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Sunset Dune

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Everything posted by Sunset Dune

  1. Your result looks great however I’ll be honest I was disappointed to learn you got SMP, a good transplant result shouldn’t require the patient to get fake cover ups like SMP or the use of fibers. Another thing that could have improved your result is if you had two sessions, instead of addressing the hairline and crown in one session your doctor should have just focused solely on the hairline and frontal region entirely and then you could have gone for a second surgery a year later focusing on the crown only + if you used some sort of medication during that time your results would have been even better
  2. I accidentally bumped the left side of my head on the shade of a floor lamp, I’m 24 days post op is there any chance of causing damage to my hair? (Side Donor region) There is no bleeding
  3. For how long is ketoconazole 2% use forbidden after hair transplant? I used to have itchy scalp due to minor seborheic dermatitis and dandruff but ever since I got a transplant on my hairline and fronttal region it’s stopped itching that was the most itchy area and the hairs in that area were miniaturized so I guess itchy hair really is correlated to hair loss
  4. Interesting…I have the same issue and we both had surgery with the same doctor. I’m 3 weeks post op and have yet to shed yet
  5. What made you choose Dr. arocha? Are you from the area? How was the clinic? I’m also based in Houston but I decided to go to Canada for surgery
  6. Just out of curiosity has your hair (the front) always pushed up the way it’s styled in those pictures or did that occur after hair transplant? I’ve noticed lots of hair transplant patients have their hair styled up exposing the hairline and I’m wondering if that’s how transplanted hairs stand or if the patient intentionally styles it that way
  7. When does the post op recovery period end? After 1 month? I’ve been caring for my hair meticulously since surgery but I would like to return back to my normal life activities again like working out, detailing my car, sweating outside, etc. I haven’t been very active this last month since having surgery so I would like to get my activity levels back up again
  8. It’s been mentioned here on the forums and there are a few articles online about Justin Bieber getting a transplant. I doubt he’s been using Finasteride since he made a snarky remark about it almost a decade ago. His hairline is receding and is starting to look like Jude law and Bieber is almost always wearing a hat these days.
  9. Has anyone using xyon topical Dutasteride continued using it past the use by date? What happens if you keep using it after the use by date on the sticker? Is it harmful do I need to discard it past that date
  10. True but it’s surprising to see how so many are ignorant about the industry, most don’t do any research. Justin Bieber is an example he got a hair transplant and obviously isn’t happy with the results considering he wears a hat almost every time he goes out
  11. Isn’t the sole purpose of getting a transplant is to stop having to use concealers? I think his hair looks amazing especially compared to his previous look. He had the typical receding hairline /balding look
  12. My honest opinion is this you get what you pay for Hasson and Wong is probably the best in entire North America they have the perfect team and are such a great clinic, second place would be Konior however he does most of the work himself so he can’t achieve longer sessions with more grafts like H&W does. I was a patient of Dr. Hasson earlier this month, he is a great doctor and very noble person. I’m a smaller NW around 3-4 with above average donor so they restored my receding hairline and front/mid scalp. If the their topical Dutasteride doesn’t fill in my crown I’m going back to H&W again for crown work that’s all I have left to address.
  13. Thanks for the video, how did you receive a prescription for oral minoxidil? I am also based in the United States (Texas) can a dermatologist just prescribe it to me? Did you notice any sides with the oral Minox in regards to your heart health, blood pressure etc.
  14. Melvin I have a couple questions to ask you, When you started using xyon topical Dutasteride did you notice any effect on your beard in terms of slower growth or beard thinning / getting patchy? I have the xyon topical Dutasteride at my house but I don’t plan on using it until June when my beard hits the 3 month mark so I’ll have a full beard just in case the Dutasteride thins it out or affects beard growth. Do you think this is nonsense thinking? should I just start using it now instead of wasting 2 months of not using it? Also can you please show me how the topical dutasteride is applied on the scalp? Do I need to start from the hairline to the crown or just apply it on the affected thinning areas (crown)
  15. Your signature caught my attention, so you tried XYONs topical dutasteride and still got sides?
  16. Post op instructions mentions to avoid sun exposure for the first 6 months, is it not safe to be under the sun even with a hat on will this affect the final results?
  17. When can I start working out lifting weights cardio and sweat a lot? i hate not being able to exercise it’s been almost 3 weeks post op, I had FUE surgery at H&W they are telling me I can start lifting weights after 2 weeks but I have read elsewhere you should wait 1 month should I just wait till the month ends or can I start lifting again? I paid 30k for surgery so I don’t want to risk getting a bad result but I also don’t want to lose my muscles
  18. It’s been almost 3 weeks since surgery and my transplanted hair still hasn’t fallen out yet. How long does this process take? What would happen if the hair never falls out? Does that affect results in any way
  19. There’s definitely a lighting difference between both pictures
  20. Dr Hasson wants me to use the topical dutasteride everyday, I have never used any hair loss medication before. I am scared of trying the topical Dutasteride because of side effects but I really need my crown to get fixed and they say this would help with the crown and not get sides
  21. Yes it is a legit brand and effective. It is Indian or UK
  22. Why don’t you just use only the topical Dutasteride everyday instead of taking oral fin?
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