these are chemicals. Personally I followed this, went for the oral minoxidil.
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