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Everything posted by Shadman

  1. Great work by Dr. Somesh and Eugenix team. Best wishes
  2. Yes, Iā€™m noticing some growth. Some grafts were in the telogen phase So technically 30-40% or more might grow back. While the planning phase Dr. already informed me about it. I might be revisiting the clinic after having discussion with Dr. Somesh @baddecisions Yes, so far going good. I've already already shared two pictures above where you'll see the hairline Correction just after completing the procedure. On that picture, you can see some scars of the extraction. But those scars were gone within 72 hours. No white dots or scars no issues on that area currently. Eugenix used sharp punches and extraction were at its best šŸ‘@WoundedWolf Thank you, brother šŸ˜ƒ
  3. Hello, I understand what you're actually going through. But I think gradually your hair density, quality would be much better. It'll be thicker than how it used to be. I know waiting phase is the worst phase but please be hopeful.
  4. Seems like an appropriate approach from Eugenix. You should expect good coverage with 3500 grafts. It should solve your frontal to mid issues. Any reasons for not addressing crown ?
  5. In my opinion, always a better idea to stay at least 48-72 hours after the procedure. You can relax a bit. Might also results in faster recovery.
  6. Hello, @Yaasar - The Alpha I can still remember that night during the covid when I first saw your video which was about your failed ht procedure. Basically in that time I was around 5 months of my first procedure. My result wasnā€™t showing up. And I was also feeling that in my case also it would be a failed procedure. I also saw your videos regarding your corrective procedure with Eugenix. Good to see your journey and happy for your excellent result.
  7. Hello, @SLA Iā€™ve just read your detailed write up. Youā€™re looking absolutely great. Undoubtedly what a transformation.
  8. Hello, everyone. I'm updating at 65 days mark. So far recovery has been excellent. I didn't face any issues. In my opinion, shedding phase is over in my case and hair growth is on track. I'm expecting some more growth in a month. And special shout-out to Eugenix for the donor management. Donor was already over harvested previously. So, without any doubts it was challenging. But Eugenix did extremely well. It has recovered pretty well. Donor will be much improved within the next few months. From the last 7 weeks I've been taking 2.5 mg of oral minoxidil daily with finax & multi vitamins. I've been noticing some body hair growth. I also feel like the quality of my beard hair has improved. Previously it was curly. But now it has become quite thicker, I think. Also applicables for the side locks hairs. In addition, oral minox has increased the anagen phase of the beard. As a result, I'm losing less beard hairs. I will update one month later whether what I said regarding beard hairs were placebo effect or not šŸ˜ƒ Regards, Shadman
  9. Yes, you can definitely go out to buy some stuffs. I also did that. And regarding the food, I used to order room service and also from "Zomato" food delivery app.
  10. Those native hair go through miniaturization gradually. You can watch from 3:20 for better understandings.
  11. No, between 7-10 days grafts are permanently secured. So even though you plucked one hair with your nails but hair root is stuck inside. It'll grow
  12. Best wishes for your procedure. I was also nervous but don't worry Eugenix will make you comfortable. Moreover, I also stayed at Hilton. Quite near from the clinic. And overall Hilton was good. Pleasant stay.
  13. Seems like you've entered into the growth phase. Oral minox will definitely strengthen you're existing hair and also your donor. I've been taking it from the last 7 weeks. I feel like it has increased the anagen phase for my beard.
  14. Yes, definitely there are some genuine concerns. It seems like he's trying to ignore all these genuine concerns just by saying "negativity bias" If Dr. Bhatti is producing great result, then definitely it would be better for him and his patients. But that doesn't mean that it will erase all his past failed procedures. Yes, brother, it was not just about the result it was a failed procedure in every possible ways. Doubles in the hairline, low density, hairline too low from glabella and most importantly donor fu**ed up completely by him, let's forget everything but I'll not forgive him for the over harvested he did in my donor. If I would've enough grafts, I can still get the results from some other clinic. But from where I would manage grafts, If I don't have it ? It was after three months of the procedure. I've no words actually.
  15. Hello, @gojnasv2 I've completed two months recently. I shared detailed write up in another post. I'm attaching that particular thread in the below- please go through that link if you want to read all the details, thank you.
  16. By any chance are you monitoring your BP ? And do you feel any dizziness or bit weaker while working out ?
  17. Hello, may I know your dosage for oral minoxidil. I'm on oral minoxidil 2.5 mg from the last six weeks. From yesterday I've started going back to the gym which I stopped after my HT. I'll reply here after two weeks regarding the muscle pump while working out šŸ˜ƒ
  18. Looks quite Satisfactory at the five months mark. In the next few months, overall density will be much improved. Best wishes
  19. Seems like a pretty good conservative approach from Eugenix. I personally think that between 3000-3500 grafts would be enough for you to give you good coverage. Moreover, Eugenix manages/ uses the donor with perfection. It'll not look over harvested after the extraction. Regarding the importance of medicine, In your case, even if you switch completely on tropical fin and minox It would still be beneficial rather than using nothing at all.
  20. According to Eugenix instructions, you should avoid trimming or shaving beard at least 3 days prior of your procedure.
  21. Well, in my case my surgeon was Dr. Somesh he is in the exclusive package. In terms of higher packages, Dr Priya is in the premium & Dr arika is in the super premium package. Regarding the selection of the surgeon, I asked for a video consultation with Dr. Somesh. My initial planning matched with his planning so I went for him. And I didn't have enough budget to go for higher packages. I think it would be more about with which doctor you'll be more comfortable and whom you can afford. Among all these packages, the only difference would be the doctor. Suppose If you select Dr. Arika she will be involved in planning, hairline designing, marking and will do slits. And after that will monitor the whole procedure
  22. Hello, @Hair_hunter by looking at your case I think Eugenix can be a good option for you. They've been regularly using beard donor. With ease they can give good coverage. Will you be mainly addressing mid zone and crown in this procedure ? And any plans on hairline touchup ?
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