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Everything posted by Shadman

  1. I would say it is more than alright 😃 shaped up with your face nicely. Also looking quite densed. Congratulations on achieving great result.🎉
  2. This is a common issue after hair transplant. With time you’ll not feel numb at all. I also had bit numbness. But gradually it went away. Don’t worry.
  3. What medicines will you be taking ? And in your thread you mentioned about how you felt after the initial consultation with Dr. Somesh. Basically same thing happened with me also. When I consulted with other clinic, I became bit demotivated. They quoted higher number of grafts. But when I consulted with Eugenix and had a video consultation with Dr. Somesh I became quite confident. He was extremely knowledgeable. Within that 10-12 mins of vc I finalized Eugenix mentally.
  4. Great work by Dr. Somesh and Eugenix team. Hairline designing was great. In my opinion, good density was given in the hairline. So, you shouldn't worry about the density. And regarding the beard I think you can use it for touch up in future if required. And also can go for donor firming only if you feel the necessity.
  5. Yes, brother. If you get a good density in your frontal side it'll change your look completely. My hairline started to receded almost 10 years back. And when I did my first hair transplant, hairline looked very bizarre, low density. The reason for the failure was low survivality of the transplanted grafts. But I expect this time with Eugenix it'll be completely different. Dr. Somesh is a great surgeon. He prioritizes concerns of the patients. I hope both of us will have satisfactory result 😃
  6. Yes, it would be a better idea if you use the original plan and after the full coverage you can still have an option for the donor firming. Moreover, if you start oral minoxidil (after the consultation with doctor) you might not require donor firming also. It will strengthen your donor. I wish you all the best for your procedure.
  7. Yes, definitely you can go for this alternative plan. I might require donor firming also in the future. But it's been one month since I'm taking oral minoxidil, which should improve my donor.
  8. I'm also not considering oral minoxidil for a long period of time. My initial plan is to take it for the first four months after hair transplant. So far, first month experience was good. Once the crucial stage first few months are over, I might completely switch on the tropical one. But my own opinion is for oral minoxidil, there is no such dose as safe dose. For some people even low dose of 1 mg can be higher on the other hand, some people can even tolerate 5mg dose without any issues.
  9. i also tried hair shaving couple of times back in 2017, but it wasn’t for me 🙁 Work looks super clean, you should expect great density. And to answer your question no it wasn’t not over harvested. Moreover, eugenix do use sharp punches. As a result, less scars and faster recovery for donor.
  10. Hello, so you’ll be having a single procedure of approx 5200 grafts for the full coverage ?
  11. Wow 😮 on a different level completely may I know a bit more regarding your experience with the oral minoxidil and heart palpitations ? Any changes in the ECG ? I’ve been taking 2.5mg from the last one month. Felt bit dizzy for the first twelve days and gradually adjusted with the body.
  12. In my opinion, if you can afford Dr. Pradeep Sethi in that scenario you should definitely go for him. I’ve seen some unbelievable results in which he was the lead surgeon. I’ve always fascinated by his knowledge and passion for hair restoration.
  13. Hi @spidey_DUDE it was 2250 grafts in my first procedure. But according to the Eugenix doctors more grafts were extracted from the donor. So, grafts were wasted. But in Eugenix they do the slits first. After that, they extract grafts based on the number of slits. @ThePJ Thank you for your comment Yes, we can definitely healup together during this ugly duckling phase 😃
  14. Hello, it went well. It's been one month. I'm not expecting anything till month six 😃 And if you would like to read
  15. During this ugly duckling phase, it would be very effective. You're also looking good with the buzz cut.
  16. No, don't think in that way. if you're financially okay with 2300-2400 grafts you can plan your procedure accordingly with the Doctor. At first, Dr. will perform slits making so after completing the slits you can ask the Dr. Or you can customize even in the procedure. 2300 grafts would be more than enough in your case.
  17. Yes, I think it would be enough. You mentioned Eugenix in your thread. If you're considering Eugenix for your hair transplant you can send your photos in Eugenix WhatsApp. They'll evaluate your photos and provide you all the details
  18. Hi @spidey_DUDE it would be better to evaluate if you can share your photos from multiple Angels. From the frontal angle, I would say 1800-2200 grafts would give you good Coverage.
  19. I am also considering a buzz cut after few weeks. Did you mainly have a buzz cut into the sides and donor?
  20. After taking oral minoxidil 2.5mg for 16 days, it looks like shedding phase has started into the non transplanted hair. I hope after the shedding phase, I'll notice an increase in density for the native hair 😃
  21. Hello, personally I think even if you select the comprehensive package you're good to go because at the end of the day it would be a team work. not just about the doctors, also about the technician. because doctor won't be involved in every steps so technicians has to be highly qualified. Moreover, planning, designing, marking, slit making would be done by the doctor. Doctor will also monitor during the procedure. So, not to worry at all.
  22. Unbelievable result considering at only 4 months 18 days. Great work by Eugenix.
  23. Hello, thank you for sharing your consultation details. You've good amount of grafts if you would like to have another procedure. But in my opinion, after 12-14 months your overall density would be more satisfactory. But you can still go for some hairline and crown touch up. May I know whether you're considering another touch up after completing 12-13 months ?
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